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Is anyone interested in Apollo missions...

Jack White

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I think they are just the products of the over active imaginations of paranoid delusionals.

Emphasis added.

Citation for the origin and validity of the anonymous diagnosis, please.

Or documentation of your medical qualifications to validate your diagnosis, please.

I stated that as my opinion and never claimed to have any credentials in mental health and thus no citation or documentation is warranted. Shall I ask you for references every time you express your opinion? What is your expertise regarding "onanistic" behaviour? Do you practice it incessantly?

To me it’s self evident that people who claim the Twin Towers were felled with space beams or weren’t hit by planes and other such theories are either “poisoning the well” or nuts with the 2nd option being far more likely.

But if you insist on expert opinions does a clinical psychologist/qualified medical examiner/former philosophy professor who is an “inside jobber” count? He used terms like “deranged” and “incoherent” to describe the “reasoning” of the likes of Hufschmid, Reynolds, Meyssan and our very own Jim Fetzer.


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....the truthers were a wet dream come true for the likes of Bush, Rove and Chenney. (sic)
Some with in the "'truth' movement" suspect intentional disinformation from the CIA/ZOG/MICC/PTB/MIBH/ASPCA/PTA etc etc. I think they are just the products of the over active imaginations of paranoid delusionals.

The total lack of logic is inescapable.

Care to elaborate? Your point, if you had one eluded me.

Edited by Len Colby
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Blah blah blah.

You wrote it:

"I think they are just the products of the over active imaginations of paranoid delusionals."

Not couched as opinion.

You "think"?

In your dreams.

You ask, "Shall I ask you for references every time you express your opinion?"

Turnabout is fair play.

You are transparent, scared, helpless. Your masters must have abysmally low standards.

Good luck with your hand cream search.

You, Lamson, and Purvis deserve each other. Only one question: Which one is Moe?

Bye bye.

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Blah blah blah.

You wrote it:

"I think they are just the products of the over active imaginations of paranoid delusionals."

Not couched as opinion.

You "think"?

In your dreams.

You ask, "Shall I ask you for references every time you express your opinion?"

Turnabout is fair play.

You are transparent, scared, helpless. Your masters must have abysmally low standards.

Good luck with your hand cream search.

You, Lamson, and Purvis deserve each other. Only one question: Which one is Moe?

Bye bye.

LOL - You're the one who can only repond with semi coherent insults to those he disagrees, and I am scared, helpless mastubater whose "masters" have low standards? Looking for a stooge? You'll find one in the nearest mirror.

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The website Physics 911, of the Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven (SPINE), has published a document allegedly from the German intelligence agency BND, which says that the Mossad was behind the 9/11 attacks, with the full knowledge of the U.S. government.


Here is the most telling passage in SPINE’s comments:

The document purports to be from the German Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), which has its headquarters at Pullach, near Munich. It was released by Gregory Douglas, author of Regicide: The Official Assassination of JFK.

Regicide of course is the book that is supposedly based on once-secret documents, which we are to believe were written by JFK’s killers (CIA agents and other officials) to document their conspiracy.

Is SPINE really unaware that "Douglas" has been described, in a review of his book series Gestapo Chief, as "a known fabricator of documents who has used a variety of names over the years"?

Should not this accusation against the person who released this purported German intelligence report at least be known by SPINE, which should accordingly inform its readers in trying to determine if the document is "genuine"?


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I would think that anything that comes from "Gregory Douglas" would be self-discrediting.

It's possible, of course, that "Gregory Douglas," by that or any other name, doesn't even exist, which would raise a lot of questions.

But I see your point. I think it's possible, if not likely, that the Mossad was involved in 9/11. (Who better to call on for assistance in such an operation?) But I would certainly not take the word of "Gregory Douglas" on it. Which does not IMO diminish the possibility that it's true.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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Maybe an appropriate question to ask would be 'what is the Mossad's part in the events of 9-11'? Their intelligence processes are incredible. They must of had knowledge of what was happening. If they had information, did they share it with us? If they did, how could this attack have succeeded? If they didn't, why not? Was W's policy toward the Middle East too balanced? Was W not providing Israel with all that it was demanding?

Subsequent to 9-11 W demanded that we go to war with Iraq. Why? He had been given false information regarding WMD in Iraq. Why was that info not scrutinized? Was there another agenda at work?

If, for example, Mossad had information regarding the impending 9-11 attacks and did not share it, allowing this tragedy to happen, could it have been a warning to W, that either he follow the Israeli line or more terror would come to US shores?

And let's not forget that during the First Gulf War, Israel was bombed by Iraqi scuds. Their citizens were terrified, and injuries occurred. Israel did not retaliate. That took amazing restraint. Was there a quid pro quo? Was it W's Second Iraq War and the toppling of Saddam Hussein?

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Didn't you read Michael Collins Piper? They killed JFK too.


One thing that Holocaust deniers and their opponents, CTs and LN’s on the assassination and even the CIA can agree on is that Douglas is a conman not to be trusted. It seems that his only support comes from the Willis Carto camp of neo-Nazis. Interestingly Carto has been accused by several ex associates of being a conman himself, birds of a feather I guess. Piper still works for Carto as did Bollyn till he was fired for “filing false stories”.

