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Gloria Holt in the Darnell film confirmation

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Thanks Denis!

Thomas Graves made that same identification last year, so what you say corroborates it. The identification of the three woman was once as follows:



Then somebody posted photos of Gloria Calvery that clearly did not match the alleged Calvery in this photo. Here is the real Gloria Little Calvery:




Fair skinned Gloria Calvery could not be the tan skinned woman in the photo above. This revelation sparked Tommy Graves' interest and he eventually produced a likely identification for the tan skinned woman... Stella Jacob, a native American from Oklahoma.

Tommy checked Stella Jacob's and her coworkers' FBI statements and found that she had been standing with a Gloria Jeane Holt and a Sharon Simmons during the motorcade. Tommy found and posted this image of Gloria Jeane Holt:

(Credit: Stan Dane at the Reopen Kennedy Case website)

Gloria Jeane Holt's 1963 photo (on the left) looks very much like the middle of the three women above, and so this pretty much confirmed her identification in light of what the girls' statements had indicated.

This left Sharon Simmons unmatched, and so she must be the remaining woman of the three... the one the right. So the identifications of the three women above are Stella Jacob, Gloria Holt, and Sharon Simmons, from left to right.

Denis's revelation adds additional corroboration to this.

Here is the detailed thread presenting Tommy's identification.


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My interest in this is that it paved the way for identifying the real Gloria Calvery, which is as follows:



(It was a multi-step process in making this identification, spanning many threads.)

This identification in the Darnell film helped prove that Bill Shelley and Billy Lovelady lied in their WC depositions. Which is important because it shows that they were talked into giving false testimony designed to discredit Victoria Adams, whose testimony showed that Oswald could not have run down to the second floor to have his encounter with Officer Baker.

In other words, there was never a second-floor encounter between Baker and Oswald. Oswald was really on the main floor (street level) during the shooting. And the FBI fabricated the encounter in order to move Oswald away from there to a location he could possibly have been after (allegedly) leaving the snipers' nest.


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John Butler   

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I rarely get to agree with Robin Unger.  But, when you are right you are right.

Robin Unger   

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you have a bad habit of bumping threads to resurrect them from the dead.

threads drop of the board due to lack of interest, you should let sleeping dogs lie.

Let sleeping dogs lie.  Great comment.  Trying to identify the people in the Zapruder film standing on Elm Street between the lamppost / R L Thornton sign and the Stemmons sign is a useless endeavor.  There is visual proof that this group does not exist as shown in the Zapruder film.  The Betzner photo shows the faces of some of the alleged people standing there.  And, this apparently confirms that the people shown in Zapruder are actually there.  It is the only evidence that shows the faces of the people allegedly there that I know of available. However, there is Bronson, Moorman, Couch, Bothun, and Bell ( Sorry, not Nix) that offer different views indicating this group of people are a product of the imagination of the photo editors in the Zapruder film.  Obviously, they obtained this visual material from somewhere.  The other films and photos do not show this group standing there.



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The Bronson film:


This is probably the best known frame from the Bronson film.  Note the area of what I call Mannequin Row.  There is another peculiar thing about the Bronson film.  Mary Moorman and Jean Hill are clearly visible in this frame in the position they are supposed to be in on Elm Street.  However, see if you can find them in the next frame.



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Moorman Polaroid #3:


The notes on this photo are self-explanatory.  It is one of the rare views into the Zapruder gap.  Some people say the group to the photo right in front of the TSBD is the group between the R l Thornton sign / lamppost and the Stemmons sign.  But, they are not.  Part of this group is the group of black people photographed by Robert Croft.

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6 hours ago, John Butler said:

I rarely get to agree with Robin Unger.  But, when you are right you are right. 


A clarification for the benefit of forum members reading this thread:

Robin Unger was open to the identifications Tommy Graves had made regarding Stella Jacob, Gloria Holt, and Sharon Simmons. (See this.) He said, "I have an open mind" and "as for Hicks and Reed, i am open for discussion regarding there identities."

The thing that John Butler is agreeing with Robin Unger on is a post he made where he said, "

"you [Tommy] have a bad habit of bumping threads to resurrect them from the dead. threads drop of the board due to lack of interest, you should let sleeping dogs lie."

Which is strange because:

  1. The thread wasn't exactly "dead". It was only five days old.
  2. It was Robin himself who bumped the thread, not Tommy. (See this.) And he bumped it to ask Tommy a question.

The remainder of of what John Butler posted are his own musings.


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