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John Newman's announcement on Facebook

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Another important hint: I would add this to the previous post, but that thread is rather long. This crucial trip was made by Popov's mole during the covert meetings between the mole and Vladislav Kovshuk in Washington in early 1957. Although the true name will not be revealed until the publication of Volume IV, his trip in February-March 1957 helps firmly establish him as a high-echelon (i.e., staff-level) KGB mole working in the CIA. I hope you will enjoy Chapter Fifteen in Volume IV--"The Quest for Popov's Mole--Provenance, Authenticity, and Independent Attestation." 🕵️
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Edited by Douglas Caddy
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John Newman posted this on Facebook on July 6:
At 5:00 pm this afternoon, Volume IV, "Uncovering Popov's Mole" was delivered to the publisher. This is not a book that I saw coming. It hit like a comet. The effects of its impact never let up. We were dealing with new breakthroughs as recently as two days ago. Like the end of Volume III (Into the Storm), the curtain had to come down at some point. The decision was made today to reveal the bulk of what has been uncovered thus far. The publisher estimates approximately five weeks of work (give or take a week) will be needed before it can be sent to Amazon. While we wait for that to happen, all of the chapters of Volume V--Armageddon-- (which is about two thirds completed) will be reassessed, and we will choose the right platform for a zoom conference soon after publication.
Hint: The "Three Musketeers" (a fake photo of KGB agents Kovshuk, Guk, and Kislov) arranged meetings with Popov's mole in Washington in January-February 1957 who dispatched the mole to Beirut in circa mid-February 1957 to investigate how to help Moscow Center maintain its penetration of the CIA.
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Have Vols 1-3 and been eagerly awaiting Vols 4-5.

Good to hear the next instalment is on the way.

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