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Jean Rene Souetre expelled from the US 18hrs after JFKA?!


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12 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


What is LA.?

I have been wondering where the Department of State is in all of this.

If a French national was expelled from the United States, wouldn't the Department of State know about it?

Did the French government complain?

In 1963, Jean-Rene Souetre was a wanted man, actively being sought internationally. The CIA knew who he was. "Someone" from the CIA met with him in Madrid in the Spring of 1963.

Did the CIA or the INS have an internationally known terrorist in their hands, and blithely let him slip through their fingers without telling anyone?

How could anyone, the U.S. or France, know that he had been expelled, but not know where?

How did they know it was by air? How did they know he wasn't put on a bus, or driven by car and dumped at the border?

Was it a commercial flight, or a military aircraft? What airlines did they use? What was the flight number?

For that matter, the declarative statements that he had been in Fort Worth in the morning, and that he had been expelled; is that coming from the French, or by the American author of that memo?

Who wrote that memo? Who was it from, and who was it to?

I''m sorry,, but the whole tthing is fishy as hell.

I have no doubts that the French government was inquiring about the whereabouts of Souetre in the Spring of 1964 in advance of DeGaulle's planned visit to Mexico. They did the same thing with the Italians and West Germans in 1962.

 But from that point on, everythig in that memo goes south.

Steve Thomas




Steve, you also remark, '"Someone" from the CIA met with him in Madrid in the Spring of 1963.' 

Wasn’t the CIA meeting in Lisbon?

As Major Ralph Ganis writes in The Skorzeny Papers, ‘ . . . In May 1963, a die-hard OAS group made a last-ditch effort to maintain CIA support. On orders from Major Pierre Sergent, who had assumed OAS leadership, Captain Souetre made an attempt to contact American representatives in Lisbon, Portugal.  Information concerning the incident is actually found in a declassified CIA report from the period.  That report indicates Souetre’s request came to the CIA from a competent American observer,” who was notified by a ”Western-European Journalist in close contact with Captain Souetre” that Souetre desired to meet with the CIA . . . 

The elephant in the room of any discourse related to Souetre’s role in Dallas is Otto (and his wife Ilse) Skorzeny.  Referring to the Lot of the private papers maintained by the Skorzenys that he purchased at auction, Ganis continues . . .

The movements of Skorzeny during this period point to his being in attendance at the Lisbon meeting between Souetre and the CIA.  In fact, Skorzeny made several trips to Portugal between March and July 1962 concerning his businesses.  With the OAS cause now unsustainable, it appears Souetre left the meeting with a new option for employment, signing on with Skorzeny . 

 Further to Lisbon, we write in Coup in Dallas, ‘The July 10, 1963, memorandum sent to the US Department of State’s Intelligence Bureau reveals that Souetre also told the CIA in Lisbon that “he intended to provide some information about the activities of [the OAS] which would be of interest to the US.” Souetre also stated, “in answer to a question on his status in Portugal,” that “he traveled on various passports, one of them being a US passport.” Helms writes that Souetre “claimed to be documented as a naturalized citizen from Martinique” and that “he had US contacts who could arrange documentation.” [Italics added.]

And further to what FBI knew, we write . . .  

‘On March 9, 1964, the FBI’s S. J. Papich sent a memorandum to FBI official D.J. Brennan bearing the subject “JEAN SOUETRE, INFORMATION CONCERNING.” The memo’s first line states: “Reference is made to cable from Legat, Paris, dated March, 1964.” [Legat, Paris is the FBI representative in the US Embassy in Paris.] The memo continues: “With regard to information in CIA files concerning the subject [Souetre], Mrs. Jane Roman, CIA, advised the Liaison Agent on March 6, 1964, that her agency furnished information to the Bureau by letter dated July 12, 1963, to the State Department captioned ‘OAS Attempt to Enlist the Cooperation of the United States for its anti-de Gaulle Activities,’ a copy of which was designated to the Bureau. In addition, Mrs. Roman furnished the following: (a) A photograph of Souetre (b) A copy of a CIA report dated June 25, 1963, captioned ‘Alleged Plans of Secret Army Organization in Portugal for post-de Gaulle Takeover in France.’ ACTION: The above information and enclosures are being directed to the attention of the Nationalities Intelligence Section.”

