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Tony Rose

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    Little Rock, AR
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    JFK assassination, Native American Removal, comics

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  1. Stalin supported communists all over the world. And we supported their opponents. This is one of the strands in our support of fascists, reactionaries, and dictators of all stripes.
  2. This may seem like nitpicking, but Oswald didn't scream anything. He raised his voice. "Screamed" carries a helluva lot of connotations that are not present in "in a loud voice." Precision in language would be the savior of out grand investigation if we all engaged in it, instead of e-screaming.
  3. Photo analysis is the most intriguing and worst documented aspect of the case. And people get so het up about it. Now, somebody tell me why that open container has light on the side opposite the window?
  4. It was Jackie who insisted on wearing the blooding clothes. "I want them to see what they've done." And, LBJ was more than capable of lying by telling multiple stories about events, as it please him.
  5. A tremedous amount of valuable work, Robert. Thank you. I hope it stiumlates a lot more work from others, as well.
  6. Are there ear-witnesses who said the the shooting sequence ended with a burst of machine gun fire?
  7. Hm. The lead part of lots and lots of bullets can be around an inch-and-a-half. And I daresay that most hunting rounds are pointed. So the idea that this was an exotic round is just wrong.
  8. Reading through this 5-month old stuff: Bullet wounds will close up behind the bullet. I have seen it with my own eyes. A small caliber bullet (or small shot from a shotgun) can enter the body and lead observers -- close, less than a foot away -- to believe that the bullet hadn't even entered the body, but only left a bruise. I vas dere, Chahlie.
  9. What makes Newman's theory of the assassination nonsense?
  10. David, I thought there were two men, as well, initially. But, further observation led me to believe that the "man" on the right is the shadow of the man on the left. And, the man is definitely holding something. And the something isn't very heavy because he seems to be holding it with only one hand at a very awkward angle. I still don't know what's happening for sure, but it may be that the man is raising the far end of the object over the cross piece of the street barricade.
  11. The fake Selective Service card is a helluva mystery. What was it for? Any American man would have known it was bogus because Selective Service cards didn't have photos on them.
  12. No, JJA wasn't Popov's mole, but I suspected him for years if for no other reason than he never seemed to be able to find the mole and because of his close association with Philby.
  13. No, JJA wasn't Popov's mole, but I suspected him for years if for no other reason than he never seemed to be able to find the mole and because of his close association with Philby.
  14. No, JJA wasn't Popov's mole, but I suspected him for years if for no other reason than he never seemed to be able to find the mole and because of his close association with Philby.
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