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10 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


You did not address the topic of FBI Director Mueller telling Congress "that Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Saddam Hussein may supply terrorists with biological, chemical or radiological material."

Was Mueller aware he was lying to the US Congress about WMD, while simultaneously playing a key and vital role in covering up the truth about 9/11? 

In other words, Mueller abided by the murder of 3,000 Americans, in order to promote the multinationalist visions of Bush-Cheney neo-cons?

If Muller had such character flaws (to put it mildly), how much faith would you put in other, subsequent presentations he made to Congress? 

W, you seem deeply confused about the character of Mueller. 

It seems to me you should, logically, regard Mueller as an absolutely discredited individual, craven, horrible and beneath contempt---by your own lights, and that of author Griffin. 




     Get a clue, for once.

     You, obviously, still haven't read or understood the commentary that I posted (above) about Robert Mueller, Louis Freeh, Sibel Edmonds, and the FBI in relation to 9/11.

      This is one of the reasons that I stopped responding to your erroneous posts this year.  You don't read or understand the facts and references that people post for you.

      In that post, I referenced the FBI's role in covering up the 9/11 evidence-- both before and after 9/11-- and I specifically said that Mueller had to be in the loop on the post-9/11 cover up.  Right?

      But let me take a wild guess about your reasons for repeatedly talking about Robert Mueller recently.

      You are trying to imply that Mueller's tenure as FBI Director during the Bush/Cheney administration proves that his later investigation of Russiagate was part of a Deep State plot against Donald Trump, right?

      That theory is easily debunked by the facts.

      Did Mueller even subpoena Trump in his Russiagate grand jury investigation?

      Did he subpoena Don, Jr., Eric Trump, Jared Kushner, or Ivanka?

      Did he indict Trump for the multiple counts of obstruction of justice detailed in the Mueller Report?

      Are you aware that Robert Mueller is a personal friend and colleague of Trump's former AG Bill Barr-- the ex-CIA lawyer who managed the Iran-Contra pardons?

      Tell us how Mueller persecuted Donald Trump.

       On the contrary, he let him off the hook.


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7 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Get a clue, for once.

     You, obviously, still haven't read or understood the commentary that I posted (above) about Robert Mueller, Louis Freeh, Sibel Edmonds, and the FBI in relation to 9/11.

      This is one of the reasons that I stopped responding to your erroneous posts this year.  You don't read or understand the facts and references that people post for you.

      In that post, I referenced the FBI's role in covering up the 9/11 evidence-- both before and after 9/11-- and I specifically said that Mueller had to be in the loop on the post-9/11 cover up.  Right?

      But let me take a wild guess about your reasons for repeatedly talking about Robert Mueller recently.

      You are trying to imply that Mueller's tenure as FBI Director during the Bush/Cheney administration proves that his later investigation of Russiagate was part of a Deep State plot against Donald Trump, right?

      That theory is easily debunked by the facts.

      Did Mueller even subpoena Trump in his Russiagate grand jury investigation?

      Did he subpoena Don, Jr., Eric Trump, Jared Kushner, or Ivanka?

      Did he indict Trump for the multiple counts of obstruction of justice detailed in the Mueller Report?

      Are you aware that Robert Mueller is a personal friend and colleague of Trump's former AG Bill Barr-- the ex-CIA lawyer who managed the Iran-Contra pardons?

      Tell us how Mueller persecuted Donald Trump.

       On the contrary, he let him off the hook.


So...there was a Deep State plot to let Trump "off the hook"? 

Muller was brought in to sand-bag any investigation into Trump, a reprise of his obfuscatory 9/11 duties? 

You seem very confused about Mueller, the Deep State, 9/11 and Trump. A mish-mash, a welter of conflicting premises. 

Was Trump the true force behind the 9/11 plot? 

Is Liz Cheney the New Donk hero? 


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31 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

So...there was a Deep State plot to let Trump "off the hook"? 

Muller was brought in to sand-bag any investigation into Trump, a reprise of his obfuscatory 9/11 duties? 

You seem very confused about Mueller, the Deep State, 9/11 and Trump. A mish-mash, a welter of conflicting premises. 

Was Trump the true force behind the 9/11 plot? 

