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Jim Fetzer: How was the WTC demolished?

Watch this video to learn how the WTC buildings were destroyed ... ( Running time 16 minutes 35 seconds )

"The government says : Who are you going to believe , me or your lying eyes ? "


Building 6 had its center virtually vaporized on September 11, 2001. According to the government, falling steel, imaginatively, scooped out this building, but very little debris is evident in the crater, nor would falling steel account for the rounded nature of the holes.

The team that investigated the collapse was kept away from the crime scene. By the time they published their inconclusive report in May, 2002, the evidence had been destroyed.

Why did the government claim to have rapidly recycled the steel from the largest and most mysterious engineering failure in world history -- was it indeed largely vaporized? And why have both the mainstream and alternative media remained silent?

In the wake of the 9/11 disaster, Building 6's perfectly vertical crater seems suggestive of directed-energy weapons targeted from above.


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In the wake of the 9/11 disaster, Building 6's perfectly vertical crater seems suggestive of directed-energy weapons targeted from above.

Note that most of the truth movement including the overwhelming majority of the scientists Dr. Jones, Kevin Ryan, Jim Hoffman etc reject this theory. This is what broke up "scholars for Truth". The only scientist I knw of who backs this theory is an unemployeed dental filling expert.

There is zero evidence weapons capable of such distruction exist. Robert Bowman who directed research of "Star Wars" weapons under Ford and Carter is a "truther" but he doesn't back this silly theory

One would have to theorize that the beams were invisible because no one reported seeing them and they don't appear in any photos or videos.

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"Falling debris" from the towers collapsing could not and would not have created that massive deep hole beneath WTC 6 , or the subsequent hot spot ..

Neither would "falling debris" have caused the massive explosion heard by all of the employees of WTC 6 , who were all evacuated before the south tower imploded .

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"Falling debris" from the towers collapsing could not and would not have created that massive deep hole beneath WTC 6 , or the subsequent hot spot ..

Why not? Do you think that building was designed to hold a couple thousand extra tons dropped onto the roof?

Neither would "falling debris" have caused the massive explosion heard by all of the employees of WTC 6 , who were all evacuated before the south tower imploded .

Please provide some evidence of this made up claim.

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"Falling debris" from the towers collapsing could not and would not have created that massive deep hole beneath WTC 6 , or the subsequent hot spot ..

Why not? Do you think that building was designed to hold a couple thousand extra tons dropped onto the roof?

Neither would "falling debris" have caused the massive explosion heard by all of the employees of WTC 6 , who were all evacuated before the south tower imploded .

Please provide some evidence of this made up claim.

Actual 6 was destroyed by a direct energy weapon....the direct energy of fallling steel and concrete!

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Please provide some evidence of this made up claim.

Here's the evidence that there were explosions in the lobby of WTC 6 before the towers collapsed .... I will see what else I can find on the evacuated employees .

"In an exclusive Killtown interview, Ground Zero EMT Patricia Ondrovic talks about her harrowing day at the WTC on 9/11. Within minutes after the South Tower collapses, she witnessed the WTC 5 blowing up, cars exploding, and explosions inside the lobby of the WTC 6, all the while narrowly escaping with her own life. "

Explosions Inside WTC 6 Lobby

KT: You mentioned you were running west on Vesey Street, what happened after that?

PO: I just kept running. I was aware there were other people running as well. After passing the cars on fire, I was trying to find someplace safe. I tried to run into the lobby of 6 World Trade, but there were federal police -- maybe 4 to 6 of them -- standing in the open doorways. As I tried to run in, they wouldn't let me, waving me out, telling me "you can't come in here, keep running." As I turned to start running west again, I saw a series of flashes around the ceiling of the lobby all going off one-by-one like the X-mass lights that "chase" in pattern. I think I started running faster at that point.

KT: Did you hear any "popping" sounds when each of these flashes in the WTC 6 lobby were going off?

PO: Yes, that part was like a movie. The pops were at the same time as the flashes.

