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A Stray Thought on the General Edwin Walker Shooting

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A Stray Thought on the General Edwin Walker Shooting: The Event That Stands Out Like Sore Thumb 

As most readers in this forum know, prominent researchers Dan Hardway and John Newman have hypothesized that Lee Harvey Oswald was an asset of the CIA, beginning sometime before his “defection” to the Soviet Union in 1959. 

Add on, the former CIA officer Tennent Bagley (an expert on Russian ops) advised JFKA researcher Malcolm Blunt that Oswald was likely a “witting agent” when in Russia.

Upon his return to the US in 1962, LHO began an odyssey that took him from Dallas to New Orleans to Mexico City and back to Dallas, culminating in his role, witting or otherwise, in the JFKA.  

Given his assignment in Russia, it seems likely that LHO’s activities and associations upon his return to the US were also in his clandestine role as an asset of the CIA or other intelligence agencies.  

In his sojourns, LHO prominently passed out pro-Castro leaflets in New Orleans, appeared on radio shows as a Marxist, and got into street fights with anti-Castro activists for which he was arrested. 

LHO also associated with Guy Bannister, David Ferrie and Clay Shaw in New Orleans, all CIA assets, and then LHO visited Mexico City, where he just happened to arrive at the right time (on a Saturday, no less) to meet perhaps the top KGB official in the Western Hemisphere, Valery Kostikov in the Soviet Consulate.

One could well wonder if the CIA intentionally but surreptitiously “leaked” information to the KGB that LHO was a CIA asset, which thus intrigued Kostikov into the meeting. How many wayward US tourists in 1963 visited the Soviet consulate in Mexico City on a Saturday and met Kostikov? 

(True, Kostikov operated under diplomatic cover, but still. Also, some contend LHO was impersonated in Mexico City, and he could have been. But Kostikov told the US PBS show Frontline in 2013, and was filmed with colleagues who concurred, that he had in fact met the real LHO in 1963 at the consulate.)

In brief, LHO appears to have been a CIA asset in Russia starting in 1959, and then a CIA or intel asset upon his return to the US and until his death, which would explain his peregrinations, activities and associations stateside and in Mexico.  

LHO was hardly a rarity; in those Cold War days there was nearly a hot war with Cuba, resulting in literally thousands of CIA assets domiciled in America (largely Cuban exiles, but also US military veterans and mercenaries), many schooled in the arts of war and assassination. 

Oddball Event

An oddball event in this stream of often public biography-building, or legend-making  LHO activities is the potshot someone took at General Edwin Walker, then a prominent right-winger, in April 1963. 

There is no open-and-and-shut case that LHO was the shooter that night, but if the photograph found in LHO’s possession, that of the back of Walker’s house (with the famous two-toned Chevrolet with its license plate cut out), and the “Walker note” are  authentic, then LHO is as likely a suspect as any. 

But why shoot at Walker? As a CIA asset, would LHO undertake such a risky activity on his own? Seems unlikely, as there would be no upside. And there seems to be no CIA mission that would entail taking a potshot at Walker. 

Or Was There? 

Or was there? 

My guess is that LHO, if a CIA asset at the time, was put up to the Walker shooting as a test of his nerves to shoot at (but intentionally miss) a public figure. A practice run. 

LHO passed the test. He was then primed for his patsy role in the JFKA. 

For more on this event see---



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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1 hour ago, Michael Crane said:

Not to be sarcastic,but a stray opinion.I don't think that Oswald went to Mexico,and the picture on Oswald may have been planted.

To be sure, the Walker house photo may have been planted. But a better plan---have LHO take the photo, and keep it. 

At 1:03.38 in this Frontline episode, Kostikov and associates recall their meeting with LHO. 

My guess is LHO went to Mexico City, and did in fact meet Kostikov and also was tracked and impersonated by the CIA while he was there. 



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Hello Benjamin,

Thanks for the help in the education of Mexico City.Some members are more sharper & knowledable in the areas of Mexico City than I am.I figured that the CIA was making things up because I'm educated with the supposed pictures of Oswald in Mexico City & that the tapes did not contain Oswald's voice.

Right now I'm discussing the assassination with someone else on another site,and I will watch the above video as soon as I'm done.I just came here right now to see my join date & to give the person I'm discussing it with the URL to this site.

