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garrison.: The Journal of History & Deep Politics, Issue 003 is available for purchase.

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The third issue of garrison.: The Journal of History & Deep Politics has been released!

You can get the print version or the e-book PDF version at the LuLu page of Midnight Writer News Publications.

Some of the featured articles are as follows:

Cover Story: Edward Curtin, “America’s Doll House: A Vast Tapestry of Lies”

Whitney Webb on Jeffrey Epstein and Intellience

Edgar Tatro on Earl Ruby, Jim Southwood, the Radical Right, & the NSA

David Ray Griffin, “9/11: The Killing of the First Responders”

David Talbot on Jeffrey Epstein

Joseph Green on fact & fiction in the film All the President’s Men

Joseph Green’s tribute to the late Paul Krassner

Richard Bartholomew on “Apollo Denial: The ‘Moon Landing Hoax’ Hoax”

Casey Quinlan, “Frontier Justice: JFK – A Targeted Kill”

Brian Edwards, “A Tactical Analysis of the Elm Street Ambush”

David Knight, “The JFK Assassination: A New Theory, A New Weapon”

Jim Hougan’s three-part article on Jonestown (printed here in its entirety)

Kevin Ryan, “7 Questions to Evaluate 19 Suspects of 9/11”

Walt Brown, PhD on Earl Warren & Robert Mueller

William E. Kelly, Jr. on Valkyrie & Pathfinder in Dealey Plaza

Michael Chesser, MD on The JFK Autopsy Evidence (part one in a series)

Phillip F. Nelson on The McCains Mutiny

Larry Rivera on The Twin “Lee Oswald” Visa Applications

Keith Harmon Snow, the third and final part of his Genocide in Rwanda series

Robert Groden on Rose Cheramie

Michele Metta on Clay Shaw, The CMC, and the Stay-Behind Network

Two articles by Caitlin Johnstone

A reprint of Carl Oglesby’s “A Program for Liberals” (with permission of Oglesby family)

… and more.

When ordering, please be careful to order the correct version (print or e-book). Both have the same cover.


Garrison 003 Front Cover for Edu Forum.jpg

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I strongly encourage everyone here to support this journal.

It is one of the very few publications out there that helps give a platform to real alternative voices and viewpoints. Writers like Ed Curtin, Whitney Webb, Talbot and Chesser are well worth reading.  And you will not find them together in any other publication.

But to get on newstands, and to survive it needs a regular and reliable base. It is not cheap to publish a professionally bound, glossy, and color covered zine.

So give garrison a boost.

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If interested, LuLu is running a special on all print books from now through October 31. If you type in ONEFIVE (all caps) at checkout, you get 15% off. That's a pretty good deal if you're buying the new issue or any of the three. Thanks.



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Where else can you get over 200 pages of alternative news and opinion between two covers of a Zine?

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Good Paul.  

Read it between your gigs up there by the bay.

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Jim Hougan on Jonestown is really fascinating.

The work he did on Jim Jones is really first rate stuff.

And the thing I like about him is he can write.  Therefore he makes complex ideas understandable.

And Caitlin Johnstone is always humorous and insightful.

I really like the way it always had something on JFK.  Or else why call the Zine what it is?

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I was reading Michael Meier’s semi-recent book on Jonestown, THE SECOND HOLOCAUST, which is appalling, horrible, and sometimes actually just darkly funny, as Meiers has a sardonic way of nodding towards the most horrible elements of the story, and then elbowing you to point out that there was something even darker that you’d missed. 

The congressional report on Jonestown and the death of Senator Ryan, which I was looking at this week, is a couple of hundred pages long, but 80% is reprints of news stories from elsewhere. The actual report which the investigative committee put together is at the front of the document, and is around thirty pages long. Two of those thirty pages are a long sequential list of all the people they interviewed, and that part is longer than the section on Jim Jones, which - under a heading reading BACKGROUND - runs twelve sentences. So that tells you how much, or how little background info they wanted to put out about a guy who had been on the fringes of MK Ultra and the CIA’s Latin American activities before he assembled those families in the Guyana jungle. Is there a recent Jonestown thread here at the Ed Forum? I might post further thoughts there if there is, or start a thread if there isn’t.