KT: Can you estimate either how many flashes you saw or how many of these "pops" you heard inside this lobby?

PO: At least 6 before I was turned away.

KT: Could you still hear any of these explosions when you turned to run back out, or was the noise outside too loud?

PO: I don't recall hearing any more when I resumed running. It was very chaotic.

KT: Now to be clear, were you inside the Lobby of the WTC 6, or were you outside the building when you witnessed these what appeared to be explosions?

PO: I was in the doorway, but not inside the lobby. I remember being able to breathe the somewhat cleaner air coming from inside the building. They stopped me as I was trying to get past the threshold.

KT: Were the explosions going off as you were entering the lobby area, or did they seem to start going off after the police tried to turn you away?

PO: It all happened at the same time. As I got to the doorway, I was told not to come in. As the officer was telling me I couldn't get in the building the flashes starting going off.

KT: Where the police just right at the lobby door, or were some also way inside the building?

PO: There were probably 4-5 officers in the doorway. I could see a few others back in the lobby area.

KT: You said you saw "federal police." What exactly do you mean and did you find it strange they were in there and that they wouldn't let you in?

PO: Well, they were in light brown uniforms and "Smokey the bear" hats. I assumed they were federal police because NYC police don't look like that and I knew there was a lot of federal offices in the WTC as well as the surrounding area, so it wasn't strange to me to see them there, but I did find it very odd that they wouldn't let me in to get cover. But like I say, in that profession, someone tells you to go an opposite way you are going, you don't ask, you just go. I remember hoping they got out as I was watching whatever the small explosions were, because they stayed in the building. They weren't locking it up after evacuating or anything like that.

KT: Did you know which government agencies were in the WTC?

PO: I knew there were a lot of federal agencies in the WTC complex, but I don't know which ones specifically.

KT: Did these policemen run out of the WTC 6 lobby after these explosions occurred, or could you tell?

PO: It didn't look like they did. It looked like they were there making sure no one ran in like I tried to do. I remember seeing them in the doorway, but don't know what happened to them after that.

KT: Did you happen to notice if they were wearing any earplugs or any other uncommon protective gear?

PO: There was nothing that I could see. They appeared to be dressed to simply do lobby detail. No flack wear, no overcoats, no helmets. To this day, I still wonder if they got out.

KT: Did you think these explosions in the lobby were maybe lights popping out as in an electrical surge, or did they seem more like explosives going off in a timed manner?

PO: I immediately got the impression they were timed explosives. I have never thought they were anything else, not then, not now.

KT: Have you ever seen a building being demolished with explosives on TV and was the flashes and pops similar to that?

PO: It did remind me of just that. I had seen something on a Las Vegas casino being demolished and that's what it reminded me of.

KT: Can you try to describe what these "pops" you heard sounded like?

PO: They sounded like light bulbs popping, but there were no light fixtures where the explosions were coming from. The sound was not all that loud.

KT: Do you think these explosions you witnessed were loud enough to be heard on the street?

PO: Because of everything going on, I don't think these "pops" could have been heard from the street. It was definitely louder outside as a whole.

KT: At the time, who did you think planted these explosives in there?

PO: I didn't have any notions of where to put blame per se, but I remember thinking that it was possibly the same organization who tried to blow up the building back in 1993. I figured they came back to finish the job. At the time I was running, I remember thinking that "they" wired the whole area. At the time I wasn't aware that what made the towers catch fire were passenger jets crashing. I thought the buildings had bombs planted to go off that day. The idea of not only one passenger jet, but two took me a while to comprehend -- not to mention the pentagon as well.

KT: Can you estimate how long after you heard the loud rumbling, which was the South Tower coming down, to when you witnessed these explosives going off in the WTC 6?

PO: Well, remember this was all on the same street I was parked. It is very difficult for me to estimate time with so much happening at once, but I want to say maybe 2 to 3 minutes from the rumbling and the ground, and the cars, and the fires, that I tried to run into 6 WTC for cover, which is when I saw those explosions.

