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Lumpkin, Gannaway, and the DPD-Army Intelligence network

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2 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

On the suppression/inaccuracy of the 112th's reports:  Do you think Jones made up his story that he learned about the Hidell card from someone (Doughty?) and passed it on to the FBI by 3:15 pm on 11/22?




From Paul Hoch’s Third Decade article”



I don’t know if Sylvia Meagher or Paul Hoch were aware of the 4150th Army Reserve Training School located in Dallas. Army Reserve Colonel, and Dallas Deputy Chief of Police, George Lumpkin was the Commandant of that School. He played a pivotal role in getting an interpreter for Marina Oswald. B.B. Smith, also a Deputy Chief of Police and the Director of the Dallas Civil Defense and Disaster Commission, whose headquarters was located at the Fairgrounds, was also associated with the School. Colonel George Whitmeyer, who Winston Lawson said “taught Army Intelligence”, probably taught at that same school on the E. Northwest Highway.

see: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25557-4150th/?tab=comments#comment-395116


I don't think Jones needed Doughty.


Steve Thomas

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Colonel George Lumpkin, Deputy Chief of Police. Commandant of the 4150th Army Reserve Training School. Took command of the Texas School Depository crime scene following the assassination. First reported Oswald as “missing”. Played pivotal role in securing interpreter for Marina Oswald. Took control of the first draft of the Dallas Police Dispatch Tapes which were submitted to the Secret Service.

Colonel Boise Smith, Dallas Police Department, Deputy Chief of Police. Director, Civil Defense and Disaster Commission, whose Headquarters was at the Dallas Fairgrounds with its own continuity of government communications system.

Colonel Geoge Whitmeyer, “...taught Army intelligence”. Rode in motorcade pilot car which made an unexplained stop in front of the TSBD during the motorcade.

Colonel Harold D. Byrd. Chief Executive Officer of Civil Air Patrol. Owned the TSBD. Later employed Mac Wallace after he was convicted of killing John Kinser.


Revolt of the Colonels?


Steve Thomas

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On 2/17/2019 at 10:11 PM, Bill Simpich said:

"The headquarters of the Special Services unit was not at City Hall, but at the Dallas Fair Grounds, where Crichton’s underground Emergency Command and Communications bunker was also located. Pat Gannaway, the head of the unit, was also a Army Reserve officer, as were most of his men.

In that vein...

Take a look at this write-up of the Dallas Civil Defense Emergency Operations Center in Fair Park?  It was linked to national, state and local authorities.  

Chief Pat Gannaway's Special Service Division was based in Fair Park, and also linked to these same authorities. 



In the spirit of your original thread title:

Gary Mack posted this in the Usenet Group alt.assassination.jfk on June 7, 2000.



"Dallas Police Special Services Captain Pat Gannaway died June 4 in Austin,
Texas.  Gannaway provided the FBI with Jack Ruby's DPD file and also
interviewed Jose Molina, one of several TSBD employees police were curious

Here's the paid obituary from today's News:

Deaths Funerals  -  The Dallas Morning News  -  06/07/2000

GANNAWAY W.P. ``PAT'' age 84, died unexpectedly Sunday June 4, 2000. He
was born in Whitney, Texas on February 3, 1916. Pat was a member of Hyde
Park Baptist Church. Pat graduated from Whitney High School and later
attended Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. He moved
to Dallas, Texas where he was a city police officer until he entered the
Army through the Selective Service in September, 1942.