            The attached CIA report was marked “Secret” CIA Information Report marked: “No Foreign Dissemination, No Dissemination Abroad,” and dated June 25, 1963. The report, initially generated in May 1963, bears the subject: “Alleged Plans of Secret Army Organisation in Portugal for post-de Gaulle Takeover in France.” 

            The source for the report’s information is described: “Competent American observer from a Western-European in close touch with Captain Jean Souetre, official of the OAS, from Souetre, who expected the information to reach officials of the US.”

The information follows: 

On 21 May 1963, Rene Souetre*, who claimed to act as external coordinator for the OAS organization based in Portugal, said that after de Gaulle, there would be only two choices in France: Communism or the OAS? Therefore, the OAS believed that it was important to allow de Gaulle to remain in power while the OAS strengthened its organization. Souetre pointed out, however, that the OAS must be prepared to counter a Communist plot at any time, as de Gaulle was an old man and also since he could easily meet with an accident. Souetre smiled as he made this last statement, but hastened to add that the Communists might see fit to assassinate de Gaulle in order to precipitate the revolution. 

       Souetre claimed that the OAS had a list of the Communist penetrations of the French Government and expressed the belief of the OAS that the de Gaulle government was siding with Communist takeover by seeking rapprochement with the USSR. Souetre particularly mentioned what he termed de Gaulle’s “chief advisor,” Jacques Foccart, as being a witting collaborator of the Communists.** The OAS, according to Souetre, was now trying to penetrate the French army and the Government in order to build a counter force to the Communists within the French Government.

Souetre explained that the OAS intended to prevent a Communist takeover at the Post-de Gaulle election by the expedient of preventing the election from taking place.

       *Headquarters [CIA] Comment: Information from both press and official French sources indicates that Souetre is the name of a former French army captain who escaped from a detention camp in 1961. Subsequent to his escape he was alleged to have been involved in an assassination attempt against de Gaulle. Souetre was born 15 October 1930, in the Gironde Department of France.

       ** Headquarters Comment: Jacques Foccart is the Secretary General to the Presidency for African and Malagasy Affairs. He also has an undetermined role in intelligence matters probably derived from the fact that from 1958 to 1959 he was acting as technical advisor on security and intelligence matters to the President. One of his responsibilities is believed to concern political action in Black Africa, and another that of collating and digesting for the President the intelligence reports from the various French Services.”


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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:


 Steve, you also remark, '"Someone" from the CIA met with him in Madrid in the Spring of 1963.' 

Wasn’t the CIA meeting in Lisbon?As


I guess I was thinking of this supposed meeting:

NARA Record Number: 104-10419-10012
See page. 16

It refers to a meeting with E. Howard Hunt in Madrid in the April-May, 1963 time frame.

I say, "supposed" meeting because Hunt denied it was him, and I don't know who the Station Chief was at the time.

Another CIA document in the Mary Ferrel Foundation speaks of a meeting with Souetre and Guerin Serac, but  I've reached my search limit for the night and can't go back and pull it up.

Ps: I think that memo is dated July 7th, and is different from the June 25th memo you were referencing.

Steve Thomas


Edited by Steve Thomas
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15 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


I guess I was thinking of this supposed meeting:

NARA Record Number: 104-10419-10012
See page. 16

It refers to a meeting with E. Howard Hunt in Madrid in the April-May, 1963 time frame.

I say, "supposed" meeting because Hunt denied it was him, and I don't know who the Station Chief was at the time.

Another CIA document in the Mary Ferrel Foundation speaks of a meeting with Souetre and Guerin Serac, but  I've reached my search limit for the night and can't go back and pull it up.

Ps: I think that memo is dated July 7th, and is different from the June 25th memo you were referencing.

