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Roger Craig's "When they kill a president"


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5 minutes ago, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

I wrote in some twisted retrospect and moreover I wrote allegedly altering his statements.   He wrote it was altered and he wrote he was pissed off by that.   If the WC statement had shown what he alledgedly said, he would have gotten in trouble already then, so he actually was better off (and should not have been pissed off), well... for a couple of years. 

So I'm NOT accusing anyone......



I apologize.

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On 8/30/2022 at 12:43 PM, Derek Thibeault said:

Never seen this before, but I am going to read it, always thought Roger Craig was one of the unsung heroes of this case and he suffered for it.

Roger Craig was a hero. Sadly, be began to exaggerate and embellish a bit in later years, and WC apologists have, as usual, unfairly used this as a reason for rejecting his earlier statements and accounts. 

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12 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

If you read the rest of the 1:40 bit about Craig in the L.A. Press article he corrects himself immediately.  "Oh, that's right, the broadcast was put out shortly after 1:15 on Tippit's killer . . ."  Oswald's description came out about around 1:40 on the DPD radios, maybe 1:50 if I remember right.  Anyone here ever confused timing on a past event, like the killing of a president. 

FP: Do you know what time he was killed? RC: It was about 1:90- PJ: No, I think It was a little before 1:15, RC: Wailt? PJ: Yes. Bill Alexander— RC: Oh, that's right. The broadcast was put out shortly al-terli15 on Tippit's killer, and it had not been put out yet on Os-wald as the assassin of President Kennedy.

as a little before 1:15, RC: Wailt? PJ: Yes. Bill Alexander— RC: Oh, that's right. The broadcast was put out shortly al-terli15 on Tippit's killer, and it had not been put out yet on as the assassin of President Kennedy. Kennedy. 




Craig is specifically asked if he knew what time Tippit was killed and he said about 1:40.


Yet, a few years later (while trying to publish a manuscript, no less), he says he heard of the shooting over one of the police radios and looked down at his watch, which (supposedly) read 1:06.


C'mon man.


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