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The Harper Fragment proves a lot.

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Sorry this won't be a new analysis for many. Its a Eureka moment for me.

1. The Fragment came from the back of Kennedy's skull. This is proven without doubt by John Hunt ('A Demonstrable Impossibility (Mary Ferrell)) . He shows it can't fit where the HSCA tried to place it. And there isn't another suitable location.

2. The lead smears and cratering/beveling (See photographs and Testimony of those who saw it) on one side show it was hit by a bullet. 

3. In its correct location, this shot came from the rear and into Kennedy's head (See the rear autopsy photo for its entrance, but beware!!) The bullet caused the hole in Kennedy's scalp at the rear. What happened to his skull is another matter.

4. The momentum of this bullet clearly didn't eject the fragment. Physics tells us that. An ejecting fragment would be on the outward travel of a bullet/debris and we know the fragment ejected and was found by Harper.

5. The above means another bullet ejected the fragment. A shot from the front, evidenced by the bullet track on the Xrays, witness testimony by the truckload, and a spokesman pointing to its entry point on his own head on the 22nd.

6. It also means the Zapruder film is missing the second shot to Kennedy's head. The shot (see recent posts by Mark Tyler) is likely to be the last bang in the bang.....bang-bang sequence stated by many witnesses. 

7. It also means the trajectory of this second head shot can be used to assess what is missing from the film. David Mantik posits the trajectory through JFK means he must have been sitting upright when hit by the second shot (otherwise the angle is upward, shooting from below the limo), so the head-snap neads to be replaced by Kennedy sitting up (or being lifted up by Jackie), and then being shot in the head for the second time.

8. It also explains the dishonesty of the Warren report in dropping the first head bullet's entrance, to conflate damage to the back of the skull (caused by the second bullet) with the first bullet's entrance. It also makes the HSCA's decision to move the first head bullet's entrance embarrassing. They clearly didn't realise that this relocation revealed the lie in the Warren report.


Thoughts please.


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I always thought it was wierd that JFK stayed so slumped over and still all the way down Elm St., from Z225 until the head shot/s at Z313.  He was not mortally wounded during those seconds and should have been trying something physical to deal with the wounds in his throat and back.  But he just sat, stone still, until getting blasted in the head.

And then the slight movement of his head foward toward the limo front at Z312 is an indication of a shot from the rear -- the first bullet to hit his head...

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Its interesting how vehemently that proponents of a location for the fragment location being at the top of the head argue. As far as I can see only John 

Hunt demonstrated it couldn't actually fit there (space taken by other bone). The argument about its location obfuscates its true significance (See above)

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Wasn't the Harper fragment found a good distance (30 to 40 feet?) in front (and far onto the grass to the left) of where the limo was at Zfilm 313?  How did it get there?  It is definitely large enough to have been filmed in motion by one or more of the movie cameras operating at the time.

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9 hours ago, Steven Kossor said:

Wasn't the Harper fragment found a good distance (30 to 40 feet?) in front (and far onto the grass to the left) of where the limo was at Zfilm 313?  How did it get there?  It is definitely large enough to have been filmed in motion by one or more of the movie cameras operating at the time.

You can watch a presentation by Randy Robertson on youtube where he allegedly tracks the fragment through the Z film frames. There is also a diagram (produced by Itek I think) showing fragments shooting virtually straight up. I don't think there is reliable info on where the fragment actually landed. I read that a small boy claimed he saw a man pick up a fragment on the day(Article in 4th Decade I think), but Harper claims to have collected the day after.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry, Sorry, I have realised my own analysis is wrong. I have done further reading and realised my statement at the start of this thread is wrong in one aspect, needed further research, ..but still, fundamentally holds some water:


1. The Fragment came from the back of Kennedy's skull. This is proven without doubt by John Hunt ('A Demonstrable Impossibility (Mary Ferrell)) . He shows it can't fit where the HSCA tried to place it. And there isn't another suitable location.

2. The lead smears and cratering/beveling (See photographs and Testimony of those who saw it) on one side show it was hit by a bullet. 

