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David Rockefeller and the deposed Shah of Iran

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David Talbot wrote on Facebook today and yes it includes information about the assassination of JFK:

This is a must-read article about how deep power secretly operates in America. Based on documents recently donated to Yale University, the papers reveal how David Rockefeller -- the chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank and the personification of deep state intrigue -- used his Washington-Wall Street network to pressure President Jimmy Carter into letting the Shah of Iran into the United States. Two weeks after Carter did so against his better judgment, a mob stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran -- and relations between the two nations became so poisonous that they've never recovered.

The influential network that David Rockefeller -- scion of the oil dynasty -- used to browbeat President Carter into submission reads like a who's who of the U.S. Deep State. It included former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a lifelong beneficiary of Rockefeller family sponsorship; former CIA director and U.S. ambassador to Iran, Richard Helms; banker-diplomat John McCloy, another Rockefeller retainer who could be found at the center of many deep state operations throughout the Cold War, including his tenure on the Warren Commission; and Archibald Roosevelt Jr., another Chase Manhattan-CIA hybrid whose cousin Kermit Roosevelt Jr. had orchestrated the infamous CIA-backed coup in Iran that had replaced a democratic government with the shah's autocratic rule.

David Rockefeller, whose bank had reaped billions from financial transactions with the shah's regime, was eager to keep him happy after he was deposed by a popular revolt in 1979. Rockefeller and his clubby CIA-Wall Street circle even hoped to repeat its 1953 dark victory and reinstall the shah on his Peacock Throne.

Rockefeller Inc. failed to reverse Iran's history but these deep state forces did succeed in toppling President Carter and replacing him with Ronald Reagan, with its own profound tragedies for America and the world. Rockefeller's elite circle ensured Carter's defeat in 1980 by making sure the president couldn't pull off an October Surprise and win the release of U.S. embassy hostages on the eve of the election. Although this NYT article doesn't tell this part of the story, the powerful espionage forces behind the Reagan campaign pulled off its own October Surprise -- engineering a secret, treasonous deal with representatives of Iran's new theocratic government. In return for delaying release of the hostages until after the November presidential election, Iran's mullahs were promised U.S. military aid. The subsequent Iran-Contra arms deal would blow up the Reagan administration years later.

One other important observation about this dark episode in U.S. history -- and unsurprisingly this part of the story is also left out by the NY Times. Several of the principal characters in the shady shah operation are also implicated in the assassination of President Kennedy and its cover-up, including Helms and McCloy and even David Rockefeller himself. As I report in my book "The Devil's Chessboard," David and brother Nelson Rockefeller were closely aligned with the deeply sinister Dulles brothers. Many of Allen Dulles's "black ops" during his rule at the CIA were secretly funded by off-the-books Rockefeller money. The Rockefeller brothers were mortal enemies of President Kennedy -- especially his liberal reform policies in Latin America which the Rockefellers feared were endangering autocratic regimes in the region along with their family's oil and financial interests. Nelson Rockefeller, governor of New York at the time, was also hoping to replace Kennedy in the White House in 1964. There is evidence that Rockefeller money was secretly used to finance the assassination operation against JFK in Dallas.

There's a crack in everything -- that's how the light gets in, as Leonard Cohen enlightened us. Today there's a crack of light in the Sunday Times.

The fateful decision in 1979 to admit Mohammed Reza Pahlavi prompted the seizure of the American Embassy in Tehran and helped doom the Carter presidency.
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And let's not forget JFK vs. the Rockefeller-supported Federal Reserve.

Plus RFK's open opposition to Rockefeller-backed policies in South American countries.

What, though, is the "evidence that Rockefeller money was secretly used to finance the assassination operation against JFK in Dallas"?  And only Dallas?

Edited by David Andrews
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Iran has good reason to be more than just being mad at the United States, which it portrays as the Great Satan. Of course, the media never mentions the historical events that caused the two nations to cease having friendly relations.

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We have, essentially, inserted ourselves in the Shia vs. Sunni conflict and exacerbated it. We support the Kings, wherever their gold, black or otherwise, is exploitable by demagogues who control their people in a medieval manner; pun intended.

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