Thanks again!



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i hope you know that show was reported by Gus Russo and Dale Myers.

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On 3/29/2022 at 10:39 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

A Stray Thought on the General Edwin Walker Shooting: The Event That Stands Out Like Sore Thumb 

As most readers in this forum know, prominent researchers Dan Hardway and John Newman have hypothesized that Lee Harvey Oswald was an asset of the CIA, beginning sometime before his “defection” to the Soviet Union in 1959. 

Add on, the former CIA officer Tennent Bagley (an expert on Russian ops) advised JFKA researcher Malcolm Blunt that Oswald was likely a “witting agent” when in Russia.

Upon his return to the US in 1962, LHO began an odyssey that took him from Dallas to New Orleans to Mexico City and back to Dallas, culminating in his role, witting or otherwise, in the JFKA.  

Given his assignment in Russia, it seems likely that LHO’s activities and associations upon his return to the US were also in his clandestine role as an asset of the CIA or other intelligence agencies.  

In his sojourns, LHO prominently passed out pro-Castro leaflets in New Orleans, appeared on radio shows as a Marxist, and got into street fights with anti-Castro activists for which he was arrested. 

LHO also associated with Guy Bannister, David Ferrie and Clay Shaw in New Orleans, all CIA assets, and then LHO visited Mexico City, where he just happened to arrive at the right time (on a Saturday, no less) to meet perhaps the top KGB official in the Western Hemisphere, Valery Kostikov in the Soviet Consulate.

One could well wonder if the CIA intentionally but surreptitiously “leaked” information to the KGB that LHO was a CIA asset, which thus intrigued Kostikov into the meeting. How many wayward US tourists in 1963 visited the Soviet consulate in Mexico City on a Saturday and met Kostikov? 

(True, Kostikov operated under diplomatic cover, but still. Also, some contend LHO was impersonated in Mexico City, and he could have been. But Kostikov told the US PBS show Frontline in 2013, and was filmed with colleagues who concurred, that he had in fact met the real LHO in 1963 at the consulate.)

In brief, LHO appears to have been a CIA asset in Russia starting in 1959, and then a CIA or intel asset upon his return to the US and until his death, which would explain his peregrinations, activities and associations stateside and in Mexico.  

LHO was hardly a rarity; in those Cold War days there was nearly a hot war with Cuba, resulting in literally thousands of CIA assets domiciled in America (largely Cuban exiles, but also US military veterans and mercenaries), many schooled in the arts of war and assassination. 

Oddball Event

An oddball event in this stream of often public biography-building, or legend-making  LHO activities is the potshot someone took at General Edwin Walker, then a prominent right-winger, in April 1963. 

There is no open-and-and-shut case that LHO was the shooter that night, but if the photograph found in LHO’s possession, that of the back of Walker’s house (with the famous two-toned Chevrolet with its license plate cut out), and the “Walker note” are  authentic, then LHO is as likely a suspect as any. 

But why shoot at Walker? As a CIA asset, would LHO undertake such a risky activity on his own? Seems unlikely, as there would be no upside. And there seems to be no CIA mission that would entail taking a potshot at Walker. 

Or Was There? 

Or was there? 

My guess is that LHO, if a CIA asset at the time, was put up to the Walker shooting as a test of his nerves to shoot at (but intentionally miss) a public figure. A practice run. 

LHO passed the test. He was then primed for his patsy role in the JFKA. 

For more on this event see---



Worth noting that the photograph of the car did NOT have the license plate number cut out when it was photographed as part of the first day evidence.

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2 minutes ago, Tony Rose said:

Worth noting that the photograph of the car did NOT have the license plate number cut out when it was photographed as part of the first day evidence.

That has always puzzled me too. I see no reason for LHO to have cut out the license plate. 

Also, since the year, make and model of the car was detectable, I suspect the FBI could have tracked down whose car it likely was.  Some say the car belonged to a guy named Charles Klihr. He worked for Texas Instruments.

A possibility is that LHO took the photo in his capacity as an intel asset. Walker was a prominent right-winger back then, even the topic of national magazine covers. If that were the case, then it makes it less likely LHO actually fired the shot that night in the direction of Walker. 



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