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Is anyone interested in Apollo missions...

Jack White

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By the way, when you next communicate with your prized second Mohamed, ask him precisely how many pictures he actually sent to Daniel Hopsicker.

It's an easy question for him to answer. Dead easy.

My guess is that he won't be able to remember.

That wouldn’t surprise me since he sent the e-mail almost 3 years ago (i.e. late April 2005) your friend Hopsicker couldn’t remember what he’d written in chapter 1 of his book when he wrote chapter 5 nor could be remember what he’d read and written about the Arakji and Atta entries on the FBI Watch List in April 2004 13 month (or less) later. Can you tell me exactly how many photos you sent someone 3 years ago?

Once again you could ask Hopsicker, he said Arakji sent him “several” which depending on which dictionary you consult means “more than two”, “more than three” or “more than a few” but Hopsicker only published two., this backs Arakji’s claim that he sent Hopsicker the photos in my next post.

And then we'll have done with this it was a picture of his "friend Peter" (sans drag queens hands down his pants) that Hopsicker mistakenly posted in his article bollocks -- and can move on to deconstructing the other multiple shoddiness of yours.

You’ve failed to show it’s bullocks, you’re making a lot of assumptions based on the claims of a repeatedly unreliable source

Additionally, please impress upon Arajaki the need to scan and send you -- so that you can post here -- his passport ID photo page, his Florida driving license photo ID, the current city and state of residence and his full name as entered on his state driving license and passport.

FYI, I have already conducted a preliminary background check using an agency resource and no such person as "Mohamed Arajaki" appears in any available public information records in Florida ( these include utility records, court records, county records, change of address records, property records, business records, and other public and publicly available records). Some of these records date back 20 years too.

Sherlock Holmes you’re not! Perhaps a better comparison would be to a famous fictional French sleuth. You might have done better if you’d used the correct spelling ARAKJI but since he seems to have only lived in the state for 2 – 3 months, part of the time with Keller it wouldn’t be surprising if you turned up nothing and he is not likely to have ever had a driver’s license from there let alone still have one 7 years later. Oh and last time I checked there are no ‘states’ in France.

What “agency resource” are you talking about?

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Guest David Guyatt
A video interview if I pull it off would show that he is saying what I claim he is saying and doesn’t look like his friend Peter. You might not trust me that’s your problem.

Your'e right I don't trust you for a second. And with extensive and accumulated reason, too.

And I don't trust your faker Mohamed mate either.

No hard facts to prove your assertion. No applause.

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Guest David Guyatt

You're wallowing aren't you. No important facts in the foregoing two posts, just rhetoric.

Back to your old tricks again eh.

The usual Colby technique when he is caught out -- the spinning and deflection begins in earnest.

It's very tiring but always expected.

1) The reason I asked you how many pictures the second Mohamed emailed to Hopsicker -- and the reason I proclaimed the likelihood that he wouldn't remember (rightly it appears), is because I know precisely how many pictures he emailed to Daniel. I even have copies of them. :ice

He's conned you the same way he's tried to con everyone else. It's just that it's easier to pull the wool over your eyes -- because you're a willing participant in his game of deceit.

2) Hopsicker wrote specifically regarding the real Mohamed - Mohamed Atta, - and not your mate Mohamed the faker, that the trannies had their hands thrust down his pants. Since this is clearly not the case in the foregoing picture, you have to keep using the word "pawed" -- a word you purposely introduced into this discussion, in order to shroud and confuse the very clear facts of the case.

No picture of hands down pants, no cigar.

3) You declined to answer the question how the fake Mohamed sending a picture of his friend Peter standing with a bunch of trannies, proves that the fake Mohamed was present at an event in:

a) the same place

b on the same date

As the one reported by Amanda Keller.

Logic doesn't come into it. This is about lying. This is about the fake Mohamed's missing credibility. And even he can't be arsed to try to establish it... he's very weary of it don't ya' know, and is off to China.

Run, hide n' escape.

4) If Arajki declines to provide evidence to back up the assertion he made, then it stands to reason that only those gullible and foolish enough would accept what he says at face value. There are only two such.

The first is you... filling the gullible fool role. The second is the journalist who wrote the original article about the second Mohamed for the Sun Herald - who appears to have had another altogether different agenda. That journalist was later sacked by the Sun Herald. Guess what for? For snooping through his fellow colleagues computers. Nice huh? Maybe snooping was his first profession?

5) As I said above I have conducted a preliminary background check, and there is no available record of "Mohamed Arajaki" nor of a Mohamed Arajki.