Is Liz Cheney the New Donk hero? 


Ben, you ignorant slut...   🤥

Did you forget that you, yourself, are the guy pushing the "Russiagate was a Deep State plot against Trump" narrative?

I merely reminded you that Robert Mueller went easy on Trump.  Trump and his family members were never subpoenaed by Mueller, nor did Mueller indict Trump for witness tampering and obstruction of justice.  My own hunch is that Mueller was acting as a Republican Party loyalist.

As for 9/11, your knowledge of the subject is minimal.  Don't project your ignorance and confusion on to me.

Regarding the subject of Trump and 9/11, Donald correctly surmised on 9/11 that only "bombs" (explosives) could have demolished the WTC towers.  He also announced during the 2016 Republican primary debates with Jeb Bush that, "When I'm President, the American people are going to find out who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11."

Needless to say, Trump never told the American people who really destroyed the World Trade Center.

Nor did he release the suppressed JFKA records.

So much for Trump being an adversary of the Deep State, eh?

As for Liz Cheney, she deserves her Profiles in Courage Award for participating in the investigation of Trump's January 6th coup attempt.  Your blathering misogyny is duly noted, again.

Meanwhile, have you figured out yet that Trump's January 6th coup attempt was a very serious, unprecedented seditious conspiracy against the U.S. government?


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24 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Ben, you ignorant slut...   🤥

Did you forget that you, yourself, are the guy pushing the "Russiagate was a Deep State plot against Trump" narrative?

I merely reminded you that Robert Mueller went easy on Trump.  Trump and his family members were never subpoenaed by Mueller, nor did Mueller indict Trump for witness tampering and obstruction of justice.  My own hunch is that Mueller was acting as a Republican Party loyalist.

As for 9/11, your knowledge of the subject is minimal.  Don't project your ignorance and confusion on to me.

Regarding the subject of Trump and 9/11, Donald correctly surmised on 9/11 that only "bombs" (explosives) could have demolished the WTC towers.  He also announced during the 2016 Republican primary debates with Jeb Bush that, "When I'm President, the American people are going to find out who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11."

Needless to say, Trump never told the American people who really destroyed the World Trade Center.

Nor did he release the suppressed JFKA records.

So much for Trump being an adversary of the Deep State, eh?

As for Liz Cheney, she deserves her Profiles in Courage Award for participating in the investigation of Trump's January 6th coup attempt.  Your blathering misogyny is duly noted, again.

Meanwhile, have you figured out yet that Trump's January 6th coup attempt was a very serious, unprecedented seditious conspiracy against the U.S. government?


Speaking of Liz.  If the party really wanted to win, not take over, they would be supporting her.  She would get crossover votes/independents.  

Liz Cheney reveals 'chilling' and 'well-organized' conspiracy behind Jan. 6 (msn.com)

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Ben, you ignorant slut...   🤥

Did you forget that you, yourself, are the guy pushing the "Russiagate was a Deep State plot against Trump" narrative?

I merely reminded you that Robert Mueller went easy on Trump.  Trump and his family members were never subpoenaed by Mueller, nor did Mueller indict Trump for witness tampering and obstruction of justice.  My own hunch is that Mueller was acting as a Republican Party loyalist.

As for 9/11, your knowledge of the subject is minimal.  Don't project your ignorance and confusion on to me.

Regarding the subject of Trump and 9/11, Donald correctly surmised on 9/11 that only "bombs" (explosives) could have demolished the WTC towers.  He also announced during the 2016 Republican primary debates with Jeb Bush that, "When I'm President, the American people are going to find out who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11."

Needless to say, Trump never told the American people who really destroyed the World Trade Center.

Nor did he release the suppressed JFKA records.

So much for Trump being an adversary of the Deep State, eh?

As for Liz Cheney, she deserves her Profiles in Courage Award for participating in the investigation of Trump's January 6th coup attempt.  Your blathering misogyny is duly noted, again.

Meanwhile, have you figured out yet that Trump's January 6th coup attempt was a very serious, unprecedented seditious conspiracy against the U.S. government?



You are a strict party-line partisan to the max, and that is fine. 

