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The Von Möhrenshildt family


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I envy you for living in Antwerp.  My wife and I had a chance to visit Antwerp about 20 years ago.  Charming city.

Have you heard the English musician Sting's new song about Antwerp, The Bells of St. Thomas?

There must be a church dedicated to St. Thomas there, with a painting by Rubens.

I remember seeing some paintings by Paul Rubens in Antwerp, but don't recall which church.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Picture from his first request for a passport in 1930 (at the age of 19),

and the renewal in 1933 (at the age of 22)

Notice the totally different signature and name-writing ("von" is added in 1933)

If it wasn't in the same file I'd have thought it was another one ! 



Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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GDM's girlfriend in the Sigurd clothing company in Antwerp (1933-1938) was Marie LAMY.

She was born on Aug. 6, 1901 in the city of Namur (southern/french speaking part of Belgium).   

So she was some 10 years older (Antwerp, file George Von Möhrenschildt, 1933, in Dutch)

We know GDM left Belgium in 1938.

The next thing I can find on his former partner Marie LAMY is a september 1941 newspaper-article stating a lot of clothing belonging to her was stolen from a warehouse in Namur

So as it seems she had returned to her hometown during WWII, bringing with her the left-over stock from Sigurd, or perhaps she continued the business in Namur.   It also is stated that she was married, but her husband was a POW in Germany (newspaper Pays de Namur dd. sept. 26, 1941, in French)  PS : the article mentions an enormous quantity of clothing  

The companies office-address and store was in Antwerp (Mechelsesteenweg 84-86).  Now, her hometown Namur is not that far from Liège where GDM went to university. 

Other documents stated he was in the clothing business with 2 Jewish people, but I can't find nothing to support that.  The girlfriend story however is proven to be true (city files Antwerp). 




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Above was not the first time she got robbed.  On 1/1/1939 she was still living in Antwerp.

Just after newyearsday 1939 pretty much all Belgian newspapers are reporting a large theft of money (golden dollars, Belgian francs,  etc), juwelry, etc from her store in Antwerp (address is the same where she lived with GDM).  Apparently she had a German housekeeper that disappeared the same day.   Total value was 60,000 Belgian francs (in 1939 that was some 2,000 USD equiv.)

Looks like when GDM left a lot of bad things happened to her... 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Going through some German and Polish archives, I came across this article that I'll copy below, it is about Odilo Globocnik and Reinhold Von Möhrenschildt and the ZAMOSC deportations (within Generalplan Ost).  I mentioned these earlier in this post, the references for the article below are Czeslaw Madajczyk s edited, Zamojszczyzna Sonderlaboratorium SS Zbior documentów polskich i niemieckich z okresu okupacji hitlerowskiej. Vol. II. (Ludowa Spóldzielnia Wydawnicza)

Polish and other migrants in Wyalkatchmen,  replacement by Reich Germans and/or Volksdeutsche, that is, persons deemed to have German ancestry.

The man designated to carry out this huge ethnic cleansing action was a senior SS- man and the police chief (Polizeiführer) in charge of Lublin Distrikt, Odilo Globocnik. Between 28 November 1942 and August 1943 he and his long-time wealthy pal from Carinthia, southern Austria, Reinhold von Mohrenschildt, with the help of the pro-berlin Krakow-based fascist Ukrainian Central Committee s (UCC) officials and police units, expelled from the Zamosc Lands some 110,000 ethic Poles.

Across the north and west of these lands German farmers were settled while in the east and south-east Ukrainian peasant farmers took over entire villages. Globocnik s Zamosc Lands ethnic cleansing action was therefore jointly conducted even though the eventual fate of all Ukrainians was to have been the same as that of the Poles expulsion into Western Siberia and the creation there of a series of Slavic Bantustans.

Because the UCC s top officials either did not realise or did not want to realise this they continued as Berlin s collaborators throughout the war. The significance of Skierbieszow is therefore that it was the first of the nearly 300 villages within the Zamosc Lands to be ethnically cleansed of Poles. What happened on 28 November was that the village was surrounded in the early hours of the morning by German and Ukrainian police units.

When the sun rose there was yelling, shouting and cow-bell ringing and all the waking residents were ordered to assemble promptly in the village square or centre. A few hours later they were taken by cart and on foot to Zamosc, 17-kilometres away. While making that journey they noticed a long line of horse drawn wagons which were carrying the new occupants - Volksdeutsche. Interestingly, most of these people were from Rumania. They has spent some two years in camps in western Poland.