The important fact to point out here is that the reporter for the Sun Herald who floated this "second Mohamed" story in the first place, broke with journalistic tradition and good practise and didn't bother to enlighten us about the second Mohamed's family name. For him, incredibly, the name "Mohamed" was sufficient -- allowing several million men with that first name to fit the bill if they so wish. Nice.

Meanwhile, I am now prepared to spend money and commission the services of a commercial Due Diligence outfit to conduct a detailed background check on your Mohamed and will undertake to fully post their unexpurgated report here.

But to do so, I need your fake Mohamed to come clean and identify himself with a verifiable picture (passport, photo ID, drivers license), plus d.o.b., height, hair and eyes colour, weight, place of birth, Florida address, length and dates of residence in the US -- information that can be cross checked and verified to establish his bona fides and thus ascertain if what he says is true.

I don't for a moment believe he will do this because I don't believe a word he says -- and furthermore that he daren't reveal he is a simple catspaw to one of the ABC agencies to muddle and confuse things.

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You're wallowing aren't you. No important facts in the foregoing two posts, just rhetoric.

Back to your old tricks again eh.

The usual Colby technique when he is caught out -- the spinning and deflection begins in earnest.

It's very tiring but always expected.

1) The reason I asked you how many pictures the second Mohamed emailed to Hopsicker -- and the reason I proclaimed the likelihood that he wouldn't remember (rightly it appears), is because I know precisely how many pictures he emailed to Daniel. I even have copies of them. ;)

A question I would have no way of answering and Mr. Arakji could reasonably be expected not able to answer after 3 years. Hopsicker said “several” which indicates more than 2 or more than three depending on which dictionary you look at. So it seems that he held some (or at least one) back. Why don't you ask Hopsicker how many he sent and why he held back the others

He's conned you the same way he's tried to con everyone else. It's just that it's easier to pull the wool over your eyes -- because you're a willing participant in his game of deceit.

2) Hopsicker wrote specifically regarding the real Mohamed - Mohamed Atta, - and not your mate Mohamed the faker, that the trannies had their hands thrust down his pants. Since this is clearly not the case in the foregoing picture, you have to keep using the word "pawed" -- a word you purposely introduced into this discussion, in order to shroud and confuse the very clear facts of the case.

No picture of hands down pants, no cigar.

The source of that claim is an admitted xxxx whose version of events even when she claimed Atta lived with her changed several times. That the photo is similar to one she described is evidence but not proof that his story is true

3) You declined to answer the question how the fake Mohamed sending a picture of his friend Peter standing with a bunch of trannies, proves that the fake Mohamed was present at an event in:

a) the same place

b on the same date

As the one reported by Amanda Keller.

As I said it’s evidence not proof. Keller is a xxxx there is no reason to believe the incident happened exactly as she claimed it did.

Logic doesn't come into it. This is about lying. This is about the fake Mohamed's missing credibility. And even he can't be arsed to try to establish it... he's very weary of it don't ya' know, and is off to China.

Run, hide n' escape.

I’ve shown repeatedly that Keller and Hopsicker aren’t credible, you haven’t produced any evidence Arakji isn’t credible. Even in his e-mail to Hopsicker he said it wasn’t him in the photo with the TV’s. He’s never seem particularly eager to push this. The only things he’s done so far AFAIK is send an e-mail to Hopsicker 3 years ago and briefly respond to my inquires. It’s not as if he made a big deal over it and suddenly started making excuses when inquiries were made.

4) If Arajki declines to provide evidence to back up the assertion he made, then it stands to reason that only those gullible and foolish enough would accept what he says at face value.

Can you prove you were at a specific location 3 years ago?

There are only two such.

The first is you... filling the gullible fool role.

I classify anyone who still takes Keller and Hopsicker seriously as a “gullible fool”

The second is the journalist who wrote the original article about the second Mohamed for the Sun Herald - who appears to have had another altogether different agenda. That journalist was later sacked by the Sun Herald. Guess what for? For snooping through his fellow colleagues computers. Nice huh? Maybe snooping was his first profession?

I assume you can present evidence to support this claim, something more substantial than the say so of a documented truth bender like Hopsicker.

5) As I said above I have conducted a preliminary background check, and there is no available record of "Mohamed Arajaki" nor of a Mohamed Arajki.

Once again

- the guy’s last name is ARAKJI and

-you are unlikely to find much if anything on him in Florida because he only lived there for 2 - 3 months.

Why do I have to keep repeating myself with you?