He was commissioned a second lieutenant at the Army Engineer Officer
Candidate School at Fort Belvoir, Virginia on July 7, 1943 and assigned to
the 328th Engineer Combat Battalion of the 103rd Infantry Division, Camp
Claiborne, Louisiana. He went overseas with this division as a platoon
leader of 3rd Plt, Company A, 328th Engineer Combat Battalion. While with
this division he was awarded a Bronze Star Medal and one Oak Leak Cluster
for his contribution to the successful completion of the division's
mission as reflected in general orders 44 and 142, 103rd Infantry
Division, 1945. After the 103rd Division captured Innsbruck, Austria he
was transferred to the 45th Infantry Division and designated company
commander of Company A, 120th Engineer Combat Battalion. When the 45th
Division was demobilized he was placed on inactive status as a captain

He returned to the Dallas Police Department but continued his military
training in the USAR. He transferred to the Army Intelligence Service and
retired as a lieutenant colonel Al-USAR on February 3, 1976. He also
retired from the Dallas Police Department with the rank of Director in
July 1971. After retirement he moved to Austin, Texas and became
Coordinator Against Organized Crime for the Criminal Justice Department.
He served in this position until he retired in 1978."


PS: I'm going to put him with the "Colonels" notes I have.

Steve Thomas


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So, in summary, military cmdrs led the motorcade, fed culpatory info to investigators, trained the patsy, served as de facto leaders of any lower-ranking reserves personnel among the ranks of SS, FBI, and, DPD, dictated the autopsy, destroyed military assassination records relevant to the case - and, of course, invaded and occupied Vietnam following JFK's removal from power.

Edited by Jon Pickering
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FBI Subject Files, William Paul Gannaway:









Newton Fisher would later become a Deputy Chief of Police in the Patrol Division. I wonder if he would go on to become another Colonel in the Reserves.


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The Dallas police claimed they had no knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination.   Gannaway said his intelligence unit tracked subversives and radicals, just like the FBI did, and that he had first-hand information on all of them - but he knew nothing about Oswald.  How is that possible? 

It made the newspapers when Oswald defected from Fort Worth, and Oswald's photo ran with a headline in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram when he returned in 1962.   Even the Washington Post heralded Oswald's return.  Take a look at this summary and chronology.

Is it credible that Gannaway didn't know the Fort Worth Communist Party members, that knew about it from the newspapers?  Jim Hosty knew all about Oswald - it stands to reason Gannaway should have known too - they met every day. 

The argument between Gannaway's lieutenant Jim Revill and Hosty in the minutes after Kennedy's shooting revealed "tender spots" between the two regarding what the FBI knew about Oswald and what the Dallas police might have known.  That argument has been analyzed for a long time - Hosty visited Gannaway's office every day for info on subersives and Gannaway was proud of having penetrated most of the subversive groups.  Let's look at some salient facts about the FBI's knowledge of Oswald that Gannaway almost certainly had...

The still unknown DL 16-S & DL 20-S - FBI informants either inside or linked with the Fort Worth branch of the Communist Party - knew about Oswald years before 11/22/63, and told the FBI.  The FBI convinced the ARRB to withhold their names.

If anybody on the Dallas force knew about Oswald before 11/22/63, it was Pat Gannaway and his ex-partner George Butler.   It's hard to believe Gannaway didn't know about Oswald.  Butler knew a lot about Ruby, and he probably told Gannaway.  Researcher John Simkin writes that Will Fritz placed Butler in immediate charge of the downtown jail the morning of Nov. 24 when Oswald was shot by Ruby.  Butler knew all about Ruby, he had questioned him at length in 1950.   

As for Oswald, the FBI knew about Oswald for several years before 1963 - their sources while he was in the USSR included "Communists in Fort Worth".  It's hard to believe that these sources were not known to the Dallas police as well, and Gannaway and Butler in particular.   And how could they avoid the local and national stories about LHO?

Oswald's departure from the US and his return to the Dallas/Fort Worth area in mid-1962 was reported in the newspapers.  The industrial security officers like Max Clark and I.B. Hale at General Dynamics, oil intelligence agent George de Mohrenschildt,  prominent White Russians like George Bouhe, and Cuban exiles like Sylvia Odio all knew about LHO's presence in town well before Nov 22, 1963.  Butler was busy investigating Odio and the Cuban exiles in particular.

Jim Angleton himself told the Church Committee that Oswald’s re-defection and return to the US should have been “the highest priority for the intelligence community”.

For more on why Gannaway should have known about Oswald, take a look at this chronology.

