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Brown comment re LBJ joining JFK ticket

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I came across this tidbit from reading Catherine Austin Fitts' account of working at the Dillon and Read Wall Street firm where she was a partner before entering government. Btw, that firm was started by the father of the C Douglas Dillon that worked in the JFK administration at Treasury. Her source for the story is the book by Dan Briody called The Halliburton Agenda. Pages 93-114. It's nothing earth shattering, but still interesting imo. Her full story, which is very much worth reading, can be found here https://dillonreadandco.com/.


The closeness of the Brown & Root relationship with Dillon Read is also underscored by Briody’s description of the head of Brown & Root’s frustration with Lyndon Johnson’s decision to serve as John Kennedy’s running mate. He quotes August Belmont, by then a leader of Dillon Read, who was with Brown in Houston in his private hotel suite listening to the radio coverage of Johnson’s announcement. According to Belmont, “Herman Brown….jumped up from his seat and said, ‘Who told him he could do that?’ and ran out of the room.” 

Edited by Dennis Berube
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I guess that is just more evidence of us how in bed LBJ was with Brown and Root.

RFK knew what he was talking about when he gave Walton that message about how things were going to change under LBJ, since he was so friendly  with big business.

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I'm just curious if Madeline Duncan Brown is related to the Brown from Brown and Root through marriage or somehow. Seeing the title of the thread I guess I just assumed it was gonna be some quote from MDB on LBJ joining the ticket and it dawned on me that she could have some in-law connection to Brown and Root. Anyone know if there is a connection?

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