3. In its correct location, this shot came from the rear and into Kennedy's head (See the rear autopsy photo for its entrance, but beware!!) The bullet caused the hole in Kennedy's scalp at the rear. What happened to his skull is another matter. -WRONG THE FRAGMENT'S BULLET IMPACT SHOWS LEAD LEAVING THE SKULL AT THIS POINT NOT ENTERING. OTHER EVIDENCE SHOWS A SHOT FROM THE REAR. MOST CONVINCINGLY TO ME ,THIS IS PAT SPEERS PROOF THAT THERE WAS A LARGE FRAGMENT REMAINING IN KENNEDY'S EYE SOCKET (CONTRARY TO MANTIK'S ANALYSIS), but also witness testimony that what we see on the Z film (side head wound) is correct (not convinced by Speer on this)

4. The momentum of this bullet clearly didn't eject the fragment. Physics tells us that. An ejecting fragment would be on the outward travel of a bullet/debris and we know the fragment ejected and was found by Harper.

5. The above means another bullet ejected the fragment. A shot from the front, evidenced by the bullet track on the Xrays, witness testimony by the truckload, and a spokesman pointing to its entry point on his own head on the 22nd.

6. It also means the Zapruder film is missing the second shot to Kennedy's head. The shot (see recent posts by Mark Tyler) is likely to be the last bang in the bang.....bang-bang sequence stated by many witnesses. 

7. It also means the trajectory of this second head shot can be used to assess what is missing from the film. David Mantik posits the trajectory through JFK means he must have been sitting upright when hit by the second shot (otherwise the angle is upward, shooting from below the limo), so the head-snap needs to be replaced by Kennedy sitting up (or being lifted up by Jackie), and then being shot in the head for the second time. POSSIBLY WRONG - I HAVE SPENT TIME READING THE DEBATE BETWEEN THE HSCA/CLARK PANEL AND THE AUTOPSY SURGEONS, THE POINT OF ENTRY IS IN SEVERE DOUBT. I NOW BELEIVE THE EVIDENCE POINTS TOWARDS THE LOWER (WARREN COMMISSION ENTRY SITE). HULMES is adamant (HSCA testimony) the entrance was not as high AS THE HSCA POSITS AND TELLINGLY REFERS TO A SCALP ENTRANCE NOT SKULL (WE SUSPECT NO SKULL AVAILABLE IN THIS AREA). THE EVIDENCE MAY MEAN ANY MISSING FRAMES WERE ACTAULY WITH KENNEDY BENT FURTHER OVER (SEE HSCA RYDBERG DIAGRAM) - POSSIBLY WHAT SPECTOR WAS AFRAID OF IN HIS MEMO ON THE SUBJECT.

8. It also explains the dishonesty of the Warren report in dropping the first head shot bullet's entrance, to conflate damage to the back of the skull (caused by the second bullet) with the first bullet's entrance. It also makes the HSCA's decision to move the first head bullet's entrance embarrassing. They clearly didn't realise that this relocation revealed the lie in the Warren report. - NOT SO SURE!! I AM NOW LOOKING AT THE POSSIBILITY MISSING FRAMES SHOW KENNEDY SHOT AS PER RYDBERG DIAGRAM!


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On 6/1/2021 at 11:02 AM, Paul Bacon said:

I always thought it was wierd that JFK stayed so slumped over and still all the way down Elm St., from Z225 until the head shot/s at Z313.  He was not mortally wounded during those seconds and should have been trying something physical to deal with the wounds in his throat and back.  But he just sat, stone still, until getting blasted in the head.

And then the slight movement of his head foward toward the limo front at Z312 is an indication of a shot from the rear -- the first bullet to hit his head...


Hi Paul, 

One thing that occurred to me is what it’s like to be choking. Your only focus is on clearing the throat. JFK has blood and air in his throat, along with pain. I have both been winded and almost choked to death on a boat, with food lodged in my throat, I couldn’t do anything but focus on trying to breathe/clear the throat. I would think he (JFK) had zero awareness of what was going on around him, all he’d want is to breath and ease the pain. I am not sure what else you or I would do in the same situation.

