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JFK Revisited DVD Package, Number 4

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We obviously got a boost from the 59th anniversary.

But we are now again at Number 4 in documentaries on Amazon.

I talked about this in Dallas.  I said, a good healthy window for a feature film--that is from when it leaves commercial release--and goes on sale to the public via DVD, is six months.  Most films would really like that big of a window.

Well, with JFK Revisited, our window, since the film debuted at Cannes, until when it went on sale in DVD form, was a year. And this is a documentary. A JFK documentary.

Once it was released in DVD format, it was number one for three weeks.  It then stayed in the top ten for 8 weeks.  The amazing thing about this rating is that when it drops out of the top ten, it goes back on almost the next week.  For instance, prior to this week it was number 17.  But as I said, it it now number four.  And this is four months after it was issued on DVD.

I  think Shout Factory underestimated how it would sell in DVD markets.  I think they should have pushed it in Australia and UK.

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Thanks so much Denny.

They showed the four parter in Dallas.

I actually like that one more. I mean who has ever talked about JFK's Middle East policy or Indonesia in a documentary?  Or at all, in any broadcast media.

And we had Brad Simpson, Lisa Pease, Philip Muehlenbeck and Robert Rakove as our experts. It does not get much better than that.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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I think the four part version is also my preferred version. There's just so much to absorb, and with more detail and time it's easier to follow. And you're right that the four hour version goes into great detail about JFK's other international policies that other documentaries rarely (if ever) explore. That alone should make it of interest to anyone who is into history and geopolitics, not just the JFKA in particular.

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Yes, I think that is accurate.

How did Suharto come to power?  Why did the US support him?  Why did Nixon salute him?

That is just one example of some hidden history.

Monica W and I had a nice dialogue in Dallas about Nasser and Kennedy's attempt to develop a relationship with the socialist secularist of Egypt.

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Good one Lori.

Its really "the MSM does not want the public to care about JFK."

And for good reason.  Because then they will realize how lame the MSM really was and is.

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Thanks to you both, Lori and Mike.

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