Even Keller says "Mohamed" had a checking account there under the name Arajaki (apperently she was the source of the mispellng) and used checks from it to pay their rent and her bail.

The important fact to point out here is that the reporter for the Sun Herald who floated this "second Mohamed" story in the first place, broke with journalistic tradition and good practise and didn't bother to enlighten us about the second Mohamed's family name. For him, incredibly, the name "Mohamed" was sufficient -- allowing several million men with that first name to fit the bill if they so wish. Nice.

Died you actually read the article before writting the above? Do you have any evidence he knew “the second Mohamed's family name”? From the article you are referring to:

“Authorities would not release the man's full name and Keller would not divulge it, citing instructions from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.”

Meanwhile, I am now prepared to spend money and commission the services of a commercial Due Diligence outfit to conduct a detailed background check on your Mohamed and will undertake to fully post their unexpurgated report here.

But to do so, I need your fake Mohamed to come clean and identify himself with a verifiable picture (passport, photo ID, drivers license), plus d.o.b., height, hair and eyes colour, weight, place of birth, Florida address, length and dates of residence in the US -- information that can be cross checked and verified to establish his bona fides and thus ascertain if what he says is true.

I don't for a moment believe he will do this because I don't believe a word he says -- and furthermore that he daren't reveal he is a simple catspaw to one of the ABC agencies to muddle and confuse things.

You can search the FAA database for free it lists a Mohamad Arakji in France as getting a commercial pilot’s license, (in the US) April 20, 2001 and gives the number, as well as the number of his UK license. It lists an address near Paris, the city Mohamed said he was moving to when he left Venice (see article linked above). I believe you can get more detailed info by writing the FAA. The FBI watch list gives his date and place of birth (Beirut 1973) and the same address in France (albeit with a typo), the French phone company lists someone with the same last name living at the same address. He apparently moved to France by 1979. The watch list also lists an incomplete address in Orlando which is either an office building with a lot of real estate types in it or a hotel (the street has east and west sections) if you paid attention to Hopsicker you’d know one of his addresses, Apt. 26 at the Sandpiper Apartments on Airport Rd. in Venice, I think you can find the building number on his site. Arakji told me he was in FL February – April 2001, this corresponds to 1) the week he rented the LaConca’s house in North Port (I think that’s the town, double check on Hopsicker’s site) and when he earned his license. 2 – 3 months is about how long it would take someone who already has a private license to earn a commercial one if they flew frequently enough to get their required 190 - 250 hours*. He studied at Florida Flight Training in Venice. Apperently his dad’s name is Saleh (some times spelled Salem) and he was born in the mid-40’s and went to school in Beirut.

I will posted his photo in my next post you can derive his hair and skin color (black and brown) from that. As for his height and weight the La Conca’s said he was about 5’ 10” and 190 lbs, Keller’s mom (or sister) said he was “tall and lanky”.

So you got his name, date and place of birth, date of FAA commercial licensure and license number, three addresses (1 in France, 2 in Florida) approximate dates in Florida, the name of the flight school he studied a, photos, his hair and skin color, approximate height and weight and even his dad’s name and approximate date of birth - that should be enough. Don’t forget to spell his name correctly this time A-R-A-K-J-I. (note that though I did use the correct spelling about 20 time, I used Arajki twice (in the same post) and Arajaki once. In the name of accuracy I will correct them once you reply

* http://www.querycat.com/faq/c3863ddb76fe5aad0f1cc1ba5d40f6c3

http://www.motherearthnews.com/Do-It-Yours...nce.aspx?page=5 .

Edited by Len Colby
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Guest David Guyatt

Bombast and rhetoric in waves eh? Getting sensitive is it? :huh:

What I want, Mr Colby, since you are in contact with this guy (apparently) - but decline to put me in contact with him - is his passport photo or FL driving license photo ID, or another photo ID which additionally lists his weight, height, hair colour, eye colour, d.o.b. Verifiable ID information. Verifiable identity with a verifiable picture.

From that position a picture of the man will be able to be built up. Without it he is a ghost. Very possibly a very convenient ghost, too.

Of course, you could always PM me his email and phone number and I'll deal with him directly. But you won't do that, will you. No sir.

What I also want to know is why he sent pictures to Hopsicker claiming them to be of himself, but then told you that there were of his friend "Peter"? And why pictures of his friend "Peter" in the Keys being "pawed" by trannies (but significantly no hands stuffed down his pants in the pictures sent to Hopsicker -- see your post 129 above) would prove or even begin to support his story that he was present in the same place on the same occasion as per Keller? I think I know the answer to this question but his full answer would be of interest.