Was he wearing the back brace? Would that have kept him upright or unable to bend right forward?

We might assume that he’d duck or react like people do when shot in the cowboy movies, I think all his focus is on the wound. 

I know there is all of the shell fish toxin / ice gun chatter on here but, a bullet slightly off track via the windscreen seems more probable and less complicated. Thats how some others have explained his lack of movement. 

Just my thoughts.



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7 hours ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

Sorry, Sorry, I have realised my own analysis is wrong. I have done further reading and realised my statement at the start of this thread is wrong in one aspect, needed further research, ..but still, fundamentally holds some water:


1. The Fragment came from the back of Kennedy's skull. This is proven without doubt by John Hunt ('A Demonstrable Impossibility (Mary Ferrell)) . He shows it can't fit where the HSCA tried to place it. And there isn't another suitable location.

2. The lead smears and cratering/beveling (See photographs and Testimony of those who saw it) on one side show it was hit by a bullet. 

3. In its correct location, this shot came from the rear and into Kennedy's head (See the rear autopsy photo for its entrance, but beware!!) The bullet caused the hole in Kennedy's scalp at the rear. What happened to his skull is another matter. -WRONG THE FRAGMENT'S BULLET IMPACT SHOWS LEAD LEAVING THE SKULL AT THIS POINT NOT ENTERING. OTHER EVIDENCE SHOWS A SHOT FROM THE REAR. MOST CONVINCINGLY TO ME ,THIS IS PAT SPEERS PROOF THAT THERE WAS A LARGE FRAGMENT REMAINING IN KENNEDY'S EYE SOCKET (CONTRARY TO MANTIK'S ANALYSIS), but also witness testimony that what we see on the Z film (side head wound) is correct (not convinced by Speer on this)

4. The momentum of this bullet clearly didn't eject the fragment. Physics tells us that. An ejecting fragment would be on the outward travel of a bullet/debris and we know the fragment ejected and was found by Harper.

5. The above means another bullet ejected the fragment. A shot from the front, evidenced by the bullet track on the Xrays, witness testimony by the truckload, and a spokesman pointing to its entry point on his own head on the 22nd.

6. It also means the Zapruder film is missing the second shot to Kennedy's head. The shot (see recent posts by Mark Tyler) is likely to be the last bang in the bang.....bang-bang sequence stated by many witnesses. 

7. It also means the trajectory of this second head shot can be used to assess what is missing from the film. David Mantik posits the trajectory through JFK means he must have been sitting upright when hit by the second shot (otherwise the angle is upward, shooting from below the limo), so the head-snap needs to be replaced by Kennedy sitting up (or being lifted up by Jackie), and then being shot in the head for the second time. POSSIBLY WRONG - I HAVE SPENT TIME READING THE DEBATE BETWEEN THE HSCA/CLARK PANEL AND THE AUTOPSY SURGEONS, THE POINT OF ENTRY IS IN SEVERE DOUBT. I NOW BELEIVE THE EVIDENCE POINTS TOWARDS THE LOWER (WARREN COMMISSION ENTRY SITE). HULMES is adamant (HSCA testimony) the entrance was not as high AS THE HSCA POSITS AND TELLINGLY REFERS TO A SCALP ENTRANCE NOT SKULL (WE SUSPECT NO SKULL AVAILABLE IN THIS AREA). THE EVIDENCE MAY MEAN ANY MISSING FRAMES WERE ACTAULY WITH KENNEDY BENT FURTHER OVER (SEE HSCA RYDBERG DIAGRAM) - POSSIBLY WHAT SPECTOR WAS AFRAID OF IN HIS MEMO ON THE SUBJECT.