KT: Did anybody else besides you and the police witness these explosions in the WTC 6 lobby?

PO: I imagine there must have been others to see, I wasn't the only one running up the street. I can't imagine being the only person to try to run for cover. I didn't see any "civilians" in the lobby of the 6, just the brown uniformed officers.


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Accounting for Employees

More than 2,800 employees worked in offices leased by the General Services Administration in Buildings 6 and 7 at the World Trade Center complex. Both buildings were also destroyed as a result of the attack. Another 25,000 employees were evacuated from four other nearby office buildings - 26 Federal Plaza, 290 Broadway, 40 Centre Street and 500 Pearl Street.

In the hours following the attacks, officials from the agencies in those buildings worked feverishly to locate employees. But the scope of destruction in lower Manhattan made it difficult to get a firm count of employees who may have been hurt or killed in the attack, says Beatrice Disman, chair of the New York Federal Executive Board, which helps coordinate federal activities and programs in the area. But as of Sept. 20, all of the agencies had accounted for their employees, with the exception of the FBI, which listed one employee as missing.

About 1,000 IRS employees worked in lower Manhattan on the day of the attacks - 180 of them in Buildings 6 and 7 at the World Trade Center, and about 800 in the federal building at 290 Broadway. About a dozen IRS auditors were in the twin towers at the time of the attacks, conducting audits at private firms.

The destruction of the telephone infrastructure operated by Verizon in lower Manhattan cut off communication between IRS officials in Washington and executives in New York until Tuesday night. Spotty phone service made it difficult for IRS executives to track down their employees. Managers called around for two days before everyone was finally accounted for on Wednesday. A Boston IRS employee on assignment in New York was critically injured and remained in serious condition a week later.

Building 6 was home to offices of the Customs Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Export-Import Bank, the Foreign Commercial Service of the Commerce Department and the Labor Department's Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration.

"I got into work a little after 8 o'clock," says Michael Mabee, a discrimination investigator at the OSHA office. "Sometime after a quarter to nine the lights flickered. Then I heard a sonic boom. Everybody looked confused because it was an unusual thing to hear." OSHA's offices emptied quickly. Once everyone was on the street, Mabee and his peers saw the World Trade Center's north tower engulfed in flames, though it still wasn't clear what had happened. Overhead, an airplane made a beeline for the complex. Mabee watched as it exploded into the south tower. OSHA's employees fled the scene, trying to escape the dust and debris, making their way to the agency's regional office farther north in the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan. After learning that all of his colleagues had made it out safely, Mabee told his supervisor he was going back to the crash site.

"If I didn't try to help, I don't think I could have been able to live with myself," says the former paramedic and police officer. "A lot of the firemen had already been killed. I knew that was where I was needed." Mabee helped set up a field hospital several blocks from the crash site.

Mabee knew that the rescue workers needed to get their eyes flushed to clear away bits of debris. So he and others grabbed their supplies and headed toward ground zero. "Every time we ran into a group of firefighters, we would sit them down and flush their eyes out.


Edited by Duane Daman
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This footage is the smoking gun evidence which shows one of the explosions going off moments BEFORE THE COLLAPSE OF THE SOUTH TOWER .

A massive explosion, witnessed by millions of television viewers on CNN, evidently devastated World Trade Center 6, the eight-story U.S. Customs building, although no national newspaper, other than American Free Press, has written a word about it.


That impact caused debris to rain down on the roof of Building 6 which was adjacent to the impacted wall of the tower. Before the smoke had cleared from around the stricken South Tower, a mysterious explosion shot 550 feet into the air above the U.S. Customs House at WTC 6.

FEMA has stated that there was "no data collection" from WTC #6. Interesting that without collecting any data they still managed to put together the official story that this building was destroyed by rubble from the collapse of the North Tower. But if so then one would expect to see the remains of the building covered by rubble. Instead we see a huge crater. Here is a closer look at WTC #6 after it was demolished.

