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The Worst US Secret Service Failure since Nov. 1963?

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On 7/31/2022 at 1:11 AM, James DiEugenio said:

I think this turned out fairly well.

And I think its a good parallel. Even MSM "expert" Carol L acknowledged it.

But Consortium News I think got a scoop with the Bolden angle.


I actually posted something on Facebook right after the news came out. It’s an amazing parallel I think.

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I watched IN THE LINE OF FIRE again last night.

At one point the would-be presidential assassin

played by John Malkovich, who calls himself "Booth,"

while taunting the Secret Service agent played by Eastwood

(modeled to some extent on Clint Hill) about the failure

to save Kennedy, repeats the lie about Kennedy supposedly

telling the agents to get off the back bumper of his limousine

(even though Hill rode on it part of the time in Dallas). Even

in plot terms it makes no sense for the Malkovich character

to use this to make Eastwood's agent feel even more guilty,

since it is the lie some agents use to blame JFK for his

own death, as Vince Palamara has demonstrated.

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On 8/1/2022 at 4:56 AM, Paul Brancato said:

Ben - you’re grasping at straws. 



The 1/6 committee had Bannon prosecuted for contempt of Congress for not testifying. Bannon, unless something happens, will go to prison. Fine by me. 

But now the 1/6 committee cannot subpoena the SS agents? Toss them into jail if they refuse to testify? The 1/6 committee just proved testifying is not optional. 

In addition, the scale of text-washing---10 different agents, that we know of---under a 27-year veteran of the SS, the Director Murray....really?

All these agents became Trump loyalists, willing to illegally wash their phones? 

Trump, hardly a charismatic sort, was President for one term.

And he was able to flip the SS from Deep State apparatchiks to Trump loyalists? 

I am saying I don't know what is on the texts, although if I had to bet...something the establishment does not want out.

Look, these SS guys know the presidents come and go, but the Deep State is forever. 

Seems reasonable to me. 

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