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The Von Möhrenshildt family


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On 10/3/2022 at 8:14 PM, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

As I am tracking the von Mohrenschilt family history (military/politically) every now and then I find some older/historical stuff.

In 1889 in Orenburg (Russia, near the Kazachstan border) one of them was a Hetman* with the Cossacks,  but because of embezzlement and general misconduct...  he was degraded and had to turn in all his medals etc.  This story even made it in the French newspapers.





Now... it really must have been bad... - to take away his medals etc - knowing he was sort of a national hero in those years..., the regime needed big hero's but it would not allow them to get too big....

- in 1873 his Cossack troops beat Khirgisia troops (Khirgisia became Russian in 1876) 

- in 1883 he succeeded a horseback race from Veliki Novgorod to St. Petersburg (Leningrad) and back (totalling 200 miles...), the following year, Baron Schilling tried to do the same "being a sportman"..., there was some discussion on one of them cheating a little...  Well.. stunts like this were probably the beginning of the end of his career

I'll add a picture of how his Cossack troops would have looked like in those years


Now, his name was Behrend Alexander von Mohrenschildt (1836 -1911), he was married to the daughter of his uncle, she was Pauline VM  (he was the son of Georges great-uncle Behrend Alexander VM (1812-1897)

B.t.w., Georges grandfather (Thomas Ferdinand 1833-1900 ) had also married a daughter of his uncle, she was Marie/Mary VM (dispensation* given 1874 by Pastor Spindler).

Something odd, I found a family-tree made up by one of the VM, but... it lists Dimitri (born 1902) as the last of his generation (from the Thomas Ferdinand line), so they have "forgotten" to list George... 

I think we know why...., same reason they did not mention a single word on the careers of Reinhold, Udo, Walter,.... (their names are mentioned but not their past). 

*a dispensation is special permission from the Church to do something that is not usually allowed (marrying a cousin in this case)





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So here I am, found all the von Mohrenschildt I wanted to find...

Well... all but one...

This one worked for the Belgian Government. Was sent to the Congo ca. 1900's.  Came back to Belgium in 1905 (on the "Anversville" cargo boat that was packed with ivory, rubber and copal...).

And he left zero trace after that.   However, it is possible he made a career-switch and ended up in another country.  Could be I have him listed in another function/country unknowing it's the same guy.

PS : never mind the Ceulemans that's also on the list 😄 a coincidence   



Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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