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Jean Rene Souetre expelled from the US 18hrs after JFKA?!


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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Interesting article. Serious JFKA researcher John Newman, I think, is exploring the US Army intel and Gladio angles. 

Larry Hancock, also a serious JFKA researcher, has raised questions about the whole Souetre-Gladio-European angle, and also presented practical evidence of abundant Cuban-exile inclinations and possible foreknowledge of the JFKA (see his comments above). 

I always come back to, "Who could manipulate LHO on that day?" 

The answer to that leans more to the JMWAVE-Cuban exile crowd, with whom LHO had some relations.

But hey, you never know. 

The JMWAVE Cuban exile crowd is connected in many ways to the International fascists. They are not mutually exclusive. 

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17 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Perhaps these photos will prompt a renewed discussion related to confusion surrounding the physical identities of Jean Rene Souetre and Michel Mertz. 


1. Upper left corner, Jean Souetre.

375703930_Souetre-Mertzidentityconfusion.pdf 271.9 kB · 5 downloads


Just so you know. The picture of Souetre in the upper left hand corner is the picture the CIA used to accompany the famous 632-796 memo the CIA put out in April. 1964.


see p. 6.




I suspect, but cannot prove, it is the same picture the French were using to alert the German and Italian authorities to be on the lookout, for some 500 OAS sympathizers and members in 1962.

Steve Thomas

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Leslie - Mr. Gluc’s letters are very interesting. As for the pic of LHO with someone that looks like Souetre, if it was taken in 1962, or before Souetre was incarcerated in France then it could be him. Skorzeny seems to have had a wide network of contacts, possibly agents. I speculated, perhaps to Hank, that DeMohrenschildt may have been a member of Skorzeny’s network. If not him, then perhaps others in the White Russian community in Dallas. 

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My source for the photos in the upper right corner that are identified as DST Michel Mertz is a relatively well-recognized assassination forum and Facebook participant. Out of courtesy, I'll refrain from identifying him. He insists that the publication that carried those photos received them directly from French intelligence.  I believe he failed to realize that he had shared direct evidence that Mertz's physical identify was deliberately misrepresented.

Others might see a resemblance between the man standing (two upper right photos) and the man in the bottom center and bottom left corner photos; however, I believe if one compares the upper right corner photos (man in suit) with the photo of Souetre in the bottom right corner (in light colored sweater), there can be no doubt that the publication misrepresented Souetre as being DST Michel Mertz.

(note: The photo of Souetre in the bottom right corner is extracted from a photograph taken by Dr. Lawrence Alderson in the early 1950s and later shared with researcher/author J. Gary Shaw who interviewed Alderson at length.)

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Thanks Paul.

The significance of the Gluc letter is that he identified Litt, Lamy, Filliol long before any of these characters were on the radar as having been in Dallas.

Lafitte identifies Litt in a significant Oct 9 entry, and on Nov 13 he notes, Lamy coming hotel and the name Souetre appears at the bottom of the same page; and Nov 20 he states that Lamy - Filiol were at the hotel, in an entry that also refers to [Robert G.] Storey and {Judge] Duvall, and [George] de M. [Mohrenschildt]. He also notes "rifle into building - yes / / DPD."

Of course it will be argued that someone had access to the Gluc correspondence, took a blank 1963 day planner that they had held on to for decades, and concocted a hoax that included names they had stumbled across. However, because we are certain of the provenance of this exclusive record, we argue that the Gluc letter is independent corroboration of Lafitte's notes related to the three known assassins, and, it could be asserted, vice versa.

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28 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

I suspect, but cannot prove, it is the same picture the French were using to alert the German and Italian authorities to be on the lookout, for some 500 OAS sympathizers and members in 1962.

Steve Thomas


This CIA cable was in reference to an upcoming visit by DeGaulle to Mexico City (I think it was, slated for March of 1964.

A CIA document dated November 1, 1962 gives a list of the OAS members furnished to the Italian authorities. The list was given to Italian border police and replaced a longer list of some 562 people. It says the list was current as of August 27, 1962. An asterisk placed beside some names indicated that a photograph accompanied the name of the person. Souetre has an asterisk beside his name.

NARA Record Number: 1993.08.05.10:50:12:500006




(This link is broken and the pdf can no longer be found)

In September, 1962, Charles DeGaulle traveled to West Germany for a state visit.

In advance of his visit the West German Security Services asked the French Surete for photographs of several chief men of the O.A.S. Among these were ex-colonels Goddard and Antoine Argoud; ex-captains Souetre, Sergent, Curutchet; and ex-senator Dumont.

(see p. 5 of this document)



Two months later, from September 4-9, de Gaulle visited West Germany and reaffirmed his readiness for reconciliation. In Ludwigsburg, the president addressed German youth.”

Steve Thomas

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Skorzeny seems to have had a wide network of contacts, possibly agents. I speculated, perhaps to Hank, that DeMohrenschildt may have been a member of Skorzeny’s network. If not him, then perhaps others in the White Russian community in Dallas. 

