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Mary Ferrell's Enigmatic Past, and how Her Namesake Foundation Added More Enigmata to the Mix

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10 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

I've had several people who knew Harry tell me that it wasn't that he was a difficult personality, but that he was mentally ill, and a danger to others. I've heard he made sexual overtures to the children of his fellow researchers. If one person told me that I might believe him, but to have multiple people who didn't see eye to eye on much tell me essentially the same story, well, I am forced to suspect there's a there there. 

Having read several of his books, moreover, only fuels that suspicion. The man spent half his "career" complaining about his fellow researchers and questioning whether or not they were conspiring against him and against the truth. He was paranoid with a capital P, in may opinion. 

So why trash the dead? Well, to put his complaints against Ferrell in context, that's why. 

I witnessed something myself, Pat. During the June 1991 Third Decade conference, many of us went to a local bar/restaurant and this young (21 tops) waitress became the apple of Harry's eyes (Harry was a paunchy and old looking 51 at the time). He gave her his card and one of his books. She was polite but it was extremely obvious she wasn't interested and viewed him as an "old guy." Harold Weisberg wrote of a similar incident in his unpublished manuscript denigrating several from the research community.

Edited by Vince Palamara
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In my post, I repeated nothing from Harry's book, Killing the Truth,  which Martin Hay lists as one of the ten worst on the JFK case.

I also repeated nothing from Nelson, who, as most people know, I am not a big fan of.


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19 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

I found the Summers video on YouTube. I haven't re-watched it in years, so it's probably outdated. But it was miles better than anything that had been put out by the major networks up till that time. And is still better than the most everything to come out since. It paints a picture of a possible conspiracy. And doesn't rely on dubious photo and medical analysis to do so. 


There are some gems in this, regardless of its date, and current controversies. Boy, when you see Richard Sprague talk, you get the feeling the HSCA would have been a lot different with him in charge. Seeing a former Warren Commission commissioner wonder aloud about the SBT is interesting. 

I think Summers should have more presented the framework that in the JFKA the Mob might have been a willing instrument of the intel agencies, but not the overseer. 

The biography-build on LHO, and the suffocated investigation of the JFKA, and the coopting of media, was well beyond the ken of the Mob. 

Did a mobster pull the trigger on 11/22? Well, Eladio Del Valle and Herminino Diaz were both mobbed up and CIA assets. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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