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RARE ABC video of reporter Ron Gardner confirming my research: building rooftops WERE guarded before and during the JFK era! 11/22/63

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Building rooftops WERE guarded before and during the JFK era! 11/22/63 - YouTube


RARE ABC video of reporter Ron Gardner confirming my research on the silent part of this video: building rooftops WERE guarded before and during the JFK era! 11/22/63

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On 1/23/2021 at 9:48 AM, Vince Palamara said:

RARE ABC video of reporter Ron Gardner confirming my research on the silent part of this video: building rooftops WERE guarded before and during the JFK era! 11/22/63

Hi Vince,

What do you make of this (one of the most surprising entries for me in the Master Chronology of JFK Assassination Book II: Death)?


November 22, 1963, 8:25 a.m. and shortly thereafter, CST. Ft. Worth, Texas. Ft. Worth Star-Telegram photographers George Edward Smith and Norm Bradford would comment on the morning commentary by the President in front of the Hotel Texas: “After briskly walking out the hotel entrance under a marquee proclaiming, “WELCOME, MR. PRESIDENT,” Kennedy, with entourage trailing behind, proceeded the short distance to the parking lot across the street. [George E.] Smith recalls that the President, “did the perimeter pretty well, shaking an awful lot of people’s hands. It had sprinkled earlier in the morning, but when they came out there it had quit at that stage, so he was out there probably longer than they had intended.”

“ [Norm] Bradford had found a spectacular location for creating an overview photo. “I went to the top of the Hotel Texas and made a shot [poor choice of words, considering the totality of Bradford’s comment] down on the parking lot across the street from the 14th floor of the Hotel. I’m still wondering why I wasn’t shot off the side of the building at that time. When I got up there and was shooting down, I just happened to glance around, and all I could see on all the roofs of the buildings around were yellow raincoats with people with high-powered rifles . There I was, standing on the 14th floor of the Hotel Texas, and not a soul, it was not protected, and it was not sealed off . I was very surprised.” 

Brown Ph.D, Walt. Master Chronology of JFK Assassination Book II: Death (Kindle Locations 850-858). Kindle Edition. 

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Great and important post VP.

So much documentation to totally refute any proclamations or excuses that high building open window and roof top placement of security personnel wasn't one of the highest priority security measures during a presidential motorcade and should have been in Dallas on 11,22,1963.

I recall SS agent Clint Hill ( in response to audience questions ) stating in at least two of his filmed interviews in his later days that they ( the SS ) couldn't check every open window along the Dallas parade route through high rise downtown simply because they didn't have the manpower. Next question?

How about ordering every building owner or manager to make sure none of these windows are opened while JFK passed underneath?

At the end of your article montage posted link Vince we see a quote from agent Gerald Blaine stating they ( the SS ) had to "beg" for more security manpower help during the downtown Dallas motorcade trip.

The former Minnesota Supreme Court justice ( who once had words with John Connally) told his friend that JFK's security in Dallas was "lax."

Chief Curry stated before JFK's arrival that the security plans for JFK's trip through Dallas were the most thorough in their history!

Most thorough? 

Countless higher building open windows above the route? No one on rooftops? No one on the ground with binoculars and radios scanning the higher floor open windows as JFK was being driven underneath them? No one stationed behind the 200+foot long, perfect shooting angle and hiding place tree lined picket fence and the pergola structure right above the grassy knoll?

What about the sewer entrance just passed the railroad overpass? Or covering up the sewer connected drain opening along the curb just to the right of JFK's limo on Elm street?

Dallas Sheriff Roger Craig testified that his boss James Eric "Bill" Decker told his men not to participate in the motorcade security in any way.  WHAT? !!!

Did SS pleas for more security manpower help never reach the Dallas Sheriff?

He had enough personnel to significant help the open window, high building roof top security need. And it seemed the DPD had many,many reserve officers available, who were brought in "after" JFK was killed.

There could have been security on every parade route building rooftop.

And who in the advance security planning of JFK's Dallas motorcade team could not notice the Texas School Book Depository building with it unbelievably obvious turkey shoot sniper location situation with all of it's dozens of upper floor windows and roof directly facing JFK's open limo as it came straight toward them down Houston, then with a limo slowing 180 degree turn right below and then a back side vulnerable turkey shoot opportunity for another 400 feet!?

In the least, TXSBD super Roy Truly should have issued an order that no one should be on those upper floors during the passing of the JFK limo and FOR SURE...no open windows! 

It's just seems so simple and obvious to consider these most basic security measures.

And Roy Truly bringing in his latest rifle or rifle acquisitions to the TXSBD to show off to his underling employee buddies just days before 11,22,1963 is just another weird thing, but maybe not in that part of the country?

And never forget the TXSBD building was owned by D.H. Byrd. Texas oil magnate. JFK hater. Close friend of LBJ and responsible for setting up "and funding" the LBJ library at the University of Texas.

The building that allegedly provided Oswald with the perfect and protected sniper's perch location right above a SS regulation violating hairpin turning and slowed JFK limo just happens to be owned by one the richest, most powerful and LBJ promoting, and rabid JFK hating men in the country?

Ah...but the stunning and stark lack of JFK motorcade security ( in a state and city known as one of the most rabid JFK hating in the country" is all just clueless inexperienced unsophisticated good-ole-boy town negligence ... or coincidence?

