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Lumpkin, Gannaway, and the DPD-Army Intelligence network

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Steve, I could have sworn that you found a document some time ago which showed that the original source of the communication was a general message that had come out of the Army headquarters in Washington late that afternoon and that it was being recirculated among a number of headquarters as SOP.  Seems like this was discussed at length then and that Jones was wrong other than the fact that it certainly did not originate in the 112th.  It seemed to make a great deal of sense given that it reads like a headquarters message that would go to a number of commands.  I had put it out of my mind after that exchange...should have saved something I suppose.  It also made sense given that Strike Command was a virtual command, being largely a headquarters group and its assets were within field Army groups including the armored units at Fort Bliss and commands like the 101st -  if I recall correctly. 

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7 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Steve, I could have sworn that you found a document some time ago which showed that the original source of the communication was a general message that had come out of the Army headquarters in Washington late that afternoon and that it was being recirculated among a number of headquarters as SOP.  Seems like this was discussed at length then and that Jones was wrong other than the fact that it certainly did not originate in the 112th.  It seemed to make a great deal of sense given that it reads like a headquarters message that would go to a number of commands.  I had put it out of my mind after that exchange...should have saved something I suppose.  It also made sense given that Strike Command was a virtual command, being largely a headquarters group and its assets were within field Army groups including the armored units at Fort Bliss and commands like the 101st -  if I recall correctly. 



Yes. That's what the cable actually is. It's coming out of Washington summarizing an earlier phone call between a Captain Saxton at US Srikom and a Lt. Col Fons at DCSINTEL.

For those interested, it's in:


It's in the Weisberg Collection.



If I remember correctly, the local 112th in Dallas didn't know anything about it, and the suggestion is that Stringfellow communicated his info about Oswald directly to San Antonio.

Stringfellow was manning the radio at the Fairrounds, and I think he talked directly to Fort Sam Houston. But how it got from Fort Sam Houston to McDill in FL. is a mystery - to me anyway.

Jones told the HSCA, "I take no pride of ownership of it."


Steve Thomas

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I need to really study the message routing again but its entirely possible CONARC, which is continental Army headquarters, put out a general query to major commands in regard to anything they had on Oswald, some of the commands may have circulated that to associated commands that were on their distribution list and Fort Worth responded....  just a thought, will look at the routing more when I have time.   Of course at the same time Jones was happily sharing anything he could find in his files with DPD.

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On 2/11/2019 at 6:02 AM, Larry Hancock said:

B.A.  my paper and  the study that's on available on C.D. - including the extended Prouty interview - are all based on extensive documents including internal memos from the ARRB.  I'm sure there are more available, and that Malcolm got many of them but my writing was based on at least three or four hundred pages of ARRB documents.

Ah ok, thanks a ton as always Larry!

Hey Bill, I must say, as I read the ARRB document on Prouty, wow.....I mean what a document...I mean if that isn't embarrassing, I don't know what is. I don't mean to seemingly toss dirt at Prouty but they really put the questions to the guy and he was just fell apart as far as any factual data is concerned :(.

Edited by B. A. Copeland
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This question, this avenue of research, always disappears. Do we not think the confluence of Military Intelligence outfits and Dallas Police Detectives interesting? 

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I think it is completely fascinating.  With Lumpkin presenting LHO’s boss RoyTruly to Fritz as the first instance of suspicion that  Oswald was involved in JFK’s death...combined with Gannaway falsely claiming there was “a roll call” of the employees in the minutes after the shooting...that puts Army Intelligence chiefs at the center of the frame-up of Oswald.

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9 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

This document shows a variety of intelligence sources obtained about dangers to JFK in the days before 11/22, which Gannaway generally would have known about.



It appears from this document, https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=62282&relPageId=47&search=Elkins

See p. 47

that the member of the DPD "Intelligence Unit" along with a member of the Secret Service that visited Elkins, was Jack Revill.


Steve Thomas

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Robert E. Jones. from M. Blunt.

I hope to add a few more by week's end.

Jones was never interviewed by the Warren Commission or by any other government body" (before the House Committee interviewed him)

Edited by Bart Kamp
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On 2/15/2019 at 2:02 AM, Bill Simpich said:

I think it is completely fascinating.  With Lumpkin presenting LHO’s boss RoyTruly to Fritz as the first instance of suspicion that  Oswald was involved in JFK’s death...combined with Gannaway falsely claiming there was “a roll call” of the employees in the minutes after the shooting...that puts Army Intelligence chiefs at the center of the frame-up of Oswald.



Memorandum by SS Agent Roger Warner and Elmer Moore dated 12/1/63

These became the SS copy of the Dispatch Tapes found in CD 87 beginning on page 636 and running to page 644.


Page 5.

On November 29, 1963, SA Warner conferred with Chief Lumpkin, Police Department, relative to reports of Police dispatches covering the arrival of President Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, the subsequent assassination and removal of President Kennedy to Parkland Memorial Hospital. These broadcasts were transmitted on Channel 2 which was an auxiliary channel used by the Police for special occasions. Also Chief Lumpkin provided for transcription on our tape the Police recordings of Channel# 1, the standard Police band which on the date of the Presidential assassination contained the Police broadcasts relative to the capture of Lee Harvey Oswald and the shooting of Police Officer Tippit.”


Someone who is better at this than I am would know if key dispatches were left out of this set of transcripts. Didn't the WC judge them to be "inadequate", and demanded better copies?


Steve Thomas

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Bill Kelly’s article in JFKcontercoup entitled “Following the ACSI Colonels around the board” delves into this a lot. Can someone link the article? I can’t get copy paste to work.

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Thanks for the ACSI Colonels article.  I think the most cogent section is this:

"The headquarters of the Special Services unit was not at City Hall, but at the Dallas Fair Grounds, where Crichton’s underground Emergency Command and Communications bunker was also located. Pat Gannaway, the head of the unit, was also a Army Reserve officer, as were most of his men.

In that vein...

Take a look at this write-up of the Dallas Civil Defense Emergency Operations Center in Fair Park?  It was linked to national, state and local authorities.  

Chief Pat Gannaway's Special Service Division was based in Fair Park, and also linked to these same authorities. 
The article also points out again Lumpkin stopped in the middle of Dealey Plaza and gave the sniper(s) a big heads-up that the motorcade was coming.
After the shooting, Lumpkin buttonholed Truly - the man who had chased down Oswald and let him go just minutes after the shooting - and who was now "suspicious" because Oswald was not on the scene (along with many other employees) - and Lumpkin dragged Truly over to Fritz to sound the alarm on Oswald.
Gannaway is quoted in the afternoon saying that Truly took a roll call (which never happened).  
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