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My 1995 Interview of Michael Paine

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I'm sorry, Doug! Now the full interview is public. I've listened to Tape 3, Side 2. Nothing. Let me give a fresh listen to the whole tape. It will give me a chance to add the time stamps on the YouTube video. It will be a process spread over several days. But I'll give you updates once in a while.

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10 minutes ago, Denis Morissette said:

I'm sorry, Doug! Now the full interview is public. I've listened to Tape 3, Side 2. Nothing. Let me give a fresh listen to the whole tape. It will give me a chance to add the time stamps on the YouTube video. It will be a process spread over several days. But I'll give you updates once in a while.

Thanks Denis--the full tape of your earlier link is accessible now, have it. Is there some technical wizardry that could extract clearer sound quality from that horrible background noise? I will be very interested in your updates in hope of resolving the mystery of where Gilbride got the "interesting" claimed transcription excerpts quoted in his book, or whatever else you learn of interest.

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Denis, I found it. Its at 54:23 to 56:51 on your tape link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GhPJBfLxy8). I made my own transcription as best I could. Its about the measurement of the package. The "he" in the reference at the end to "he wasn't interested in people, or what people believe" appears to be Oswald, according to a lady (Ruth Paine?) who told that to officer Rose who told it to Frazier, according to Frazier.  


Frazier: I told him it was somewhere around two feet, give or take a--


-- somewhere around two feet, give or take an inch here or there. So I told them that when I only glanced at--I didn't look at the package like I'd be looking at this man's briefcase, like I've been doing here. I could pretty well describe the briefcase probably down to a T, but when you barely glance at something you don't see everything at first--

<Two feet?>

Yes, sir, I would say roughly two feet there, I feel like I'd give or take an inch. Then, um ... they actually had me to make up the same way that ... And I did that.


And they told me--when I say "they" ... Mr. Ball ... an attorney ... now, they actually, they had due process, they asked me what I saw ... when I went down into the basement .... I had to do this with the package several times. The guy was really amazed at how close it came to the real package. They found the real package. They told us, you know, they told us ... something this ... they actually told me ... he actually brought it into the building. So they said when he brought it into the building, was it Thursday or Friday evening. I said i don't know. i know the one who told me, {{"xxxxx"? "Fritz"?}}, I told him that's all I know is ... he was ... curtain rods ... pushed back ... measured it somewhere around two inches. I never had measured it.

<Only two feet?>

Two feet. Right. ... Now, Mr. Rose over there ... He said, he said it was really remarkable. He said ... a lady had told him that. He said he wasn't interested in people, or what people believe. He said he actually told himself about that. So that was our conversation ... when they had ... carrying the package. When he carried the package ... under the arm here ...


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So this is false: "As Gilbride puts it, "Frazier stood next to Oswald in a DPD lineup--an incident never before reported"

I can't hold this against Gilbride. The audio is so awful that you hear things that are not there. NARA has transcripts for many interviews, but don't seem to have one for this interview. Maybe they thought it was no use. I'm wondering if the original audio or at least one generation earlier than the audio cassette I copied is much better. 

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