Steve Thomas



Earl Williamson was DCOS in Madrid. He dealt with Rolando Cubela. James Noel was COS in Madrid. Noel and Williamson worked together previously in Havana.


Noel replaced Hunt in his role for the BOP project.


Edited by David Boylan
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40 minutes ago, David Boylan said:


Earl Williamson was DCOS in Madrid. He dealt with Rolando Cubela. James Noel was COS in Madrid. Noel and Williamson worked together previously in Havana.


Noel replaced Hunt as in his role for the BOP project.


David, of possible interest re. Alfonzo Rodrigues a.k.a. Earle Williamson, from Coup in Dallas . . .  

' . . . Prior to its folding, from 1950 through to 1958, Otto Skorzeny was in written communication with WCC president Frank Ryan and vice-president, as well as international playboy and one of Bill Donovan’s OSS agents, Ricardo Sicre. Named in Otto’s private papers, Sicre (frequently using the alias Richard Stickler) had established a training school for spies who crossed into Vichy, France into Spain. After the war, Sicre was installed as a vice president of WCC, adding to a body of evidence that WCC was being used as a privately controlled international espionage and assassination network. In time, he would arrange countless covert arms shipments facilitated under the auspices of WCC, often directly linked to US Military Assistance Advisor Groups. Much of this covert work of which Sicre played a major role involved former CIA Madrid Station Chiefs Alfonzo Rodriquez (1951) and James A. Noel (1963). Rodriguez, a.k.a. Earle Williamson and Wallace Growery, and Noel, a.k.a. Woodrow Olien, each had a lengthy history in agency operations in Cuba as well as Spain (see Endnotes) Whether they were witting participants or not, Rodriguez and Noel serve as a segue between WCC and any serious exposition of the maneuvers among elements of the CIA hierarchy that contributed to the assassination plot.'


Alfonzo Rodriguez: a.k.a. Earl Williamson, a.k.a. Wallace Growery was station chief in Madrid in 1951 as Otto Skorzeny positioned himself in the Spanish capitol to begin his service to the CIA and his lucrative work for not only himself and wife Ilse, but Johannes Bernhardt’s Sofindus, and the World Commerce Corporation. Rodriguez, who had served in Bill Donovan’s OSS during the war, would have been the boss of Al Ulmer who many researchers will recognize as having gone into private business with Win Scott, the former Station Chief in Mexico City at the time of the assassination of JFK. According to records, in 1944 Rodriguez was posted by the Army Counter Intelligence Corps to the OSS, including stints in London and Tangier, where he was vice counsel, affording him ample opportunity to encounter dubious characters named in this investigation. His obituary reads, “After the war, he was assigned to Costa Rica and served as station chief during the revolution there. He was deputy chief of the CIA’s Latin American division in the late 1940s and served in Madrid and Mexico during the 1950s. He was part of the task force that worked with anti-Castro forces in Miami after the attempted invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. He concluded his career at the CIA as Director of Training. 


James Noel: Close agency colleague of Rodriguez, James Noel was the CIA Station Chief in Havana at the time of the failed attempt at the Bay of Pigs. In late 1959, Noel had received instructions from Col. J. C. King, chief of the Western Hemisphere for the agency to prepare an analysis of the political situation in Cuba which, for a specific audience in the government hierarchy, that Fidel Castro, under the influence of his closest collaborators had been converted to Communism and that Cubans were preparing to export the revolution throughout the hemisphere to spread the war against capitalism. King then recommended actions to “solve the Cuban problem, including consideration of eliminating Castro.”” Director Dulles then passed on King’s memorandum to the National Security Council which signed off on “Operation 40,” to address the “Cuban” problem. Presided over by VP Richard Nixon, the group included NSA Gordon Gray. The direct Task Force was headed up by Tracy Barnes who we encounter in a significant essay in our appendix focused on the identity of a major player in Pierre Lafitte’s datebook, coded “T.” Tracy Barnes’s team included Gerry Droller, a.k.a. Frank Bender, an egocentric agent at Central Intelligence who appears on a significant date in the 1963 Lafitte datebook. Also named in the datebook is Jack Crichton, among a cadre of Texas oilmen including future president George H.W. Bush that Richard Nixon had assembled to gather necessary funds for the task force.