In the PBS program mentioned below, a cleanup worker referred to the demolition of WTC 6; "...well, we're getting ready to "pull" building six." There can be little doubt as to how the word "pull" is being used in this context.


Twin Towers were built with a sequenced internal explosion system. This is legally required in areas where buildings are congested in order to ensure symmetrical collapse when the building ages and is condemned and has to be demolished. Listen to this PBS interview with Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC, describing how he had Building #7 demolished!

MP3 of Silverstein "Pull It" This admission appeared in a PBS documentary originally aired in Sept. of 2002 entitled "Rebuilding America, A Year at Ground Zero".

"...I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire...and I said, 'Well, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life...maybe the smartest thing to do is, is 'pull' it...and they made that decision to 'pull'...uh, and we watched the building collapse."

In the demolition industry, "pull" is the common term they use for demolishing buildings with explosives.

Silverman is talking about how a decision was made between him and the New York Fire Department to 'Pull' the building. And there is no doubt the meanings of his words, captured in context. He is admitting on public TV that a decision was made between him and the NYFD to use a controlled demolition to fell WTC 7 on 911. And all of this AFTER the official FEMA report, costing millions said otherwise, and they had all the experts. (Mr. Silversteins comments stand in direct contradiction to the findings of the extensive FEMA report. They even negate Kevin Spacey's narrative in the very documentary in which they appear; "WTC 7 fell after burning for 7 hours.")

In order to appreciate the severity of this evidence, you must first understand that demolishing a building is not something you can do in a few minutes by tossing explosives into a basement. It actually takes days of planning. First you have to pinpoint all the load-bearing structures, then you have to wire everything and set the cutting charges so they all go off in a pre-destined order. Which means that this demolition was planned long before 9-11!

There's also disturbing correlations between the collapse of WTC 7 and the bombing of the Murrah building in OK City. Both buildings were constructed using the same bridge beam system that, in WTC 7's case, allegedly contributed to its demise. But more importantly WTC 7, like the Murrah building, housed high-level government offices including the FBI, CIA and the Secret Service. WTC 7 was also the storage facility for millions of files pertaining to active cases involving international drug dealing, organized crime, terrorism and money laundering.

WTC 6, also known as the Customs House building, housed the Dept.'s of Commerce, Agriculture and Labor and yet another Murrah building tennant, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.


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Good one Duane, you do understand however this piece blows you right out of the water...right?

The first tower comes done, THEN there are explosions in the still standing building 6? ROFLMAO!

So which is it now, 6 fell right after the second tower strike, or bulding 6 was still standing when the first tower fell?

You can't have it both ways.

And BTW, where is the hard evidece the video being discussed was aired a 9:04? And please don't quote Boylen or any of the pieces his work spawned. How about the actual CNN Log?

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Read the articles again because you obviously don't have the facts straight ... but then you rarely do when playing your typical debunking games on this forum .

Kevin wanted proof that WTC 6 exploded , independant of the towers collapsing ... I gave him first hand eye witness accounts .

He also wanted proof that the WTC 6 employees were evacuated because of the explosions prior to the towers collapsing ... I provided that also .

The fact that you can't stand being proven wrong is your problem , not mine ... You've wasted enough of my time for today .

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Read the articles again because you obviously don't have the facts straight ... but then you rarely do when playing your typical debunking games on this forum .

Kevin wanted proof that WTC 6 exploded , independant of the towers collapsing ... I gave him first hand eye witness accounts .

He also wanted proof that the WTC 6 employees were evacuated because of the explosions prior to the towers collapsing ... I provided that also .

The fact that you can't stand being proven wrong is your problem , not mine ... You've wasted enough of my time for today .

Duane sez:

"Kevin wanted proof that WTC 6 exploded , independant of the towers collapsing ... I gave him first hand eye witness accounts "

What Kevin actually asked:

"Falling debris" from the towers collapsing could not and would not have created that massive deep hole beneath WTC 6 , or the subsequent hot spot ..
Why not? Do you think that building was designed to hold a couple thousand extra tons dropped onto the roof?