8. It also explains the dishonesty of the Warren report in dropping the first head shot bullet's entrance, to conflate damage to the back of the skull (caused by the second bullet) with the first bullet's entrance. It also makes the HSCA's decision to move the first head bullet's entrance embarrassing. They clearly didn't realise that this relocation revealed the lie in the Warren report. - NOT SO SURE!! I AM NOW LOOKING AT THE POSSIBILITY MISSING FRAMES SHOW KENNEDY SHOT AS PER RYDBERG DIAGRAM!


Great post Eddy. 

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18 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:


Hi Paul, 

One thing that occurred to me is what it’s like to be choking. Your only focus is on clearing the throat. JFK has blood and air in his throat, along with pain. I have both been winded and almost choked to death on a boat, with food lodged in my throat, I couldn’t do anything but focus on trying to breathe/clear the throat. I would think he (JFK) had zero awareness of what was going on around him, all he’d want is to breath and ease the pain. I am not sure what else you or I would do in the same situation.

Was he wearing the back brace? Would that have kept him upright or unable to bend right forward?

We might assume that he’d duck or react like people do when shot in the cowboy movies, I think all his focus is on the wound. 

I know there is all of the shell fish toxin / ice gun chatter on here but, a bullet slightly off track via the windscreen seems more probable and less complicated. Thats how some others have explained his lack of movement. 

Just my thoughts.



Yes Chris, I completely agree.  But I would have expected to see some movement while he was trying to deal with the pain and the choking.  In the film he's virtually stone still.  We don't see him struggling to breathe at all.  I do agree it was a bullet through the windsheild.  I was suggesting Zapruder frame removal after having read Chris Davidsons posting of Hickey's statement about JFK trying to straighten up.  We don't see that in the film.


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3 hours ago, Paul Bacon said:

Yes Chris, I completely agree.  But I would have expected to see some movement while he was trying to deal with the pain and the choking.  In the film he's virtually stone still.  We don't see him struggling to breathe at all.  I do agree it was a bullet through the windsheild.  I was suggesting Zapruder frame removal after having read Chris Davidsons posting of Hickey's statement about JFK trying to straighten up.  We don't see that in the film.


Hi Paul, 

I see & agree. For some reason I thought you'd implied the bullet from the back had immobilised him. TBH that level of editing probably wouldn't be too difficult, we'd miss some things due to the framerate anyway. Has Jackie not said anywhere that he was choking? She said coughing right? I would trust anything Chris D says, I just wish it was in simple terms for us tech laymen. He does some amazing work. 



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10-4, Chris!  The Zapruder film is a weird thing--it shows evidence of what happened and, at the same time, it shows evidence that it has been manipulated.  Where those boundry lines are is anyone's guess...

Edited by Paul Bacon
correct spelling
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It seems to me that any discussion of the Harper  fragment must begin with the fact that Harper's uncle, Dr. Jack Harper was a pathologist.  He had the actual fragment. He held it in his hand.  He photographed it. It was also X-rayed. This is all documented in the record,   The fragment was then turned over to the FBI, and ended up being turned over to White House doctor George Burkley.  Back in the early 1970's, I  wrote a detailed memo on the Harper fragment. If the Harper fragment was occipital, that is powerful evidence that JfK's lateral X-Ray is a fraud.  JFK had one occipital bone.  It could not be on the lawn in Dealey Plaza, and also on the X-Yay that was supposedly exposed that night at Bethesda. That's a simple proposition. If Sherlock Holmes was alive, that's how he would have explained it to Watson.  

Also: I interviewed the Bethesda autopsy photographer.  I interviewed him, in 1971/72, at his home. JFK had a large hole at the back of his head -- a defect observed by numerous observers at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. Journalist Craig Colvin (spelling, not sure) wrote a major story about this that was published in the Miami press.

Unfortunately, now -- in 2021 --physicians with the proper credentials can go to the National Archives, examine this false evidence, and then --ignoring the evidence that the chain of possession has obviously been falsified -- write articles based on falsified evidence.   The issue raised by this falsified evidence is not whether was a "second shooter."  The issue is who falsified the evidence. 


Author, Best Evidence (1981)

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