The reason they had been removed from Rumania s Bessarabia region was that as part of the Hitler-Stalin partitioning of Eastern Europe many tens of thousands of people of German ancestry were allowed to leave newly Soviet-acquired lands that Hitler had agreed that Moscow could annex. Some of those settling in Skierbieszow may well even hailed from pre-war eastern Poland since many people there had opted to be recognized as Germanics rather than remain in a Soviet-controlled Ukraine or Belarus, the two Soviet republic into which most of eastern Poland was incorporated.

The Germanization of Skierbieszow on and after 28 November 1942 was repeated nearly 300 times over during the next nine months because the Zamosc Lands had been targeted by Globocnik and von Mohrenschildt to be the first compact region or zone of central or occupied Poland to be so Germanized. The intention was to repeat the Zamosc Lands action over and over across all of occupied central and western Poland and then do likewise in the three Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, across all of Belarus, the entire Ukraine, and all of European Russia, with all the ethnically cleansed people expelled into Western Siberia, so over the Ural Mountains.

These traditional Slavic Lands were thus to become, forever, Germanic Lands. And it was across these lands that the new 1000-year Reich was to be located. The name of this enormous, indeed, unprecedented, demographic blueprint was Generalplan Ost.

Although it was primarily drawn-up in Berlin Globocnik had established in Lublin a unit called the Research Centre for Eastern Settlement (Forschungsstelle fur Ostunterkunfte) where plans for eastern colonization was being refined by his trained SS-men.



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I've also found a Polish essay (over 40 pages) on George de Möhrenschildt.    I was able to translate some parts of it, but I'm going to ask a friend's wife for help (she is from Poland). That will take some time, I have to say it is mostly on GDM' in Haïti, (his contacts with the Polish Consulate, etc., so post JFKA 

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On GDM's 1941 associate Baron Konstantin von Maydell ( interned in sept. 1942 for 4 years ).

GDM would say the Baron was like his 5th cousin or so.  Some say he was no relative at all.

After months going up and down the VM family-tree I've finally found one connection.

Baron von Maydell his great-grandmother was Leontine Ernestine Ulrich von Mohrenschildt (born in 1812),  she married Berend Otto von Maydell (great-grandfather of BKvM).

But... the common ancestor between GDM and Leontine Ernestine Ulrich von Mohrenschildt is three generations more up the family tree..., that was Berend Otto von Mohrenschildt (born 1718 - died 1789)....

Now... there were many other family-connections, both von Mohrenschilt and von Maydell families married other aristocratic families, securing or expanding their properties.  

It is very possible there are other (and closer) relationships between GDM en BKvM.  So far I have only been looking at the male family lines.

AND family trees where important, all members would know what other families they were connected to., especially George was usting that tool pretty much constantly....  


Sidenote :  Konstantin Maydell was not the only Maydell to get to the USA, there were others (just like the Mohrenschildt.    An office to the United Nations in those days was called "The Registry of the League of Nations for High Commissioner for Refugees. International Labour Office".   Between the Tsarist Revolution and WWII many Russian wanted to leave.  Now their files have been made public.

They contain the requests and references to other families.  E.g. here is the file on "a" Maydell (an elderly)  - PS you must "agree" to see the document - he makes his request through another Baron Heyking.  This Maydell was a Tsarist General and Chamberlain.   Just to say there were thousand of them, some stayed in Germany (upon having gone to Sweden first through Latvia or Estonia), some went to the USA (those that had the better connections...)






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One of those things George would never explain in full...

With the Revolution the Russian communists had arranged for the forests to be exploited by the kolchose (the community farm and the workers.

By 1935 Georges father and local authorities did not exactly do it that way...., they illegally had the workers pay to exploit the forests.  In fact, any money the workes earned they were paying to von Möhrenschildt....

When the gouvernment found out about this illegal set-up, 13 people were shot, his father did get off the hook (again..).







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As I am tracking the von Mohrenschilt family history (military/politically) every now and then I find some older/historical stuff.

In 1889 in Orenburg (Russia, near the Kazachstan border) one of them was a Hetman* with the Cossacks,  but because of embezzlement and general misconduct...  he was degraded and had to turn in all his medals etc.  This story even made it in the French newspapers.




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In 1935, when his uncle was having problems of his own in Mozyr, Ferdinand von Mohrenschildt was making a career in poopoo Germany, he did have some problems with his nephews*  being mentioned in the Reichstagbrand.  That story made it to the Italian newspapers.

Also note : the Reichsbrandtag was said to be caused by a communist....  where have I heard that one before....

*see earlier posts in this topic, his nephews Udo Walter and Walter Erich von Möhrenschildt (both NSDAP-members), Walter Erich was killed in 1934 (Night of the Long Knives). 



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