SPINE hosts an openly Semitic article which along with legitimate criticism of Israel says stuff like “Talmudic Zionists like the Rothschilds have controlled international central banking and freemasonry for centuries… Who is at the top of the Pyramid? Why, Lucifer himself of course, whether you acknowledge it metaphorically or literally.” And repeats Hitler’s charge that the Jews got the US into WW1 in exchange for the Balfour declaration.


Does anyone want to venture to guess which (now inactive) member of this forum used to be the webmaster of the site?

Pamela wrote:

They [Mossad] must of had knowledge of what was happening.

Do you have any evidence to back this belief? Why must have the Mossad know if the CIA didn’t? Is this the same all knowing Mossad that missed the signs that Egypt and Syria were planning to attack Israel in 1973 or took several year to figure out that ‘Israel Beer’ a top military advisor to Ben-Gurion was in fact a Soviet spy?

If they had information, did they share it with us?

According to several sources the Mossad like other foreign intelligence services warned the US that Al-Qaeda had operatives in the US “planning an imminent “major assault on the US” aimed at a “large scale target” “


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Didn't you read Michael Collins Piper? They killed JFK too.


One thing that Holocaust deniers and their opponents, CTs and LN's on the assassination and even the CIA can agree on is that Douglas is a conman not to be trusted. It seems that his only support comes from the Willis Carto camp of neo-Nazis. Interestingly Carto has been accused by several ex associates of being a conman himself, birds of a feather I guess. Piper still works for Carto as did Bollyn till he was fired for "filing false stories".

And that's the relationship between Carto and Mark Lane?

Did Lane marry Carto's daughter?


SPINE hosts an openly Semitic article which along with legitimate criticism of Israel says stuff like "Talmudic Zionists like the Rothschilds have controlled international central banking and freemasonry for centuries… Who is at the top of the Pyramid? Why, Lucifer himself of course, whether you acknowledge it metaphorically or literally." And repeats Hitler's charge that the Jews got the US into WW1 in exchange for the Balfour declaration.


Does anyone want to venture to guess which (now inactive) member of this forum used to be the webmaster of the site?

Pamela wrote:

They [Mossad] must of had knowledge of what was happening.

Do you have any evidence to back this belief? Why must have the Mossad know if the CIA didn't? Is this the same all knowing Mossad that missed the signs that Egypt and Syria were planning to attack Israel in 1973 or took several year to figure out that 'Israel Beer' a top military advisor to Ben-Gurion was in fact a Soviet spy?

If they had information, did they share it with us?

According to several sources the Mossad like other foreign intelligence services warned the US that Al-Qaeda had operatives in the US "planning an imminent "major assault on the US" aimed at a "large scale target" "


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One thing that Holocaust deniers and their opponents, CTs and LN's on the assassination and even the CIA can agree on is that Douglas is a conman not to be trusted. It seems that his only support comes from the Willis Carto camp of neo-Nazis. Interestingly Carto has been accused by several ex associates of being a conman himself, birds of a feather I guess. Piper still works for Carto as did Bollyn till he was fired for "filing false stories".

And that's the relationship between Carto and Mark Lane?

Did Lane marry Carto's daughter?


I never heard the one about Lane marrying Carto's daughter, wouldn't be surprised. Since the 1970's he has been associated with all sorts of unsavory characters like Carto and Jim Jones.

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Does anyone want to venture to guess which (now inactive) member of this forum used to be the webmaster of the site?


Why it's your old sparring partner, Sid Walker. (if you're reading this, sorry about the 'old' Sid)

9/11 is not an issue I have delved too deeply into but I had a quick read of that rather long article.

If Mossad had penetrated the extremist Arab network AND they failed to publicly warn of the impending attacks and attempt to prevent them, doesn't that make them an accessory to mass murder?

While the evidence presented in the article may be hotly disputed, there's one thing that seems clear to me---the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent frenzy of anti-Muslem sentiment has served Israeli regional interests well. The Iraqi regime is gone and the Iranian regime may be next.

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Didn't you read Michael Collins Piper? They killed JFK too.


And even Don Gibson made these same claims at the COPA conference in the 1993-94 timeframe

as I recall. Bill, do you remember the audience reaction when Prouty made his anti JFK statements?

Were you there or would John Judge have any of the VHS transcripts available? How about when

Mark Lane said: "Files? What files? There are no files for the Congress of Freedom!" I have to thank

Vicky Wertz for turning me on to The Liberty Lobby and their chosen promulgators of the party line.

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Didn't you read Michael Collins Piper? They killed JFK too.


And even Don Gibson made these same claims at the COPA conference in the 1993-94 timeframe

as I recall. Bill, do you remember the audience reaction when Prouty made his anti JFK statements?

Were you there or would John Judge have any of the VHS transcripts available? How about when

Mark Lane said: "Files? What files? There are no files for the Congress of Freedom!" I have to thank

Vicky Wertz for turning me on to The Liberty Lobby and their chosen promulgators of the party line.

Prouty made no anti-JFK comments. :lol: The quote you have presented to this forum is a fabrication and the original offers you no support. I'm pretty sure the Gibson comments are similiarly fabricated, but I was unable to find anything about it. But considering the source...

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