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THE SAM GIANCANA STORY | The True Story of The American Mobster

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MOMO: THE SAM GIANCANA STORY | The True Story of The American Mobster Documentary


Aug 29, 2020



FilmIsNow Movie Trailers

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Watch Momo: The Sam Giancana Story, a full documentary that shows the Sam Giancana's true story and the truth behind JFK election.


MOMO: THE SAM GIANCANA STORY | The True Story of The American Mobster Documentary - YouTube

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This is a puff piece, white wash created by Sam's family to make some $$. The claims that Sam was part of the Torrio attempted murder and participated in the St. Valentine's day massacre are not supported by any facts or any other historians. When his daughters and nephew go about what a nice guy Sam was, I find myself remembering a brief exchange Sam had with a reporter outside a courthouse.

Reporter, "Hey Sam, can you lend me $5,000?". 

Sam, "What have you got for collateral?"

Reporter, "I don't know, what do you need?".

Sam, "How about an eye?". 

Nor is there any mention of Sam's affinity for gang rape as a younger man. 

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21 minutes ago, Norman T. Field said:

This is a puff piece, white wash created by Sam's family to make some $$. The claims that Sam was part of the Torrio attempted murder and participated in the St. Valentine's day massacre are not supported by any facts or any other historians. When his daughters and nephew go about what a nice guy Sam was, I find myself remembering a brief exchange Sam had with a reporter outside a courthouse.

Reporter, "Hey Sam, can you lend me $5,000?". 

Sam, "What have you got for collateral?"

Reporter, "I don't know, what do you need?".

Sam, "How about an eye?". 

Nor is there any mention of Sam's affinity for gang rape as a younger man. 

Wasn't it Giancana's predecessor in Chicago, Tony Accardo who was involved in the St. Valentine's Day massacre?

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"Wasn't it Giancana's predecessor in Chicago, Tony Accardo who was involved in the St. Valentine's Day massacre?"


FBI agent Bill Roemer's bugs picked up 'Joe Batters' claims to have been a part of the SVDM, but a manuscript written by the wife of one of the participants claims the entire crew was drawn from a group known as 'Fred (Killer) Burke and the Americans'. She claimed that they were chosen for the job as none of them looked Italian. Ammo matching the slugs used in the tommy guns was found in Fred's Michigan house, so there is physical evidence of his participation. Chances are that the Moran crew would have recognized Accardo, who was Capone's driver and bodyguard, after the numerous Moran attempts to kill Capone. 

Accardo never really stepped down from power, but appointed Giancana as a 'general manager' so that 'Big Tuna' could avoid publicity. Paul Ricca was Sam's mentor and sponsor, Accardo apparently didn't care for Giancana much at all and would have dumped him early on but for Ricca. 

My conclusion is that Accardo was blowing smoke on the Roemer tapes. 


Edited by Norman T. Field
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Sentimentalizing guys like Giancanna, Capone, Marcello, Trafficante etc. just doesn't fit.

Years ago, while working at a small but somewhat well known celebrity owned hotel in Carmel, CA I interacted with a group staying there for a brief family get together vacation.

Every morning I would get the guest name sheet as I had to know which rooms I had to go to if called to perform any personal service for them during their stay.

Most of our small staff performed multi-tasked duties that large hotels had specific departments and staff for.

I was kind of the main hotel concierge but I also did bellman, front desk, bar back, minor maintenance ( TV, fireplace, room heater fix it stuff ) room service, blanket and sheet delivery, car parking ... heck I even did dog sitting, walking and room mess accident clean up duties!

Never asked to perform any "special" personal favors though. Too old, fat and ugly I guess.

However, this particular group family name I noticed on my hotel guest list one day was "Capone!"

I met two of the family in helping them with various needs during their stay.

By the way...all of these family members staying with us were women.

I happened to ask one of these Capone women where she was from. "Florida" she responded.

I later brought up this notorious family name to my immediate boss and joked about it as anyone would.

He looked at me with a "I got news for you fella" smug smile.

Turned out these women were the real Capone family McCoys! 3rd generation of course.

They were very nice the entire time I waited on them.

And I must say that the one Capone lady I dealt with mostly was extremely attractive. Maybe in her mid-to-late 40's? A real Claudia Cardinale look-alike!


Gli-80-anni-dellattrice-Claudia-CardinalBorn on April 15, 1938, in Tunisia from Sicilian parents, Claudia Cardinale.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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