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Yes, Kirk, it looks like Bobo the Clown will eke out a razor-thin victory in her heavily Republican western Colorado district.

Meanwhile, it looks like crime is suddenly no longer a hot topic in the Fox MAGA Bubble this week.

Fox’s Coverage of Violent Crime Plummets

November 18, 2022 
Fox News significantly decreased its volume of violent crime coverage in the week of the midterm elections, down 63% from the week prior, Media Matters reports.


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From breaking news at the New York Times

WSHINGTON — Attorney General Merrick Garland on Friday appointed a special counsel to take over two major criminal investigations involving former President Donald J. Trump, including his role in events leading up to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and his handling of sensitive government documents.

Jack Smith, the former head of the Justice Department’s public integrity section, will oversee the investigation into Mr. Trump’s retention of sensitive government documents at his home in Florida, and key aspects of the separate inquiry into his actions before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack, Mr. Garland said during a news conference.

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34 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

From breaking news at the New York Times

WSHINGTON — Attorney General Merrick Garland on Friday appointed a special counsel to take over two major criminal investigations involving former President Donald J. Trump, including his role in events leading up to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and his handling of sensitive government documents.

Jack Smith, the former head of the Justice Department’s public integrity section, will oversee the investigation into Mr. Trump’s retention of sensitive government documents at his home in Florida, and key aspects of the separate inquiry into his actions before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack, Mr. Garland said during a news conference.

Who is Jack Smith, the special counsel investigating Donald Trump? (msn.com)

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20 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


This is a rather weak reply. 

Trump's tweet ---"Be there. It will be wild"---is proof there was a covert cabal planning an insurrection? 

"Trump was the mastermind of the entire seditious debacle."----W. 

The idea of Trump as a "mastermind" of anything brings a quick guffaw, but....

If you really posit this, do you contend that Trump co-opted the Capitol Police, and arranged for them to have only a few hundred of the 3,500-officer force on duty that day, and for the Commander of Civil Disturbances Unit to be at home making meatloaf? 

Clearly, the 1/6 committee posited there was be an investigation into the Willard hotel meeting...and then the story fizzles out. 

Try googling "Willard hotel Jan. 6 cabal meeting" or variations thereof. The stories fizzle out with the Jan. 6 committee (and mostly allied M$M'ers) making dark foreboding comments...and then nothing.

So what happened inside the Willard hotel meeting? Were specific orders generated for Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and Mr. Buffalo Horns? Do you have any evidence at all, or just speculation and suspicions?

Try putting your JFKA hat on. If such weak evidence was mounted against LHO, would you believe him guilty of the JFKA? 

Try putting on your 9/11 hat: The 9/11 committee (and FBI chief Robert Mueller) said the hijackers acted alone, no real ties to anybody, including Saudi Arabia and certainly not the US government. You believe that story line? 

I contend there are parallels in the WC, the 9/11 Commission and the 1/6 Committee: These were not investigations by objective parties, and there was no active smart aggressive well-funded defense counsel in all three forums.

IMHO: The three committees/commissions generated politically expeditious narratives. 

But hey...what would you expect from political bodies?

Just a point that MAY help your search: The Willard Hotel meeting was on January FIFTH, not the 6th.

Carry on.

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Ben himself has concluded that the Socialists, since they're NOT the MSM, might be a reliable source:

Who was who in Trump’s Willard Hotel “war room”? - World Socialist Web Site (wsws.org)

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Ha ha.  Here's mud in your eye.  Yes Mrs. Bobble Head Bobert I concede.  I trust our elections and a recount is not necessary.  But I just filed to run against you again in 2024!

Democrat Adam Frisch files for rematch in 2024 against Lauren Boebert after conceding in tight Colorado race (msn.com)

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2 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

And if there "is no there there," as Ben wants to believe about the Trump/Willard Hotel cabal J6 coup plot, why did Michael Flynn repeatedly plead the 5th during his testimony to the Congressional J6 committee?

What was Flynn so determined to hide?

Roger Stone also pled the 5th.

Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon, and Donald Trump refused to comply with subpoenas.

Ben's problem is that he is mistaking the Trump/Willard Hotel cabal's full-fledged cover up for innocence.

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3 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

Just a point that MAY help your search: The Willard Hotel meeting was on January FIFTH, not the 6th.

Carry on.


Thanks for the correx.  

But try it yourself. Try googling Willard Hotel meeting cabal Trump Jan 5 Jan 6 Riot Capitol etc.

Ponder this: 

Yes, there was a meeting of some Trump advisers, mostly non-government types, on Jan. 5 at the Willard. 

The NYT story I cite from a year ago has about as much information as any following stories. This story just hits a substantial dead-end. 

No texts, e-mails, intercepted phone calls, transcripts, photo-recon from the meeting. Nothing.

Then, despite literally hundreds and maybe even thousands of rioters or protestors having their smartphone records seized (texts, tweets, conversations, geo-locations) not one was found taking orders from anyone connected to the White House. 

Then, despite having dozens of FBI plants inside the two most organized groups that day (the word "organized" is being used liberally)---the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys---not one FBI plant said, "I received or intercepted a message from the White House or cut-out thereof, directing us to storm the Capitol." 

We live in a panopticon state.

And there is not a scintilla of evidence linking the White House to the Jan. 6 riot. 

A meeting at the Willard Hotel?


Ponder the considerable amount of evidence mounted against LHO, and the findings of the WC. Even the HSCA. 

You think those versions of events are correct? 

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

And if there "is no there there," as Ben wants to believe about the Trump/Willard Hotel cabal J6 coup plot, why did Michael Flynn repeatedly plead the 5th during his testimony to the Congressional J6 committee?

What was Flynn so determined to hide?

Roger Stone also pled the 5th.

Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon, and Donald Trump refused to comply with subpoenas.

Ben's problem is that he is mistaking the Trump/Willard Hotel cabal's full-fledged cover up for innocence.



A special counsel has been appointed. So maybe, or maybe not, the facts will come out. 

So far, the federal government has presented no evidence at all that the 1/6 scrum was caused by White House actors. 

Not one of the dozens of plants the FBI had inside the Oath Keepers or Proud Boys has said, "We were taking instructions from the White House." 

No texts, phone-calls, e-mails, photo-recon, geo-location evidence between 1/6 scrummers and the White House. No transcripts of the Jan. 5 meeting. The panopticon state has nothing. 

At present, the 1/6 scrum appears spontaneous, or perhaps triggered by Proud Boy and Oath Keeper instigators (whether FBI plants or not). 

It is remains inexplicable why Capitol Police were lightly staffed on Jan. 6, and then stood down.  

We know (copiously video'ed) Oath Keeper Ray Epps was instigating a Capitol occupation right up to the moment of the initial breach of a lightly guarded barricade at the Capitol, where Epps was present. You are not curious about that? 

Perhaps the Special Counsel will come up with evidence that will hold up in public court of law, in the face of adequate defense counsel.

If Trump is exonerated, skates or goes to prison, fine by me. 

I prefer my stance, that anyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

Witch-hunters come in all flavors and colors. 




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