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Roadblocks to an author getting the truth out

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3 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

One of the critics I most admire, David Walsh of the World Socialist Web Site,

did massive preparation for his thoughtful and gratifying April 24 review of

my 2018 book HOW DID LUBITSCH DO IT? and his accompanying interview

with me about that book and my new book, FRANKLY: UNMASKING FRANK CAPRA.





Thanks, Joe. Read that interview last night. Walsh is very perceptive, and never lazy as you note. Walsh, David Bordwell, and Tony Rayns used to be regular attendees at the Vancouver Film Festival. 

Travelled through Monument Valley last year with your John Ford book on my mind. As well as your commentary for "My Darling Clementine" etc. 

The Criterion Collection has just launched a streaming service, where Ford and Lubitsch films can be appreciated for a nominal monthly subscription.  

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Thanks, Jeff, glad you like it. David did a great job. I appreciate your comments too on my work on John Ford.

It was great working with you on two videos in Len Osanic's 50 REASONS . . . FOR 50 YEARS series,

the ones on the Tippit murder and on "Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination." You did superb editing

and videography, and I appreciated your deep knowledge of the field. 


Edited by Joseph McBride
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  • 4 weeks later...

I now have a website collecting information, reviews, interviews,

photos, documents, etc., for my new book, FRANKLY: UNMASKING FRANK CAPRA:


Edited by Joseph McBride
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Evan, many directors create myths around themselves. DeMille was

a reactionary who was a leader in blacklisting and even had

a private intelligence service on others in the industry. So I don't think

much of him as a human being, or as a director for that matter, although

he did some striking work in the silent period, such as THE CHEAT.

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OK Thanks, Did you ever wonder why he would be picked to get the oral message along with Bush? I have my own theory because I reported to the FBI in 91 and again last may that I was set up by a Domestic CIA group to go on a Chartered Hootenanny tour of the South when the Tour managers wanted me to go because they knew me and My ROTC roommate, Phil Ochs, were investigating the Plot. My Dad who was Gus Hall's Lieutenant CPUSA, finally believed my story when he read your article in the Nation.

So, I saw Hoover on the extra Chartered bus I was earlier forced onto. The Bus Picked him up at the Houston Airport along with the Bushes, other operatives, two Dallas cops with an Oswald look-alike in custody and late that night after Hoover and the Bushes got off, the Oswald double was shotgunned. Saturday, the Remaining of the Tour, Strangers and myself left for the trip back to LA. Two men with earpieces and talking on there radios were sitting in front of me and I thought I might be a dead man. So I asked the one near the window, "who shot President Kennedy" and he said as he pointed to the front of the bus where I saw Hoover and Bush sitting together the day before, "Hoover said it was a test that went bad, and it wasn't the Cubans". I asked him if he was FBI and he said no, he was with NASA. Now I assumed the other agent sitting  with him was also NASA or pretending but now I wonder if it makes sense to speculate the quiet one was Capt. Edwards of the DIA. One reporter told me during an interview about the Folk Music Movie, Inside Llewelyn Davis, "So you are the only one who knows where Hoover was on that day" If that was a question, I say yes.

Edited by Jim Glover
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That's OK, then there is more to Dallas than the good things you have researched and uncovered. Maybe you haven't heard of my duo Jim and Jean and Phil Ochs so I usually start with a good study by William Kelly. You might find some interesting stuff about Bush here too.

Phil Ochs at Dealey Plaza?



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