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John Tunheim Interview

Gerry Down

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2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

A police officer colleague of Rothstein in a pink Cadillac drove the boxes of Marita's files to Washington and delivered them to the proper address. Marita accompanied the officer. 

Researchers sometimes fail to realize that documents they cite as evidence had been altered. Rothstein told me today on the phone ...

Doug, you actually spoke to Rothstein today?  Amazing.

Does Rothstein feel there is much more to the Lorenz story and her files than Tunheim would ever acknowledge?

What do you feel Doug? About the Lorenz story? And her take on the assassination?

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My 2 cents

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Tunheim is another Gary Mack.

quote (From a COPA article)



Don’t Believe What Jack Tunheim Has To Say About the JFK Assassination


Don’t Believe What Jack Tunheim Has To Say About the JFK Assassination
by Douglas P. Horne, former Chief Analyst for Military Records, ARRB
insidethearrb blog
November 28th, 23:45

JFKFACTS.org just published a recent article by U.S. News that quotes the former Chairman of the Assassination Records Review Board, Jack Tunheim, as follows—see this excerpt below:

By Erin McClam, Staff Writer, NBC News

The government’s most recent investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy began in 1994. The Oliver Stone movie “JFK” was still fresh in mind, and almost four in five Americans believed in a conspiracy to kill the 35th president.

The investigation, by the Assassination Records Review Board, was aimed at piercing the persistent secrecy that surrounded the crime. The board unearthed tens of thousands of records on the killing that had never been released.

Which makes its chairman, John R. Tunheim, among the most qualified people alive to talk about what happened Nov. 22, 1963. His conclusion: Lee Harvey Oswald did it — and no one else.

“I look back to the hard evidence of the case, the real evidence, the evidence admissible in court, and all of that points to Oswald acting alone,” Tunheim, who is now a federal judge, said this week from his chambers in Minnesota.

Close quote 


... it is not even funny anymore.



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On 11/3/2022 at 12:17 PM, Joseph Backes said:

Tunheim's claims:

#1 NO SS documents were really destroyed.  NOT TRUE Compare this claim to ARRB's Final Report:

Congress passed the JFK Act of 1992. One month later, the Secret Service began its compliance efforts. However, in January 1995, the Secret Service destroyed presidential protection survey reports for some of President Kennedy's trips in the fall of 1963. The Review Board learned of the destruction approximately one week after the Secret Service destroyed them, when the Board was drafting its request for additional information. The Board believed that the Secret Service files on the President's travel in the weeks preceding his murder would be relevant.

The Review Board requested the Secret Service to explain the circumstances surrounding the destruction, after passage of the JFK Act. The Secret Service formally explained the circumstances of this destruction in correspondence and an oral briefing to the Review Board.

The Review Board also sought to account for certain additional record categories that might relate to the Kennedy assassination. For example, the Review Board sought information regarding a protective intelligence file on the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC) and regarding protective intelligence files relating to threats to President Kennedy in the Dallas area (the Dallas-related files were disclosed to the Warren Commission). The FPCC and Dallas-related files apparently were destroyed, and the Review Board sought any information regarding the destruction. As of this writing, the Service was unable to provide any specific information regarding the disposition of these files.

The Secret Service submitted its Final Declaration of Compliance dated September 18, 1998, but did not execute it under oath. The Review Board asked the Service to re-submit its Final Declaration.


Thank you for the excellent response. I knew that Tunheim's claim about no SS records being destroyed sounded wrong. 

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You're welcome. 

For those interested, I think it's fair to say every member of the ARRB, and by that I mean the five member board thought "Oswald did it. No conspiracy."  But, they were keen to get all the records about it declassified. They were the most open to the research community than any previous government agency looking into the JFK Assassination. So, I give them great credit for that.  They did much more than I ever thought they would when this process started.  They did try to investigate the Mexico City issue, and the medical issues of the case, at least a little bit. But, only up to a certain point. They could have done a lot more on both issues.   

I think we're all still trying to go through that they've given us.  You would have to spend a lifetime and a few fortunes to get your own copy of every document they declassified.  And even if one had everything then you need to read and analyze it all. 

I think I have a full, proper listing of every RIF number. I have more than NARA has presented so far.  I'm helping with the lawsuit to get everything properly declassified and open in full to the public which was the ARRB's and the intention of the law in 2017.

I hope NARA will scan every document and makes that all available online.  I believe Biden instructed them to do so. That will certainly save us all a lot of money. 

I'd love to get to Archives II again, maybe sometime in 2023.  


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