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Freshman New York Republican Congressman George Santos has been handed two committee assignments, including one on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, which oversees NASA.


Deputy Chief of Staff to U.S. Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA), Aaron Fritschner, responding to Santos' apparent hope to be put on the House Science and Technology Committee, last week sarcastically denounced any such attempt.

"Flagging that Santos suggests he'd be a good fit for the House Science Committee. As the spox [spokesperson] for a longtime member of that committee, I do think we could benefit from his experience as a former astronaut, biomedical researcher, and Nobel Prize-winning nuclear physicist," Fritschner wrote.

Steve Thomas


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Prediction: Cliff Varnell will become black. 


Is San Francisco Considering Plan To Give $5M to Each Eligible Black Person for Reparations?

Racial inequality and injustice have long been a part of the city’s history.

Nur Ibrahim

Published Jan 17, 2023


A committee is proposed that the city of San Francisco give $5 million each to qualifying Black people as part of a reparations plan to cover “economic and opportunity losses” the community has endured throughout history, both due to the city’s policies and the wider effects of societal discrimination.



My guess is the black population of San Francisco will soon increase dramatically. 

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Well, I'm shocked, shocked to hear that our itinerant Warren Commission Report salesman, Lance Payette, agrees with Ben Cole's bogus narrative likening January 6th to a Monty Python scrum. 

Ben and Lance, apparently haven't studied the gruesome footage of the violent J6 attack on the Capitol.  Or, if they have, they're dissembling about what happened.  Great BSers think alike... 🤥

(Or was Lance thinking of the Monty Python Holy Grail scene where the black knight gets brutally assaulted?)

Meanwhile, where is Ben's hero Matt Taibbi when we could really use some honest investigative reporting about the suppressed J6 Twitter files?

January 6 Committee Left Out Social Media Findings (mediaite.com)

Edited by W. Niederhut
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12 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

I'm actually in a motel in Flagstaff, recovering from eye surgery. I haven't seen a UFO since 1971, although that was a pretty compelling daylight disk sighting that had my previously skeptical passenger scared speechless. I make no claims for its origin or what it actually was.

Were you sitting around the campfire smoking a Dubbie at the time? Too bad Matt can't see Dennis Hopper flashing the WP sign.. 


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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Kirk, you never answered back about Iranian Sylvester Stallone BTFO'd your Covid arguments, liberal Jimmy Dore agrees you are wrong.. 


DeGrasse Tyson is getting cringey the way he is clutching at straws. 

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8 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Brazilian claims George Santos was a drag queen... 🤥

Social Media Posts Claim George Santos Used to Be a Drag Performer

Don’t let that Cohen character see this. You’ll never hear the end of it. 

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16 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Does that mean you like him now..? 😆

Don't get too excited, Mathew.

It's probably the least concerning revelation about George Santos to date, IMO.

But it could be a bit awkward for the anti-LGBT ideologues in Kevin McCarthy's GOP Sedition Caucus.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Don't get too excited, Mathew.

It's probably the least concerning revelation about George Santos to date, IMO.

But it could be a bit awkward for the anti-LGBT ideologues in Kevin McCarthy's GOP Sedition Caucus.

I imagine they are like me and don't care as long as there aren't Kindergardners there, to be read a story.. 

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13 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


You realize Hakeem Jeffries, Donk House minority leader, gave a recent speech extolling the virtues of the Capitol Police? 

The story line that Capitol Police were white racist nationalists who let their pals sack the Capitol was popular in M$M in the immediate days after 1/6. 

Then everything flipped. The Capitol Police became pillars of virtue, brave defenders of democracy. Brian Sicknick gave his life defending Nancy Pelosi!

See Hakeem Jeffries---he thinks the Capitol Police are the best. 



Democratic Lawmakers Remember Police Officers Who Died Following January 6 Attack on the Capitol

Democratic lawmakers, led by Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi remember the U.S. Capitol and Metropolitan police officers who died following the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. They also observe a moment of silence for the 140 police officers injured that day trying to defend the building from rioters sent there by former President Donald Trump to try and overturn the 2020 election results. Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) appears to be the only Republican to attend the event. 


OK, set aside no Capitol Police died in the Jan. 6 scrum, although Donk lawmakers are trying to make you believe as much. And that Trump told followers to be peaceful. Or that instigators (including Ray Epps, a wonderful man, according to NYT) had started troubles at the Capitol while Trump was still blabbering away. 

The real question: Why the huge propaganda swing on Capitol Police, from white racists to brave defenders of democracy, lionized by Hakeem Jefferies? 

The defecating elephant in the room---how on earth were the Capitol Police so incompetent---is not even addressed. And was buried all through the endless Jan. 6 TV show. 

You never think your chain is being yanked around? 

Is the purpose of the two parties today 99% party enmity and desire to control federal largesse and rule-making, and 1% policymaking? 



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To the best of my knowledge, the Capitol Police were [and are] not the 3,500-man SWAT team that Ben seems to think they were [and are]. Therefore, they were not equipped on January 6, 2021, to stop an invasion on the US Capitol.

Maybe they should've been.

Then again, my source says the total number of personnel is 2.249...not the 3,500 Ben keeps citing. That is 36% fewer personnel than Ben claims for them.

I have no idea where Ben got his 3,500 number.

Here's my source: https://appropriations.house.gov/news/press-releases/appropriations-committee-releases-fiscal-year-2023-legislative-branch-funding

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