Yes Paul, there are a number of interlocking relationships between the White Russians, and those who knew Skorzeny and engaged in business enterprises with him as early as 1952 including Jack Crichton who this forum will recognize as having established the 488th Intel Unit in Dallas. The primary mission of the 488th was to provide intelligence for America's oil interests, particularly those of Texas independent oilmen.

But first, the following background of the godfather of the Dallas White Russian community, Paul Raigorodsky should be studied.  As you know, Raigorodsky was a close associate of de Mohrenschildt for years through the oil industry. 

From Coup:

Raigorodsky told WC lead counsel Albert Jenner, “when I wouldn't go with George in the deal, he asked me to give him any suggestion as to who may be interested, so I suggested John De Menil because the Schlumberger Co. is a worldwide organization and they deal with every country in the world—you know what I am trying to say?” Eventually de Menil decided to forego the opportunity, citing the somewhat weak business pitch by de Mohrenschildt. 

Raigorodsky’s friend de Mohrenschildt would from time to time use the attorney services of one Herbert Itkin, a fact detailed in a previous chapter which described activities in both Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

            Relevant to this investigation, the name Itkin appears in the Lafitte datebook on both October 26 and October 27, 1963. The entry of the 27th includes the name Gali Sherbatov in the October 27th entry, initials L. O. ‘Orlov’ and ‘Harvey’.  [Orlov being Col. Lawrence who was an independent oil man, and Harvey, William King of the CIA.]
. . . 

The Significance of the Tolstoy Foundation

Paul Raigorodsky counted among his close friends Col. Herschel V. Williams, an ad man, Hollywood screenwriter, and real estate executive who worked alongside Mrs. Otto (Ilse) Skorzeny at the global real estate concern, Previews Inc. After the war, while employed by Previews, Williams joined the board of the Tolstoy Foundation along with Russian-born Raigorodsky, and Schlumberger’s Jean de Menil. 

            The Tolstoy Foundation, according to their official history, was established to respond to the needs of the Russian refugees of World War II who for various reasons were handicapped in providing for themselves and to create a center for Russian culture in America to serve the American born generation of Russian descent. Cofounded by Russian American Igor Sikorsky, aviation pioneer and creator of the Sikorsky helicopter, the foundation was confronted with the serious issue of repatriation by early February 1945. They made the decision to take on the task of bringing these refugees to Canada and the US “They arrived by boat or plane and their expenses were initially paid by the International Relief Organization (IRO). In 1946, the Tolstoy Foundation initiated a subcommittee of the American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service under the name of the United Relief Committee in Aid to ‘Displaced Persons of Central and East European Origin.’” It was through this subcommittee that Estonian born Ilya Mamantov and his wife Alexandria entered the US only to find themselves two decades later as central characters in the drama that unfolded on the weekend of November 22, 1963 in Dallas. 

            Sikorsky served as chairman of Tolstoy when he was nominated to the board of the Connecticut National Bank, Bridgeport, founded by the in-laws of Thomas Eli Davis, Jr.  Bridgeport, “America’s arsenal” was also home of de Menil’s Schlumberger Research Center.

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From his perch in Dresser headquarters in the Republic National Bank building, [Neil] Mallon, who served on the board of Republic National, was the ideal conduit for his friend Allen Dulles, and his fellow board member at Republic National, Algur H. Meadows, which leads us to the second location under scrutiny.

5646 Milton — The Meadows Building

-Mexico C.-

Algur-Mex City 


 —Lafitte datebook, September 27, 1963


Dallas—Meadows B. w/ T. 

—Lafitte datebook, November 10, 1963


Located on Milton Street across from Southern Methodist University between Greenville Ave. and North Central Expressway, the nine-story professional office building was the headquarters of its namesake, Algur H. Meadows, and his General American Oil Company of Texas. But before considering the alarming significance of Lafitte’s entries . . .

Algur Hurtle Meadows 

Algur Meadows, known to close associates as “Al,” was the first Dallas businessman to join financial forces with poopoo SS Otto Skorzeny who had managed to avoid severe punishment just five years earlier when he was among those Nazis tried at the Dachau Trials following the war.

Ten years prior to JFK’s assassination, Al Meadows launched what would become a close, mutually rewarding friendship with [Otto] Skorzeny when his company, General American Oil of Texas entered into a highly lucrative Spanish oil venture with the blessing of Skorzeny’s friend Francisco Franco. At the time, Meadows was emerging as one of the nation’s most “successful independent oilmen.” . . .
. . .  

An Oil Deal in Spain

From a 1952 article in the Dallas Morning News, “the Spanish government granted rights to begin oil exploration to several Dallas oilmen.” In addition to Al Meadows’ General American Oil of Texas, the report notes that other relevant members of the syndicate included the Howard Corp. [whose assets and profits went undisclosed in official filings of Republic National Bank], and Delta Drilling of Tyler, TX, the company that was slated to do the actual drilling in Spain. Jack Crichton was Delta’s man on the ground.