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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:


I guess I was thinking of this supposed meeting:

NARA Record Number: 104-10419-10012
See page. 16

It refers to a meeting with E. Howard Hunt in Madrid in the April-May, 1963 time frame.

I say, "supposed" meeting because Hunt denied it was him, and I don't know who the Station Chief was at the time.

Another CIA document in the Mary Ferrel Foundation speaks of a meeting with Souetre and Guerin Serac, but  I've reached my search limit for the night and can't go back and pull it up.

Ps: I think that memo is dated July 7th, and is different from the June 25th memo you were referencing.

Steve Thomas


Steve, ' . . . In early 1962, when Guerin-Serac first moved to establish Aginter Press, he acted in concert with Robert Leroy, a French SS officer during the war and WWII National Socialist SS officer Otto Skorzeny, both of whom served as the strategic leadership for Aginter. Leroy was a prewar member of Charles Maurras’ Action Française, a Far-Right political group, and then as an active member of La Cagoule’s terrorist underground. He took part in the Requête Carlist militia forces during the Spanish Civil War and then served as a Vichy intelligence operative. He was also a member of the Waffen SS Charlemagne division and was a key member of Otto Skorzeny’s commando forces, where he served as an instructor. Along with Skorzeny, following the end of the war, Leroy served as a lead instructor with Skorzeny’s efforts to train Egyptian leader Abd al-Nasir’s intelligence and security services, after recruiting a hundred German advisers from National Socialist soldiers serving during WWII, the SS underground, and from among technical experts with military industries. The purpose was to train Arab guerrillas in commando tactics and in protecting the former National Socialist technicians working for Nasir from Israeli “hit” teams. The job was carried out at the CIA’s bequest.”    

            Professor Tunander writes revealingly of Aginter: 

[The] international fascist intelligence network, Aginter Press, was established to implement the Strategy of Tension, with support from the Portuguese security service PIDE and the CIA. This network included a unit specializing in the infiltration of anarchist and pro-Chinese groups, and its “correspondents” would use such organizations as a cover for carrying out bombings and other violent attacks. Aginter Press also included a strategic centre for subversion and intoxication [drugging and poisonings] operations, along with an executive action organization that carried out assassinations (most likely the same “pool of assassins” that William Harvey, CIA station Chief in Italy, had recruited in Europe for the CIA’s “Executive Action Capability”). All of these divisions of Aginter Press were under the leadership of French OAS officer and former US liaison officer Captain Yves Guillou (alias Yves Guerin Serac), in collaboration with Robert Leroy, a former French SS officer, and Otto Skorzeny, a senior German SS officer. [Italics added]         

A portentous January 1968 affidavit sworn by Aginter Press assassin and Jean Rene Souetre associate Jacques Godard reveals the group’s relationship with certain American persons and organizations: “In the course of our services we had relations with certain persons and organizations like, for example, President Tschombe and with Biafra. We likewise were in charge of relations with the John Birch Society, which was an American political group financed especially by Texas oil producers whose activity is absolutely anti-communist. Everywhere where there is a struggle, either open or covert, with communists, the John Birch Society [JBS] lends its financial aid to the people who are struggling against international communism.”   The reader encounters the significance of the Texas oil producers and the Dallas branch of the JBS in Chapter 1, “Lay of the Land,” to further understand the width and breadth of influence of Aginter Press and similar fascist organizations.' — Coup in Dallas 

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23 hours ago, Roger Odisio said:

I think you've got that backwards, Steve.  What strains credulity is Reymond, as an author of two books on the JFKA, not understanding why the CIA, FBI, and INS would deny any knowledge of Souetre being expelled after the JFKA.  The CIA is still witholding the file the FBI said they (the CIA) had on Souetre.

Why would you credit Souetre's word on his whereabouts?