This, in fact, goes to the verifiability of his allegation that he was the Mohamed of Keller's story, which remains a wholly unsupported assertion and increasingly looks to me like a purposeful disinformation job he was tasked with.

When emailing him ask him if he knew Atta and how well? Did they meet in Venice if so when, where and how often? Did they meet in Orlando, if so when, where and how often? Did the FBI interview him in regard to 911, when, where and how often? Does he have any criminal convictions/associations?

This guy is proving to be a more interesting character than I at first thought.

Questions, questions, questions...

And Mr Colby, a very interesting post was yours --- about the east west street of the Orlando address and the Paris address. How curious that I was looking at these precise details via Google only a hour or so before you posted your message above. I do so much enjoy coincidences.

Anyway, kindly respond with facts please.

Waste your bullxxxx on someone else, okay. ;)

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Guest David Guyatt
A few questions for David Peter, Mike and anyone else that believes Keller’s (twice retracted) claim that her “Mohamed” was Atta.

Why would Atta who spoke fluent German and lived in Germany off and on for 8 years claim to be French, when we have no indication he had ever been to the country or even spoke the language?

(my bold and underlining)


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Guest David Guyatt

Len Colby wrote Post No. 111:

Funny that you should mention the photo of the “2nd Mohammed/5th pilot” being pawed by the transvestites. That sounds a lot more like the “Mohamed” Keller described [i.e., Arajki] than the “Atta” described by people we know knew him Hamburg and Venice.


Len Colby Post No. 138

... the photo is similar to one she described is evidence but not proof that his story is true.


My Post No. 131:

The below is is what Hopsicker wrote according to Amanda Keller's recollection of the trip to Key West -- and upon which you are drawing on in the above comments:


“Peter, Mohamed and Stephan were all standing next to the drag queen, who stuffed his hand down all their pants in the pictures, and Peter and Stephan both laughed it off, but Mohamed got really angry,” said Amanda.


(my bold, italics and underlining)

Singular "Drag queen" - singular "his hand" - plural "their pants" - plural "in the pictures". Plural "Peter, Mohamed and Stephen were all"... standing next to the drag queen..."

Having moved from your statement of fact, through the usual dissent and unpleasantess, then on to the present weakening of your position to the that the picture is "evidence but not proof of his [the second Mohamed's]story" --- perhaps you'll be honest enough to now admit that his story is bollocks - because in the picture he sent Daniel, there are three drag queens surrounding the second Mohamed -- standing alone - and not one of them have their hands stuffed down his pants.

This is clearly and indisputably a different picture of a different event -- and leads to the inescapable conclusion that it was mocked up to sow confusion in the old and well established smoke and mirrors fashion.

And you, Mr. Colby, have been a willing participant in this deceit.

Edited by David Guyatt
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Guest David Guyatt

In regard to the incorporation of Karam LLC in my post No. 140 above, we have the very curious situation of the company being reinstated under the date 9th January 2003 and filed on 11th January 2003. And what's strange abut that, you ask?

Mohamed Atta is now listed as the company secretary.


Changing from company "President" to company "Secretary" is death's way of saying you're demoted.

Interestingly, Mr Mohamed Atta's address is now listed as 4124 West Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida (instead of the Marseilles, France, address listed earlier), That's just a short hop, skip and jump along the same street from 600 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida, where the "second Mohamed" - Mohamed Arajki (a.k.a. Arajaki) - was listed as being resident:


Now there's a coincidence.

(See: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=4124+W+Colon...ap&ct=title


http://maps.google.com/maps?q=600+E+Coloni...ap&ct=title )

And Karam LLC, is seemingly part of Karam Moving and Storage Inc, nder the control of one David Karam, of 4524 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, Fl.

See: http://www.sunbiz.org/COR/2001/0110/20522282.tif

So who is David Karam?

Edited by David Guyatt
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I was in the US Navy Aviation Museum at Pensacola today, and was looking at the Skylab CM. Photos are great, but there is nothing like seeing the real thing for yourself.

That prompted a question:

Jack, have you ever visited any of the Apollo hardware on display? There is a little bit on display in Texas, and I presume you have travelled around the country a fair bit.

Have you ever been to see the exhibits? Taken images of one of the unflown LMs or CMs? Looked at the EMUs?

Just curious.

Gee - and I thought it would be a simple question to answer.