            According to correspondence with Ilse, Otto Skorzeny’s financial banking partner, Hjalmar Schacht—widely referred to by historians as “Hitler’s Banker” as head of the Reich’s central bank—invited Otto to attend the initial meeting with the Texas oil men. Information disclosed in Skorzeny’s papers indicates that German banker Schacht arranged the finances for the venture and was actually on hand to greet the Dallas contingent of oilmen. 

            To date, the identity of the individual or individuals who served as liaison between the Dallas contingency and Schacht has yet to be determined, but considering that Howard Corp. (an off the books entity of Republic National Bank) was a member of the Texas syndicate in Spain, we can assume someone within the Howard Corp./Republic Bank cabal was directly involved. This places poopoo banker Hjalmar Schacht in the middle of the Dallas oil and finance community as early as 1952.

November 7, 1963

11:30 meet Warsaw 

with T. Hjalmar / Ilse - Get $


The Spanish venture was actually the brainchild of the engineering/geological firm of DeGolyer & MacNaughton, discussed in-depth early in this chapter. Both men would serve on the board of Republic National over the years. Also strongly investing in the scheme was Clint Murchison’s Delhi Oil Corporation, a firm referenced in the prelude to this chapter. Recall that it was Delhi-Taylor Oil that occupied the Fidelity Union Tower along with insurance magnate Carr P. Collins, and designed by architect T. E. Stanley who figures prominently as we approach 3707 Rawlins and our exposé on Ilse Skorzeny’s front, Previews, Inc. . . .

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Benjamin Cole writes, "I always come back to, "Who could manipulate LHO on that day?" "

[Pierre] Lafitte indicates that the plans were ramping up and reaffirms that Walker was a key component. The date, October 25, appears to be particularly pivotal because Lafitte has been advised that O says done - Oswald set in place, and he makes a note - call Walker & others. By November 5th, a meeting was scheduled with the plot’s designated man on the ground in Dallas, Jack Crichton. Lafitte writes tech building, then, Walker. The entry ends with O. says Lancelot = Go. phone booth. . . .

and H. P. Albarelli Jr. writes in his opening chapter of Coup titled,  "WWII, Special Ops, and Assassinations", 

. . . Returning now to the assassination of [Admiral] Darlan which serves as template for the future set-up of Lee Harvey Oswald as “the perfect patsy” on November 22, 1963, soon after the execution of Francois Darlan’s assassin, Fernand Bonnier, there were scattered and persistent reports that the young Frenchman had been a patsy of sorts and that he was not an avid monarchist but was only an impressionable, somewhat naïve, youth, who had been manipulated toward murderous ends by skillful others. This belief stems from the fact that Bonnier’s “friend,” Henri d’Astier, while active in La Cagoule, on several occasions joined Filliol in carrying out a devious tactic for ridding La Cagoule of suspected double-agent members by manipulating them into veiled assassination efforts during which it would be highly likely that they would be captured or killed. Filliol dubbed this manipulation “the pigeon way.” Here, one is easily reminded of the quote by CIA official Miles Copeland: “You can sometimes gain points in the war of dirty tricks by killing an expendable person on your own side and blaming it on the other when considering this type of lethal deception.” And in mid-November 1963, Pierre Lafitte, in New Orleans, would jot down in his datebook: “On the wings of murder. The pigeon way for unsuspecting Lee [Oswald]. Clip, clip his wings,” no doubt a reference to Jean Filliol’s tactic of manipulation within his assassin camps. 

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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    the first link is a lengthy CIA interview with a Cuban exile. On page 11 he shares an interesting story. 

    The second link is to a brief interview with the man mentioned on page 11.

    i find this juxtaposition very suggestive.


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 Paul, coincidentally we've recently been reviewing this document with focus on #12. and reference to Skorzeny.

We are also revisiting some of the Lafitte entries that suggest there may have been at least one other highly significant operation in play during 1963.  In the book, we speculate it might have been hints of AMWORLD, but Larry Hancock dissuaded me of the possibility, although not completely (sorry Larry!). Skorzeny's associations - at least claimed in this document - with elements within this particular cast of characters begs us to continue to pursue the long finger he may have had on any number of machinations. As you noted, (paraphrasing) the disgruntled Cubans and the Nazis or poopoo sympathizers were not necessarily distinct from one another.

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Thanks David - Such a common surname, but I’ve kept my eyes open since I found this document, and your suggestion is the first that makes sense. 
are you familiar enough with reading documents to know where this originated? 

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43 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Thanks David - Such a common surname, but I’ve kept my eyes open since I found this document, and your suggestion is the first that makes sense. 
are you familiar enough with reading documents to know where this originated? 

Hi Paul,

I do know where this originated and consider Casas a piece of the puzzle as to what was going on in Mexico City. I'll add more later if there is interest, but I don't want to distract from this thread.

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