If both DeGualle and the LA, with the responsibility of keeping track of guys like Souetre for the French government, believed the story of Souetre's expulsion, why, and on what basis, was Reymond claiming the SCEDE denied it?  As I said, Reymond's claim is out there on an island by itself as far as I can tell.  Any corroboration?

Do you think DeGaulle's staff, the LA, and the SDECE, never talked about Souetre and his whereabouts after the JFKA?  The questions the LA posed to the FBI on behalf of DeGaulle came more than 3 months after the JFKA.  Do you doubt that DeGaulle's first suspicion after the JFKA was that the OAS and probably Souetre were involved in it?


Roger, Have you ever located the Dallas INS report?  The expulsion process began with them.

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1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Roger, Have you ever located the Dallas INS report?  The expulsion process began with them.

I doubt if the expulsion went through INS channels.

I think this was from Fensterwald about the Houston INS.  Don't know if Houston was a regional INS office or what.
On March 5 1 19 64, ^Mr. Horace C. Harrij] Immigration and Naturalization Service, Houston, Texas, caused the records of that service to be checked and no record identifiable with Souetre under his name or known aliases was located.
The records of the Houston Police Department and the Harris County Sheriff^ Office, both Houston, Texas, were alec., checked on March 5, 1964, and no record identifiable witn Souetre was located.
Inquiry among airlines in Houston revealed that r.’ is no direct air service between Houston and Canada. : . ; .ions flying from Houston to Canada must proceed to New York or other border cities and utilize Trans-Canada Airways. „ - • ’
On March 5, 19 64, Mi*. A. Crixell, Pan American 'World Airways, Houston, Texas, checked the records of that company for flights to Mexico City during the period Novem- ber 72 through November 30 , 1963 , and no Information was located regarding Souetre under his name or known allas.
This is from a Chuck Schwartz post on EF, April 18, 2016, from a Fensterwald memo.
It says "the INS searched":
On March 5, 1964, INS searched its files on Souetre and said they came up with nothing on him or his aliases Roux and Mertz. However, as of that time the CIA had both a file on and a photograph of him. It is also known that in the late winter, presumably because of de Gaulle's upcoming visit to Mexico, the French had put out a world-wide, all-points alert for Souetre.



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13 hours ago, Roger Odisio said:

I doubt if the expulsion went through INS channels.

I think this was from Fensterwald about the Houston INS.  Don't know if Houston was a regional INS office or what.
On March 5 1 19 64, ^Mr. Horace C. Harrij] Immigration and Naturalization Service, Houston, Texas, caused the records of that service to be checked and no record identifiable with Souetre under his name or known aliases was located.
The records of the Houston Police Department and the Harris County Sheriff^ Office, both Houston, Texas, were alec., checked on March 5, 1964, and no record identifiable witn Souetre was located.
Inquiry among airlines in Houston revealed that r.’ is no direct air service between Houston and Canada. : . ; .ions flying from Houston to Canada must proceed to New York or other border cities and utilize Trans-Canada Airways. „ - • ’
On March 5, 19 64, Mi*. A. Crixell, Pan American 'World Airways, Houston, Texas, checked the records of that company for flights to Mexico City during the period Novem- ber 72 through November 30 , 1963 , and no Information was located regarding Souetre under his name or known allas.
This is from a Chuck Schwartz post on EF, April 18, 2016, from a Fensterwald memo.
It says "the INS searched":
On March 5, 1964, INS searched its files on Souetre and said they came up with nothing on him or his aliases Roux and Mertz. However, as of that time the CIA had both a file on and a photograph of him. It is also known that in the late winter, presumably because of de Gaulle's upcoming visit to Mexico, the French had put out a world-wide, all-points alert for Souetre.




Thanks Roger.  Unless I'm missing something, does this not beg the question of how Souetre, Mertz and or Roux came to anyone's attention in the first place?  Without a written report from INS Texas, whether Dallas or Houston, how did FBI or French authorities know that French citizen(s) had been expelled from the state?