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I was in the US Navy Aviation Museum at Pensacola today, and was looking at the Skylab CM. Photos are great, but there is nothing like seeing the real thing for yourself.

That prompted a question:

Jack, have you ever visited any of the Apollo hardware on display? There is a little bit on display in Texas, and I presume you have travelled around the country a fair bit.

Have you ever been to see the exhibits? Taken images of one of the unflown LMs or CMs? Looked at the EMUs?

Just curious.

Gee - and I thought it would be a simple question to answer.

Evan, you visited Jack White's profile today. Surely you saw that he hasn't posted anything here since March tenth.

It's only been two days since you queried him. Why the sarcasm and impatience?

Jack White is up there in years. Perhaps he hasn't been feeling well. Perhaps he is visiting family. Perhaps he is taking a break from posting on the Forum for a host of possible reasons.

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I was in the US Navy Aviation Museum at Pensacola today, and was looking at the Skylab CM. Photos are great, but there is nothing like seeing the real thing for yourself.

That prompted a question:

Jack, have you ever visited any of the Apollo hardware on display? There is a little bit on display in Texas, and I presume you have travelled around the country a fair bit.

Have you ever been to see the exhibits? Taken images of one of the unflown LMs or CMs? Looked at the EMUs?

Just curious.

Gee - and I thought it would be a simple question to answer.

Evan, you visited Jack White's profile today. Surely you saw that he hasn't posted anything here since March tenth.

It's only been two days since you queried him. Why the sarcasm and impatience?

Jack White is up there in years. Perhaps he hasn't been feeling well. Perhaps he is visiting family. Perhaps he is taking a break from posting on the Forum for a host of possible reasons.

I have to disagree with you Michael - Jack was here today. I also sent him a PM of my request, so he certainly knows of it. He simply chooses to ignore it. I can only speculate on his reasons for doin so, but IMO it is because he has not looked at any Apollo hardware. If he has, then I welcome him telling me that he has seen / photographed / etc Apollo hardware.

Edited by Evan Burton
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Face it - Jack White does not like answering questions which may question his proclaimed integrity.

IMO - and Jack can prove me wrong if I am - Jack does not address questions which may demostrate that he is not all he claims to be.

My question is pretty simple (although in a number of parts): has Jack examined Apollo hardware? If he has (a YES / NO question), I would further ask - and this is up to him - WHAT hardware has he examined?

Quite a simple question really - unless you do not like the answer.

Edited by Evan Burton
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BTW - I find myself in the (perhaps) unique position of being around a number of USAF pilots over the next few months. F-15 / F-16 in particular (although heavies are there). Since these are the aircraft involved in 9/11, if you have any questions regarding the specifics of these aircraft, I will put it to them and post the replies.

Please understand that if any reply involves a classified matter, I will be unable post it.

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Face it - Jack White does not like answering questions which may question his proclaimed integrity.

IMO - and Jack can prove me wrong if I am - Jack does not address questions which may demostrate that he is not all he claims to be.

My question is pretty simple (although in a number of parts): has Jack examined Apollo hardware? If he has (a YES / NO question), I would further ask - and this is up to him - WHAT hardware has he examined?

Quite a simple question really - unless you do not like the answer.

Since when is anyone required to answer a question on this forum? Especially from a moderator that apparently has nothing better to do than follow certain someones around this forum...

You want Appolo? Go here http://www.spacecamp.com/museum/

Everything space artifacts, even have the last Saturn Five rocket (disassembled of course, nuclear treaty requirement) MACA/NASA's roots are there, including Von Braun's actual office an exhibit in the in the museum....

More commonly called US Space and Rocket Center.... Werner Von Braun's home (Huntsville Alabama) till he died.... If your nice to the folks there they may even let you sit in one of the Apollo capsule simulators (the REAL deal). Pensecola....? LMAO! Go to the source....

http://www.redstone.army.mil/history/ right around the corner from the museum

Alabama just up the road from Pensacola.... btw, what the hell Space stuff is in Pensecola? aside: there's a SR-22 parked roght outside the frontdoor of the museum, at least there was 2 years ago...

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I asked a simple question and thought that it would get a reply - a simple YES or NO would have been fine.

The Command Module from SKYLAB 2 is on display at Pensacola. It was an all-Navy crew, and commanded by Pete Conrad (Apollo 12). He got a Presidential Medal for that mission.

Yep, I definitely intend to get up to Huntsville, and probable Houston as well. I visited KSC in 2003 and yes - I climbed in the exhibits whenever it was allowed! I'm just a big kid with this stuff.


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