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More Dubiously Timed Posts from The Daily Beast

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These were the guys that decided that anything Oliver Stone said could be dismissed due to Stone's age, sex and color. 

So why now, this story about JFK's private sex life?  JFK is compared to Harvey Weinstein.  I am not here to defend JFK's or LBJ's private sex lives. The morals of the time were different.  I do not believe a person's private sex life is all important, or that revealing private consensual sex lives is great heroism. I am old enough to remember when "kiss and tell" was regarded as low form. 

The release of records under the JFK Records Act is coming up for Biden's review.  Stories about JFK's private sex life are getting aired. Go figure. 


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56 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


These were the guys that decided that anything Oliver Stone said could be dismissed due to Stone's age, sex and color. 

So why now, this story about JFK's private sex life?  JFK is compared to Harvey Weinstein.  I am not here to defend JFK's or LBJ's private sex lives. The morals of the time were different.  I do not believe a person's private sex life is all important, or that revealing private consensual sex lives is great heroism. I am old enough to remember when "kiss and tell" was regarded as low form. 

The release of records under the JFK Records Act is coming up for Biden's review.  Stories about JFK's private sex life are getting aired. Go figure. 


It pains me deeply to agree with Donald Trump about anything, but the corporate media IS the enemy of the people. 

Edited by Robert Burrows
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I agree with your sentiments, Ben. But I'll give you a different slant than the "victim" slant you're looking for and liable to hear here.

These stories have been around for a long time, and even if they were a concerted MSM effort to discredit JFK. It's always backfired. In fact, I think with post 40's crowd who were aware of the power dynamic they grew up with, by in large it's only added some mystique to JFK, as well as a lot of naughty actions, by the young Kennedy siblings of the 70's.

The Kennedy's despite all the tabloid action, are the most durable political dynasty on the American scene, and it's not even close. Not that the successive generations of Kennedy politicians can get away with that now. The only outlier, is the millenials and younger super politically correct crowd, who might view this article with disgust.But I don't see that impairing the new somewhat wholesome  generation  of Kennedy  politicians.

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4 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

It pains me deeply to agree with Donald Trump about anything, but the corporate media IS the enemy of the people. 

It is hard not to sound like a nut these days. I was talking to old friend. BTW, I said, I thought JFK had been assassinated in plot. Careful cautious explanation by me, received dubiously. Then he mentioned RFK and Sirhan. I started in on the RFKA assassination...but I gave up.  I was losing the audience with every word. 

One thing:  People saw how the media played the Wuhan lab leak story.  So even this old friend is more open-minded now. 

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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I agree with your sentiments, Ben. But I'll give you a different slant than the "victim" slant you're looking for and liable to hear here.

These stories have been around for a long time, and even if they were a concerted MSM effort to discredit JFK. It's always backfired. In fact, I think with post 40's crowd who were aware of the power dynamic they grew up with, by in large it's only added some mystique to JFK, as well as a lot of naughty actions, by the young Kennedy siblings of the 70's.

The Kennedy's despite all the tabloid action, are the most durable political dynasty on the American scene, and it's not even close. Not that the successive generations of Kennedy politicians can get away with that now. The only outlier, is the millenials and younger super politically correct crowd, who might view this article with disgust.But I don't see that impairing the new somewhat wholesome  generation  of Kennedy  politicians.

I sense Project Mockingbird is still in operation, if not by that name, or any name.  An article that compares JFK to Harvey Weinstein? Now?

Or (as pointed out by James DiEugenio recently) a WaPo article comparing JFKA researchers to QAnon riff-raff?  

A decent, caring, civic giant like Cyril Wecht equals QAnon? 

What is sad is these left-wing young punks think they know the score. Yeah, Stone is just an old white man, and JFK is like Harvey Weinstein. 




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What young people in America have no clue about is the total corruption of both LBJ and Nixon.

Main stream media and our sanctioned history books have never even come close to touching on this reality.

Yes, older American's know about Nixon and Watergate, but young people today? Nada. 

LBJ was in another world he was so corrupt. 

One of America's three greatest legacies in the mid-to end of the 20th century was how much more corrupt we were with those in charge at the top. 

Robert Caro was/is the Wizard Of Oz in respect to presenting LBJ as some type of great and acceptably honest and decent person and politician.

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