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On the state of the JFK assassination case, MY NEW BOOK, and more: Vince Palamara

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Vince, I watch and enjoy all of your videos.

This one is just another of your relaxed, easy going, down to Earth, dry humor funny yet thought provoking and general take informing presentations.

New book promoting, yes. I hope you sell 1 million copies.

There is a humble "everyman" style quality to your videos. Like sitting with a friendly next door neighbor on their patio sharing a beer?

Your average Joe demeanor is refreshing to me and contrast the fact that you are a nationally and even internationally known, highly regarded multi-book published icon in the JFK research community the last 20 years. One might expect someone of your stature to have at least a tinge of haughtiness when speaking.

Even your video filming location in this one is a beautiful outdoor "fresh air" scene that is relaxing to view.

Where the heck is that locale? Beautiful trees. Nice long swaths of green grass just below you although it looks like the person mowing this just took a beer lunch break or his riding mower broke down as the mowing is only half finished!

You mentioned your age as 55.

No, I refuse to believe that. Your hair has no grey! You have the smooth facial skin of a teenager? 

I was totally grey haired, wrinkle creased and straggly whisker grisled at 50!

Seriously, you aren't aging like the rest of us!

Is there something in the water there where you live? Or the beer and piroshky?

And lastly Vince, do you realize you are a true "doppleganger" of the famous A-List actor Jonah Hill?

The resemblance is amazing!

I also didn't know that you were a famous band guitar player in your younger days.

The "Silent Choir?"

See pic.

You are an amazing person of incredible talents, will, drive and justice seeking courage Mr. Palamara.

You have added so much to this JFK truth and justice seeking mission world of ours. Thank you.

Thank youSee the source image








Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Vince, I watch and enjoy all of your videos.

This one is just another of your relaxed, easy going, down to Earth, dry humor funny yet thought provoking and general take informing presentations.

New book promoting, yes. I hope you sell 1 million copies.

There is a humble "everyman" style quality to your videos. Like sitting with a friendly next door neighbor on their patio sharing a beer?

Your average Joe demeanor is refreshing to me and contrast the fact that you are a nationally and even internationally known, highly regarded multi-book published icon in the JFK research community the last 20 years. One might expect someone of your stature to have at least a tinge of haughtiness when speaking.

Even your video filming location in this one is a beautiful outdoor "fresh air" scene that is relaxing to view.

Where the heck is that locale? Beautiful trees. Nice long swaths of green grass just below you although it looks like the person mowing this just took a beer lunch break or his riding mower broke down as the mowing is only half finished!

You mentioned your age as 55.

No, I refuse to believe that. Your hair has no grey! You have the smooth facial skin of a teenager? 

I was totally grey haired, wrinkle creased and straggly whisker grisled at 50!

Seriously, you aren't aging like the rest of us!

Is there something in the water there where you live? Or the beer and piroshky?

And lastly Vince, do you realize you are a true "doppleganger" of the famous A-List actor Jonah Hill?

The resemblance is amazing!

I also didn't know that you were a famous band guitar player in your younger days.

The "Silent Choir?"

See pic.

You are an amazing person of incredible talents, will, drive and justice seeking courage Mr. Palamara.

You have added so much to this JFK truth and justice seeking mission world of ours. Thank you.

Thank youSee the source image








Thanks a lot, Joe! :) much appreciated. I have good genes from my mom and dad (I also do not smoke or drink or do drugs). I am married but no kids, so no stress hahaha :) We live in a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA near the Montour Trail. :)




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