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Max Blumenthal gets it and he nails it with an off the wall double that he runs into a triple by the end.

This is splendid.  Please watch and spread around.  Maybe what I have done is getting out there finally.


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Sandy, let us focus on the break through he made about the assassinations of the sixties and their impact on today..

To me, as far as I know, that is unprecedented. He even showed the Zapruder film.

He actually seemed to get a bit choked up about it.

Again, I have never seen anything like this before.  It really makes me think that Oliver and I might have had an impact on the BIg Picture.

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23 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Sandy, let us focus on the break through he made about the assassinations of the sixties and their impact on today..

To me, as far as I know, that is unprecedented. He even showed the Zapruder film.

He actually seemed to get a bit choked up about it.

Again, I have never seen anything like this before.  It really makes me think that Oliver and I might have had an impact on the BIg Picture.

He's Sid Blumenthal's kid. Blumenthal was a prominent CT back in the 70's and maybe even 60's. I'd be willing to bet his dad had more to do with this than your movie, Jim. I think, if I were you, I'd be looking for impact within the mainstream media of other nations. As I recall, you've seen this impact in Canada and France. So congrats.

As far as Max, I think he's marginalized himself through his opposition to Israel and apparent friendliness to the likes of Russia, China, Syria and Venezuela. As a result, I suspect this video will have little impact beyond those already convinced America is evil. 

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Pat, that is correct.  Forgot, he is the son of Sid Blumenthal.

If you did not know, Sid edited and contributed to what is still a valuable anthology called Government by Gunplay back in the seventies.

So yes, that is probably where it originated, although Oliver did do his show.

As per the last, I think its important to see this in what I call the doctrinaire left.  Because it says the influence of Chomsky and the late Cockburn have waned there.

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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Pat, that is correct.  Forgot, he is the son of Sid Blumenthal.

If you did not know, Sid edited and contributed to what is still a valuable anthology called Government by Gunplay back in the seventies.

So yes, that is probably where it originated, although Oliver did do his show.

As per the last, I think its important to see this in what I call the doctrinaire left.  Because it says the influence of Chomsky and the late Cockburn have waned there.

Thanks for sharing that Jim. 

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Thanks Paul.

its really neat what with this, and what Morley did with COUnterpunch that something is seeping over to the doctrinaire left other than Chomsky nuttiness.

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