Start with this discussion in 1947 - Gannaway was working on confidential investigations on the vice squad with his partner Lt. George Butler.  This report adds:

"(Gannaway) is extremely well informed as to the criminal activity in this city...knows or can determine the associates of practically all characters in the city."

1946-1947:  "The Kefauver Committee conspicuously failed, as Ruby's lawyer Luis Kutner alleged, to expose the extent of the Chicago mob's takeover of Dallas gambling in 1946-47, when Ruby himself moved from Chicago to Dallas.  (Scott, Deep Politics, p. 162)
Butler set it up by arranging a meeting between Jones and Sheriff Steve Guthrie. Jones offered Guthrie an annual sum of $150,000. This conversation was recorded and Jones was eventually convicted of attempted bribery. Jones appealed his three-year sentence on grounds that he had been entrapped by a well-established corrupt law-enforcement system in Dallas.

According to Seth Kantor: "Butler's... knowledge of organized crime was so intimate that he had been the key man in the department contacted by the Chicago mob when they chose to move into Dallas in 1946 and make police payoffs" and later he was "loaned by the Dallas police department to aid three different U.S. Senate investigatory groups as an expert on gangster operations".

Ruby was interrogated behind closed doors at a Kefauver Committee hearing by Lt. George Butler of the Dallas Police in 1950.

Kefauver congratulated Butler in 1950 for stopping corruption from reaching Dallas.  (Scott, Deep Politics, p. 152 -  Butler contradicted this statement in 1958.) 

According to Michael Benson, Butler was an associate of Haroldson L. Hunt.   His source was probably  Bill Turner, who wrote that Butler made a point of driving H.L. Hunt to his speaking engagements.

1955:   Butler transferred from the field of racketeers and mobsters and into the juvenile division.  (Stated in the 1958 testimony, below)
Butler testified mainly about how the mob moved in during the late 40s with their coin-operated machines into Dallas and had an 18  million dollar enterprise - hardly what he testified in 1950.
Gambling and prostitution were endemic in Dallas during this period, so Butler was putting on RFK or RFK was letting it happen for political reasons.  This document shows mobster Pat Manning promising Butler that gambling was all the mob wanted, and he would prevent other stuff from happening.
In 1961 - Lt. George Butler also provided information to W. Penn Jones Jr. According to Jones, Butler told him that 50% of the Dallas Police Department were also members of the Ku Klux Klan.  More to the point, he also wanted Jones to start a statewide Klan newspaper with him!  (Bill Turner, Ramparts, June 1967)
Days after Marguerite Oswald asks the State Dept. about the fate of her son in the USSR, a Fort Worth CP meeting on 1/29/61 was held at 1423 Clinton Street, with both DL 16-S and DL 20-S reporting on the meeting.  Within the month,  DL 16-S and DL 20-S inform FBI agent John Fain that Oswald is not known to the Fort Worth Communist Party.   

On June 23, 1961, four days after John Fain receives the mailing list from New York with FPCC subscriber and Dallas resident Ernest Larson on it , Fain again asks his informants T-3 and T-4 aka DL-16-S and DL-20-S about Oswald.   These informants know Oswald is a defector simply by reading the local newspapers.

Five days later, a government clerk in Fort Worth, Dixie Wilson, tips off the FBI about Oswald's special training as an electronics operator and a radio operator.
In November 1961 - DL-16-S and Dallas CP head Bill Lowery (DL-2-S) are both questioned by the FBI about the Minutemen - here is Bill Lowery ID'd as DL 2-S.  Lowery came out as an 18 year informant on the Communist Party just weeks before the assassination.Gannaway's office had a file on Lowery and other CP members going back to at least 1955 - Lowery and DL 16-S do not know anything about them at that time.  (In 1965, DL 16-S and DL 20-S were interviewed along with Gen. Walker's attorney regarding a Klan plot.,)   

DL 16-S and DL 20-S are questioned again after Oswald's return in mid-1962, and say that Lee and Marina are not involved in any Communist activities in Fort Worth.