I'm checking with Shaw as well.  He interviewed one of the agents, and if memory serves it was the Dallas agent directly involved in the initial detention.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Thanks Roger.  Unless I'm missing something, does this not beg the question of how Souetre, Mertz and or Roux came to anyone's attention in the first place?  Without a written report from INS Texas, whether Dallas or Houston, how did FBI or French authorities know that French citizen(s) had been expelled from the state?

I'm checking with Shaw as well.  He interviewed one of the agents, and if memory serves it was the Dallas agent directly involved in the initial detention.

Gary Shaw reiterated that to his knowledge, there is no INS report from Dallas.  He does have his memos from phone conversations with the agent.

So, how did Paris know about the expulsion?

Btw, one of the photos included in the March 1964 request from French authorities is the head shot from the full body image that DST later mislabeled as Michel Mertz with the caption that Mertz was in Dallas on November 22. (see my previous post of a composite of Souetre v. Mertz.)

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17 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Gary Shaw reiterated that to his knowledge, there is no INS report from Dallas.  He does have his memos from phone conversations with the agent.

So, how did Paris know about the expulsion?





Fensterwald Sunnary of Paris Trip, 1982


Read especially Appendices A and B

Steve Thomas

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Here are the notes I have with respect to the idea that Jean-Rene Souetre me with American authorities both in Madrid in the April-May, 1963 timeframe, and in Lisbon, Portugal in May, 1963. In Lisbon, I think he met with the American Ambassador, Admiral George Whelan Anderson, Jr,

With respect to Madrid:

A Pssible French Connection


pp, 15-16



Footnote number 19 in A Possible French Connection:



Footnote# 19 Page 44

19. Aux Ordres du SAC, by Gilbert Lecavlier, 1982

(In the orders of, or under the orders of SAC)


Forum member Chuck Scwartz wrote in this thread on page 1:


“Dick Russell wrote in "The Man Who Knew Too Much":

• OAS had contact in New Orleans with anti-Castro group

• In March-April 1963, Souetre met with Howard Hunt (of Watergate and Bay of Pigs infamy) in Madrid.”.

I was looking at William Reymond’s FK, autopsie d'un crime d'Etat., and in his Endnotes, he wrote that he wanted to give special thanks to Gilbert Lecavalier for all his help in preparing the sections on Souerte and Mertz, etc.



Fensterwald Sunnary of Paris Trip, 1982



Page 3

Both ____ and Le Cavelier suggested that a current visit to see Souetre
in Divonne Les Bains would be (1) dangerous; (2) unproductive (he won't talk);
and (3) probably counterproductive. We did not visit Souetre


Page 4

On Saturday, November 20, we had a meeting with Jean Claude Perez, M.D., ex-chief of O.R.O., the OAS intelligence organization. Dr. Perez was extremely cautious of us (including Le Cavelier), had a tendency to lapse into OAS dialetics and old war stories, but did let slip a few pertinent items:


5. The OAS made a real effort to help via right wing U.S. Ambassador to Portugal, Admiral George Whelan Anderson, Jr.. They though Anderson would understand "de Gaulle's true nature, i.e., pro-communism"; even Anderson could not swallow this;


Pages 4-5

Attached as Appendix C is Dr. Farrell's summary of our conversation with Perez.

We had a number of long private conversations with Le Cavelier, and the investigation in France will continue full steam.


Appendix C Dr. Farrell's summary of our conversation with Perez.

Page 22

Q: Did you know of any O.A.S. members training Anti castro gerrillas
A: No.
Gilbert Lecalevier breaks in, tells him that, yes there were some.


Page 23

Q: Does the name Espaillot mean anything to you?
A: Not a thing.
Q: How about Bannister?
A: Hmmmmm. Seems to me I once met a Bannister, tall, older,said to be a former F.B.I. man. Met him in Madrid.
Q: What was his relation to the O.A.S.?
A: Just met him. You must not assume from meeting that contactand support were the same thing. I see here in your realm; that you claim we were financed by Nagy on account of a meeting. False.We were constantly meeting with people in an attempt to recruit support. It was rarely forthcoming. We tried, for example, through the goddaughter of the commander of Spanish-based American Forces, William Donovaz5to make contact with the U.S.

