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CIA Memo states "a former Marine Sgt of Fort Worth" who defected, left USSR

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Found this in the recent release  https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10419-10076.pdf

Ozzie was never more than Private....

Pretty sure Ms Egerter would be VERY interested... :huh:


Mr. OSWALD. I might say going through boot camp at San Diego, Calif., during the second week of boot training I was selected as the right guide of the platoon which actually was a go-between the drill instructors and the rest of the platoon, and I retained that position all the way through the remainder of the boot camp. On completion of boot camp I was a Pfc. I retained that excuse me, I retained that rank until I went to Miami, Fla., at which time on my departure from Miami, Fla., I received my corporal's stripe, and prior to leaving Korea in April of 1955 I received my sergeant's stripe which was my last stripe that I received in the Marine Corps.


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On 8/10/2018 at 3:47 PM, Paul Brancato said:

That is weird. What do you make of it?

Edit... I didn’t address the weird related to Robert...  could they have used part of his service record and his life’s journey to backstory Harvey?  Neither a sgt or really from Ft Worth...  yet the Aussie girls claim his nickname was TEX and was from Fort Worth... with his 1959 passport....  lol.

Seems just another tie between Robert and the entire charade


As MC states... more and more evidence points to Gorsky being correct with Lee leaving the Marines in March 59 after having taken a similar yet time augmented path thru marine service.  The bull necked 5’11” 165 Lee was not the man on that ship or in Russia...

(the evidence for Lee being in the US during this time is substantial...)

The sept/oct 59 trip conflict joins the many location and timing conflicts in H&L’s lives.   

The evidence for H being on that ship is compelling given the contemporaneous records and the surrounding evidence yet as we saw, the docs suggest 2 different people...


Edited by David Josephs
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On 8/10/2018 at 4:30 PM, David Josephs said:

Found this in the recent release  https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10419-10076.pdf

Ozzie was never more than Private....

Pretty sure Ms Egerter would be VERY interested... :huh:



For what it's worth...




United States Marine Corps
VietNam-era Military Occupational Specialty Codes




Aviation Electronics Operator


I can't read the other MOS number from 1957.

If that's a 6400 number, there are no 6400's in that list of MOS codes..


Steve Thomas

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It would be nice to find the article from the June 9, 1962 Washington Post, as mentioned in the HTLINGUAL intercept description, but I don't think there is a free Wash Post archive available online.

Also, concerning the U.S. National Seal watermark Mr. Pope expects to see on documents such as this, would such things be observable on b&w copies?  John Armstrong reports that the overwhelming majority of "Oswald" documents he examined at College Park were b&w copies, not originals.

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Thing was, he was a mechanic, not an air traffic controller.... or radar operator...

Does one go to Atsugi as a 6741 and not work on the U-2?

what did he do there, really...

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"When a blip appeared on his scope"

The aviation mechanic is now an air traffic controller at a secret CIA U-2 base?

Given the work of John Ely and other "biographers"... we find that there were indeed two separate and distinct sets of people connected to the different LHO's....

the SGT reference remains a mystery to me. 


This is from Epstein's book... Legend



I guess the real question becomes... Which SGT are they talking about - Robert? Lee?  Another? 

Robert E Webster served in the US Navy and worked for RAND....  not a SGT I'd assume.


Edited by David Josephs
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These are the JOHN HART ELY Interviews...

Zack STOUT is not included... as are the rest of the names ELY mentions which are foreign to him.


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