Edited by Anthony Thorne
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If I may, garrison will always have a section on JFK research, writings on Watergate, and coverage of Africa. This is a promise I made to myself and to the readers when I started garrison, that those three items will be covered in every issue. In fact, in this issue, I even split the table of contents up so that JFK-related research has its own section in the TOC. I've been inspired by the great publications of the past, including Probe, Ramparts, Steamshovel, etc. They all stayed on the JFK (assassinations of the 1960s) story and the Watergate story. As a former IB and AP high school history teacher, I saw, live and in person, the lack of knowledge being conveyed about modern Africa. Because one of the goals of garrison is to get into classrooms (we are currently building a team of educators who have promised to use it in class in exchange for a PDF of the issue; and yes, we ask for a copy of the work sheet, quiz, or assignment they create from the magazine, mainly because I'm interested how it's used), I care very much about fielding a wide range of material. Jim Hougan's Jonestown piece was printed years ago for Lobster, but if I understand correctly, it was printed in three parts and without graphics. I wanted to change that here, printing it as one longer piece and with graphics. if you haven't read Jim DiEugenio's article on JFK and the Middle East (garrison 001), you should. Edward Curtin's cover story in 003 is amazing, truly, but if you haven't read Ray Locker's recent Watergate research, the cover story in 002 is also well worth it. And Jim is correct: Caitlin Johnstone is singular right now. She's an incredible compilation of smart, hilarious, and raw. I've read it more than a few times, but I still laugh when I read her re-write of the first Democratic debate in issue 002. This is a great magazine (or, maybe a journal at 252 pages), and it's because of the writers. I'm including the TOC for 003 here. I haven't posted it anywhere else, but I really like and respect this board and thought you all might like to see it. Thanks, everyone.       

Garrison 003 TOC.pdf

Edited by S.T. Patrick
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1 hour ago, S.T. Patrick said:

one of the goals of garrison is to get into classrooms

It is a pleasure to throw a little financial support to such a wonderful project. We all need to further publicize this with our friends and acquaintances. And I love the combo of guaranteed JFK / Watergate / Africa. 

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Actually Rob, that is really important to the JFK story. 

E.g. the Congo and the murders of Lumumba and Hammarskjold.

That story is finally getting some attention.  A good film to see is Cold Case Hammarskjold.  That film goes beyond even Susan Williams' book Who Killed Hammarskjold.

It just may turn out that the TRC documents were correct.  Allen Dulles had a hand in it.


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At my talk in Dallas this month, I will use some prefatory remarks to thank Malcolm Blunt.

That talk could not exist in its present form without his work.

And that essay I did for garrison on Kennedy and the Middle East also could not have existed without his work. The guy does not just go to NARA.  The documents he got for me on JFK and Nasser and Israel were from the Kennedy Library. I could have written an essay on JFK and the Middle East, but it would not have been studded with primary source documents without the several folders Malcolm sent me on the subject.  And therefore that essay could not have been nearly as good. 

Malcolm Blunt is really indispensable to this effort in many ways.

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Malcolm is great. His tribute to Ian Griggs in issue 002 was very touching.  Well done. Next year, there will be one UK-centric issue of the magazine. It will be made up of UK and American writers writing about UK issues and/or UK writers writing about American history. I'm assuming Malcolm and Bart will write about something related to the Kennedy assassination. If they are both still on board to do it - and they were months ago when we discussed it - Malcolm and Bart Kamp will serve as co-asst editors for the issue. That's probably late spring / early summer 2020. We'll be looking for/at pieces on Diana, Jack the Ripper (by Richard Jones), Brexit, diamonds in Africa, Cecil Rhodes, Titanic, and much more. it should be a good issue. 


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