Just like Lee Harvey Oswald having his guts blown apart from a shot just inches away right inside the DPD building with 70 armed security all around and Oswald being handcuffed to two officers at his side...by a sleasy small time strip club owner who was driven to murderous insanity by his grief for Jackie Kennedy and his need to show that "Jews had guts." And who simply scampered past entrance security and down to within feet of Oswald, all on an incredibly lucky timed spontaneous whim!

Great document linking post VP.

One which exposes the too often accepted lack of JFK Dallas motorcade security excuse given to downplay the truth that it was horrendously ( and rationally suspicious!) negligent.

Oh, and don't forget FBI agent James Hosty ( Assignment Oswald) case officer, blithely, perversely deciding to take his lunch break in a downtown Dallas diner right during JFK's motorcade ride through his highest JFK security primed responsibility turf?

How crazily illogical was that action?

And well known Russia defector and Castro promoting activity background Oswald wasn't once considered as a threat person worth watching while JFK was to pass right under his place of employment? By an agent whose job it was to check the list of such threats?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 1/25/2021 at 12:00 PM, Joe Bauer said:


Great and important post VP.

So much documentation to totally refute any proclamations or excuses that high building open window and roof top placement of security personnel wasn't one of the highest priority security measures during a presidential motorcade and should have been in Dallas on 11,22,1963.

I recall SS agent Clint Hill ( in response to audience questions ) stating in at least two of his filmed interviews in his later days that they ( the SS ) couldn't check every open window along the Dallas parade route through high rise downtown simply because they didn't have the manpower. Next question?

How about ordering every building owner or manager to make sure none of these windows are opened while JFK passed underneath?

At the end of your article montage posted link Vince we see a quote from agent Gerald Blaine stating they ( the SS ) had to "beg" for more security manpower help during the downtown Dallas motorcade trip.

The former Minnesota Supreme Court justice ( who once had words with John Connally) told his friend that JFK's security in Dallas was "lax."

Chief Curry stated before JFK's arrival that the security plans for JFK's trip through Dallas were the most thorough in their history!

Most thorough? 

Countless higher building open windows above the route? No one on rooftops? No one on the ground with binoculars and radios scanning the higher floor open windows as JFK was being driven underneath them? No one stationed behind the 200+foot long, perfect shooting angle and hiding place tree lined picket fence and the pergola structure right above the grassy knoll?

What about the sewer entrance just passed the railroad overpass? Or covering up the sewer connected drain opening along the curb just to the right of JFK's limo on Elm street?

Dallas Sheriff Roger Craig testified that his boss James Eric "Bill" Decker told his men not to participate in the motorcade security in any way.  WHAT? !!!

Did SS pleas for more security manpower help never reach the Dallas Sheriff?

He had enough personnel to significant help the open window, high building roof top security need. And it seemed the DPD had many,many reserve officers available, who were brought in "after" JFK was killed.

There could have been security on every parade route building rooftop.

And who in the advance security planning of JFK's Dallas motorcade team could not notice the Texas School Book Depository building with it unbelievably obvious turkey shoot sniper location situation with all of it's dozens of upper floor windows and roof directly facing JFK's open limo as it came straight toward them down Houston, then with a limo slowing 180 degree turn right below and then a back side vulnerable turkey shoot opportunity for another 400 feet!?

In the least, TXSBD super Roy Truly should have issued an order that no one should be on those upper floors during the passing of the JFK limo and FOR SURE...no open windows! 

It's just seems so simple and obvious to consider these most basic security measures.

And Roy Truly bringing in his latest rifle or rifle acquisitions to the TXSBD to show off to his underling employee buddies just days before 11,22,1963 is just another weird thing, but maybe not in that part of the country?

And never forget the TXSBD building was owned by D.H. Byrd. Texas oil magnate. JFK hater. Close friend of LBJ and responsible for setting up "and funding" the LBJ library at the University of Texas.

The building that allegedly provided Oswald with the perfect and protected sniper's perch location right above a SS regulation violating hairpin turning and slowed JFK limo just happens to be owned by one the richest, most powerful and LBJ promoting, and rabid JFK hating men in the country?

Ah...but the stunning and stark lack of JFK motorcade security ( in a state and city known as one of the most rabid JFK hating in the country" is all just clueless inexperienced unsophisticated good-ole-boy town negligence ... or coincidence?

Just like Lee Harvey Oswald having his guts blown apart from a shot just inches away right inside the DPD building with 70 armed security all around and Oswald being handcuffed to two officers at his side...by a sleasy small time strip club owner who was driven to murderous insanity by his grief for Jackie Kennedy and his need to show that "Jews had guts." And who simply scampered past entrance security and down to within feet of Oswald, all on an incredibly lucky timed spontaneous whim!

Great document linking post VP.

One which exposes the too often accepted lack of JFK Dallas motorcade security excuse given to downplay the truth that it was horrendously ( and rationally suspicious!) negligent.

Oh, and don't forget FBI agent James Hosty ( Assignment Oswald) case officer, blithely, perversely deciding to take his lunch break in a downtown Dallas diner right during JFK's motorcade ride through his highest JFK security primed responsibility turf?

How crazily illogical was that action?

And well known Russia defector and Castro promoting activity background Oswald wasn't once considered as a threat person worth watching while JFK was to pass right under his place of employment? By an agent whose job it was to check the list of such threats?



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