In the small world department, it is fascinating that during the summer of 1962, Bill Lowery and other Communists in Dallas were focused on the "Penn Jones case" - apparently involving his newspaper in some way - and that the Communist Party meeting reports got turned in faithfully to Jim Hosty.

During the 1962-63 period, Trudy Castorr of Dallas (wife of Col. Castorr) discusses at great length how Butler was also pals with Sylvia Odio and got deep inside information from the whole Dallas Cuban crowd.  Trudy Castorr made a point of giving him letters from Lucille Connell about Odio.  Sylvia Odio was the cousin of Marcella Insua, the daughter of Joaquin Insua (an FBI informant and the head of Catholic Cuban Relief in Dallas).  

On the night of Nov 22, 1963, Gannaway led the raid on the home of TSBD employee Joe Molina.  Molina probably didn't know it, but the Communist Party in Dallas had been manipulating events to favor Molina in his work with the American GI Forum (a Latino rights group) since at least 1955.

Who are DL 16-S and DL 20-S?   Like Oswald, It is not credible they were not known to Gannaway's intelligence unit.  That's why their names remain withheld.
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3 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

The Dallas police claimed they had no knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination.   Gannaway said his intelligence unit tracked subversives and radicals, just like the FBI did, and that he had first-hand information on all of them - but he knew nothing about Oswald.  How is that possible?

As for Oswald, the FBI knew about Oswald for several years before 1963 - their sources while he was in the USSR included "Communists in Fort Worth".  It's hard to believe that these sources were not known to the Dallas police as well, and Gannaway and Butler in particular.   And how could they avoid the local and national stories about LHO?

In the small world department, it is fascinating that during the summer of 1962, Bill Lowery and other Communists in Dallas were focused on the "Penn Jones case" - apparently involving his newspaper in some way - and that the Communist Party meeting reports got turned in faithfully to Jim Hosty.Lowery.



I think there was a fatal flaw in the Dallas Police Intelligence files in that they seemed to concentrate their efforts in monitoring groups as opposed to single individuals. If you weren't a member of a group, you didn't get entered into their files.

From Revill's Report to Gannaway dated February 5, 1964:

Revill’s Report to Gannaway on subversive groups in Dallas. DPD Archives Box 14, Folder# 4, Item# 52


“increased its efforts in attempting to gather data concerning known extremist and subversive groups in Dallas."


From Roy Westphal’s interview with Larry Sneed in No More Silence pp 329-330:

https://books.google.com/books?id=7uT-47ysB5MC&pg=PA326&lpg=PA326&dq=Dallas+"+Roy+Westphal"&source=bl&ots=eii6yRhLo8&sig=nr0C2_dukxaBfdcQiFnDLg3ugKM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjt-9Xpi8nRAhVpwFQKHZBBDX0Q6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=Dallas " Roy Westphal"&f=false

It's not so much the emphasis on Joe Molina, it's the emphasis on the group to which he belonged.



“We didn’t keep files on the Democrats or Republicans, but we did on organizations that could cause problems”.

I think that's why Oswald didn't make it into the DPD's Criminal Intelligence Division files. He didn't belong to a group. Even with the ACLU, as per Michael Paine, (which was one of the groups Revill mentioned in his Report), he spoke at one of their meetings, but never joined it.


Steve Thomas

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My central point is that I think FBI's John Fain, Jim Hosty and Dallas' Pat Gannaway and Jack Revill were working with the same group of Communists from Fort Worth and Dallas.  And there weren't more than a dozen of them at most.  

Two of those Communists knew about Oswald and told Hosty and Fain about him.  Gannaway and Revill must have had access to the same information.  What gave their life meaning if not hunting Communists?

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7 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

My central point is that I think FBI's John Fain, Jim Hosty and Dallas' Pat Gannaway and Jack Revill were working with the same group of Communists from Fort Worth and Dallas.  And there weren't more than a dozen of them at most.  

Two of those Communists knew about Oswald and told Hosty and Fain about him.  Gannaway and Revill must have had access to the same information.  What gave their life meaning if not hunting Communists?



From Westphal's interview in No More Silence:




Steve Thomas

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