My view of Trump has about 1/1000th the influence of the Deep State-establishment, and the red v. blue partisan views propagated in the M$M (and to which most people subscribe). 

But hey, go after Trump. 

The masses must be kept busy barking up the bonsai trees in the redwood forest----otherwise, why have an M$M? 

Do you suppose when Trump is gone, the M$M will quickly identify another dark villain who grabs all the headlines and is targeted by "investigations"?  

Trump was a perfect foil. Can a new personality serve the role? Trump did have an outsized and awful personality. 

But riddle me this: Mueller aided and abetted in the most heinous crime of the century, the murder of 3,000 in the WTC, and then he testified to WMD in Iraq, paving the way to the perma-wars in the Mideast.  

THE NEW PEARL HARBOR Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin

But you save your fury for Trump? 

You seem to have rigid partisan views that conflict with a welter of "factual" observations regarding 9/11---if you subscribe to Griffin. 





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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


You are a strict party-line partisan to the max, and that is fine. 

My view of Trump has about 1/1000th the influence of the Deep State-establishment, and the red v. blue partisan views propagated in the M$M (and to which most people subscribe). 

But hey, go after Trump. 

The masses must be kept busy barking up the bonsai trees in the redwood forest----otherwise, why have an M$M? 

Do you suppose when Trump is gone, the M$M will quickly identify another dark villain who grabs all the headlines and is targeted by "investigations"?  

Trump was a perfect foil. Can a new personality serve the role? Trump did have an outsized and awful personality. 

But riddle me this: Mueller aided and abetted in the most heinous crime of the century, the murder of 3,000 in the WTC, and then he testified to WMD in Iraq, paving the way to the perma-wars in the Mideast.  

THE NEW PEARL HARBOR Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin

But you save your fury for Trump? 

You seem to have rigid partisan views that conflict with a welter of "factual" observations regarding 9/11---if you subscribe to Griffin. 






     I'm going to take a break from trying to correct your reading comprehension problems and erroneous theorizing about history and current events. 

     Interestingly, one of the RNC propaganda strategies for the upcoming January 6th hearings is, apparently, to re-cast the investigation of Trump's serious 1/6 crimes as mere partisan politics-- precisely what you are doing in your confused rants (above) about my analyses of Trump, Robert Mueller, 9/11, etc.

    You repeatedly misinterpret my comments, then pretend to "rebut" your misinterpretations of what I wrote. 

    That approach to a debate/discussion serves no useful purpose.

    It's like wrestling with a tar baby.

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12 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I'm going to take a break from trying to correct your reading comprehension problems and erroneous theorizing about history and current events. 

     Interestingly, one of the RNC propaganda strategies for the upcoming January 6th hearings is, apparently, to re-cast the investigation of Trump's serious 1/6 crimes as mere partisan politics-- precisely what you are doing in your confused rants (above) about my analyses of Trump, Robert Mueller, 9/11, etc.

    You repeatedly misinterpret my comments, then pretend to "rebut" your misinterpretations of what I wrote. 

    That approach to a debate/discussion serves no useful purpose.

    It's like wrestling with a tar baby.


All good.

What is your take on-- 

"THE NEW PEARL HARBOR: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11"

by David Ray Griffin

Would you say this book is generally accurate or an insightful take on the 9/11 event? 

I gather this book is something of a bible for some 9/11 researchers. 


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15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


All good.

What is your take on-- 

"THE NEW PEARL HARBOR: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11"

by David Ray Griffin

Would you say this book is generally accurate or an insightful take on the 9/11 event? 

I gather this book is something of a bible for some 9/11 researchers. 



    David Ray Griffin's books and essays about 9/11 are excellent-- essential reading on the subject, IMO.

    So are the scientific research articles at websites like the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and 911 Research.



    Be advised that there is an vast array of government-funded disinformation about 9/11 on the internet, and those are the reasonable-sounding sites that surface prominently on Google searches-- e.g., Rational Wiki, Metabunk, 9/11 Myths Debunked, etc.  (It's similar to what I noticed when I first began to study the JFK assassination research several years ago, only worse.)

     As with the JFK assassination, it takes time and effort to learn to differentiate the true scientific and historical facts about 9/11 from the ubiquitous, government/M$M bunk.


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