You can't read Duane. And your articles did not answer this question

Duane sez:

"He also wanted proof that the WTC 6 employees were evacuated because of the explosions prior to the towers collapsing ... I provided that also ."

What Kevin actually asked:

Neither would "falling debris" have caused the massive explosion heard by all of the employees of WTC 6 , who were all evacuated before the south tower imploded .
Please provide some evidence of this made up claim.

Please provide the quotation in your articles that support this: "...have caused the massive explosion heard by all of the employees of WTC 6"

And again , building 6 suffered this massive explosion that blew the center of the builing away, how did they get aall the people out? You can't have it both ways Duane.

Oh I read the articles days ago. I fully understand them, and the quality of the work they contain.

The first article does exactly as I claim, blows you out of the water. For days now you have been claiming that buiding 6 exploded near the same time the second tower we hit, and then you post and article that claims just the opposite. You can't have it both ways. One of your claims is wrong. Which one is it?

The third article is a mess. That you use it in an attempt to prove ANYTHING shows your desperation and willingness to accept anything no matter how poor if it fits your worldview. I thought you were open minded. Using that second article shows just the opposite and illustrates your lack of critical thinking skills.

I'm sorry Duane, but it you who has been proven wrong, and you did it to yourself!

Edited by Craig Lamson
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Maybe I should have been more clear for Duane. I wanted evidence of the massive explosion, not of the evacuation. Nobody is disputing that the surrounding buildings were evacuated.

Duane, the very first paragraph you pasted:

In an exclusive Killtown interview, Ground Zero EMT Patricia Ondrovic talks about her harrowing day at the WTC on 9/11. Within minutes after the South Tower collapses, she witnessed the WTC 5 blowing up, cars exploding, and explosions inside the lobby of the WTC 6, all the while narrowly escaping with her own life.

This does not support Jack's claims that it happened while the towers were both standing. Nor does an explosion 'in the lobby' come close to describing the giant bomb that Jack proposes vaporized a crater in the building. None of the crap you pasted offers any evidence of the claims that Jack is making, there is no eyewitness testimony, video, or photographic evidence of the destruction of wtc6 an hour before any of the buildings collapsed.

Edited by Kevin M. West
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That last article has quite a few blatent lies in it. Here are a couple:

Twin Towers were built with a sequenced internal explosion system. This is legally required in areas where buildings are congested in order to ensure symmetrical collapse when the building ages and is condemned and has to be demolished.
In the demolition industry, "pull" is the common term they use for demolishing buildings with explosives.
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Once everyone was on the street, Mabee and his peers saw the World Trade Center's north tower engulfed in flames, though it still wasn't clear what had happened. Overhead, an airplane made a beeline for the complex. Mabee watched as it exploded into the south tower. OSHA's employees fled the scene, trying to escape the dust and debris, making their way to the agency's regional office farther north in the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan. After learning that all of his colleagues had made it out safely, Mabee told his supervisor he was going back to the crash site.

"If I didn't try to help, I don't think I could have been able to live with myself," says the former paramedic and police officer. "A lot of the firemen had already been killed. I knew that was where I was needed." Mabee helped set up a field hospital several blocks from the crash site.

Mabee knew that the rescue workers needed to get their eyes flushed to clear away bits of debris. So he and others grabbed their supplies and headed toward ground zero. "Every time we ran into a group of firefighters, we would sit them down and flush their eyes out.


So many of the WTC 6 workers were still in the area when 175 crashed into WTC 6 and at least one (Mabee) stayed in the area. Funy that neither he nor any of the others said anything about the building being "vapourized". A matter of fact is that you have no witness accoount of the building exploding except for the woman who said she hear things popping in the lobby as WTC collapsed.. But as already pointed out her account undermines your theory because according to it the lobby had been destroyed nearly an hour earlier. Notice also that she says the cops never left the lobby but rather that she stayed there to keep others from entering.

Edited by Len Colby
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