Q: The Donovan, commander of the wartime O.S.S.? That one?
A: Yes. We also tried to make indirect contacts through friends and acquaintances with Admiral Anderson (was that the name?) the U.,5.ambassador. We could never make contact. Some of these high-ranking military men ware noted for right-wing positions. We thought we would get a sympathetic hearing. We could never get an interview. “


I got to wondering how much of the information we have on Souetre has come from Lecavalier. Lecavalier was SAC. SAC and the OAS hated each other. He wrote in his book that "whereas the main effort of SAC between 1958 and 1960 was against the FLN (the pro-independence Algerian rebels), between 1961 and 1967, it was against the OAS"


Concerning the meeting in Lisbon, Portugal:

On Page 8 of this thread,


I included a memo from the Deputy Director of Plans to the

Deputy Director for Coordination

Bureau of Intelligence and Research

Department of State

In 1963, the Deputy Director of Plans for the CIA was Richard Helms

In that memo, Helms summarizes the meeting in Lisbon, Portugal between Jean-Rene Souetre and Captain Gueria. I believe that Helms was actually referring to Yves Guerin-Serac.



The last line in that memo reads:


On page 9 of this Forum thread, I included the memo of June 25th .


FBI - HSCA Subject File: Jean Souetre


Document# 11

Look at the Report number in the top right hand corner of this June 25th Report



There was something else in that memo from Helms to the Department of State that caught my eye:



FBI - HSCA Subject File: Jean Souetre


Document# 7

Notice the date  (Had the CIA decided to use him after all? And was this why the CIA told the FBI and French Intelligence to stop all investigations of Jean-Rene Souetre?)



Fensterwald Sunnary of Paris Trip, 1982



Page 18

The French Government is repressing records that might well solve the Affaire Kennedy. Equally interesting, it appears to be hiding the documents at the behest of the American CIA, which has blunted all investigations – official and otherwise -- for the past nineteen years.

The American investigation ended a few days later; as suddenly as it began -- and without reaching any conclusions.”


Was the CIA using Souetre as an asset, that is why his records have not been released all these years?

Steve Thomas


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39 minutes ago, David Boylan said:



Thank you.

Steve Thomas

PS: Relative to that visit to Louis Assemat-Tessandier in January, 1964 as described in Appendix A of Fensterwald's SUMMARY OF PARIS TRIP - NOVEMBER 13-22, 1982,

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/S Disk/Souetre Jean with aka's/Item 11.pdf

Assemat-Tessandierhe said that he was visited by a "tall" Frenchman.

Roux was 5'8" tall. I could see that he would not be "identical" with Souetre, who was 6'1".


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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:




Fensterwald Sunnary of Paris Trip, 1982


Read especially Appendices A and B

Steve Thomas

Yes, I've studied Fensterwald's documents and spoken at length on several occasions with his co-investigator Gary Shaw.  My question is whether the INS Dallas filed a report related to detention of French citizen(s) on November 22/23.  Have you seen that report?

I'm also somewhat curious why you won't engage in discussion of the revelations published by Major Ganis related to Souetre's association with SS Otto Skorzeny?

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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:



Thank you.

Steve Thomas

PS: Relative to that visit to Louis Assemat-Tessandier in January, 1964 as described in Appendix A of Fensterwald's SUMMARY OF PARIS TRIP - NOVEMBER 13-22, 1982,

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/S Disk/Souetre Jean with aka's/Item 11.pdf

Assemat-Tessandierhe said that he was visited by a "tall" Frenchman.

Roux was 5'8" tall. I could see that he would not be "identical" with Souetre, who was 6'1".


Souetre used the alias Roux, as noted by French authorities in communication with US agencies, so I don't understand  the argument that because Roux was 5'8" tall. I could see that he would not be "identical" with Souetre, who was 6'1".

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