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Robert Charles Dunne Tour de force

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Can anyone find Robert Charles Dunne's tour de force  take down of the White Russian group's accusations about Oswald beating his wife?

This new book from this Douglas guy looks like it relies on that a lot to make the case of Oswald killing JFK.

Tom Scully found it once for me.  Or if RCD is monitoring the site maybe he can find it.

It is an excellent counter to all that stuff the WC swallowed whole with no salt.

I would very much appreciate it as a counter to the book.

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I found it.  I forgot I had it on my own site.

Everyone should read this.  it is long but it really rewarding.

I think of this as RCD's tour de force.

Who could have done this but him.


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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I found it.  I forgot I had it on my own site.

Everyone should read this.  it is long but it really rewarding.

I think of this as RCD's tour de force.

Who could have done this but him.


Yeah, some guy named Paul Gregory has a book out, and again sullies the LHO reputation. 

You think CT'ers are nutty? 

This guy Gregory writes that he was sitting at home on Nov. 22 in Oklahoma, saw LHO on TV after his arrest, and divined then and there that LHO did the deed alone. He knew!

Really? And they say CT'ers are nutty. 

Even if Gregory's characterization of LHO was accurate---a leftie, loser, misfit, dreams of glory---would not that make LHO vulnerable to blandishments, such as money, or a chance to play a role in history, or to move higher up in an intel service, even one of a foreign nation? Would not LHO be easy prey for conspirators? 

Why did Gregory divine LHO acted alone while watching TV in Oklahoma? 




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12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I found it.  I forgot I had it on my own site.

Everyone should read this.  it is long but it really rewarding.

I think of this as RCD's tour de force.

Who could have done this but him.


Thanks, Jim for posting that.

As I read it, I was reminded that the Warren Commission was incredibly highly selective about the questions posed to various witnesses. Anna and Teofil Meller, mentioned in RCD's article, both appeared in person before Wesley Liebler in the spring of 1964. However, a search of the Warren Commission's testimony reveals that only Anna's name shows up as a witness.



Because Teofil Meller had told the Dallas P.D. that in the summer of 1962 he had seen a copy of Karl Marx's "Das Capital" in "Oswald's" apartment and became so worried about "Oswald's" political leanings that he, Meller, called the FBI.

The kicker?

The FBI assured Teofil Meller that "Oswald" was "all right." 


Now that comment should have elicited some questions from Liebler to Teofil Meller - what exactly did Meller think that meant? With whom exactly had he spoken? Did Meller believe that "Oswald" was working for the FBI? If not, how else to interpret that? And so on.

Instead, Liebeler did not want to know. How do we know that? 

Because Liebeler had Teofil Meller right there in person in front of him as Liebeler questioned Anna Meller and he asked Teofil Meller exactly nothing about anything. He wanted to stay as far away as possible from any "Oswald"/FBI connections.

If Teofil Meller had good reason to believe that "Oswald" was OK with the anti-communist FBI, then the rest of the White Russian community did as well. 

Jack Revill's memo in which Teofil Meller told the DPD that the FBI cleared "Oswald" in 1962:

Book page image

Liebeler's weasel questioning of Anna Meller and his refusal to clear up or ask anything at all of Teofil Meller about the FBI and "Oswald".

Liebeler avoided Teofil Meller like the plague even though he was right there in front of him!


The testimony of Anna N. Meller was taken at 9 a.m., on March 25, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Wesley J. Liebeler, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.

Mr. LIEBELER - Come in, Mr. and Mrs. Meller, and sit down. Before we start I want to make a statement for the record and for your information. Mrs. Meller, my name is Wesley J. Liebeler. I am a member of the legal staff of the President's Commission investigating the assassination of President Kennedy. Staff counsel such as myself have been authorized to take the testimony of witnesses by the Commission pursuant to authority granted to the Commission under the provisions of Executive Order 11130 dated November 29, 1963, and Joint Resolution of Congress No. 137. Last week, I believe Mr. Rankin sent to you, Mrs. Meller, a letter and told you I would be in touch with you this week and he sent with that letter copies of the Executive order and of the Resolution I just referred to as well as copies of the rules of procedure related to the taking of testimony. You did receive copies of those documents with that letter?
Mrs. MELLER - Yes, sir.
Mr. LIEBELER - We want to take your testimony this morning, Mrs. Meller, concerning your knowledge of the Oswalds that you obtained as a result of Marina Oswald living with you in your home for a period in October or November of 1962, and whatever other knowledge you may have concerning the background of the Oswalds or any facts relating to the assassination and the subsequent death of Lee Harvey Oswald.

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We will have a review of this book out soon.


Thanks to you both.


Charles, that is really neat.  Was not aware of that.

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5 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

Thanks, Jim for posting that.

As I read it, I was reminded that the Warren Commission was incredibly highly selective about the questions posed to various witnesses. Anna and Teofil Meller, mentioned in RCD's article, both appeared in person before Wesley Liebler in the spring of 1964. However, a search of the Warren Commission's testimony reveals that only Anna's name shows up as a witness.



Because Teofil Meller had told the Dallas P.D. that in the summer of 1962 he had seen a copy of Karl Marx's "Das Capital" in "Oswald's" apartment and became so worried about "Oswald's" political leanings that he, Meller, called the FBI.

The kicker?

The FBI assured Teofil Meller that "Oswald" was "all right." 


Now that comment should have elicited some questions from Liebler to Teofil Meller - what exactly did Meller think that meant? With whom exactly had he spoken? Did Meller believe that "Oswald" was working for the FBI? If not, how else to interpret that? And so on.

Instead, Liebeler did not want to know. How do we know that? 

Because Liebeler had Teofil Meller right there in person in front of him as Liebeler questioned Anna Meller and he asked Teofil Meller exactly nothing about anything. He wanted to stay as far away as possible from any "Oswald"/FBI connections.

If Teofil Meller had good reason to believe that "Oswald" was OK with the anti-communist FBI, then the rest of the White Russian community did as well. 

Jack Revill's memo in which Teofil Meller told the DPD that the FBI cleared "Oswald" in 1962:

Book page image

Liebeler's weasel questioning of Anna Meller and his refusal to clear up or ask anything at all of Teofil Meller about the FBI and "Oswald".

Liebeler avoided Teofil Meller like the plague even though he was right there in front of him!


The testimony of Anna N. Meller was taken at 9 a.m., on March 25, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Wesley J. Liebeler, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.

Mr. LIEBELER - Come in, Mr. and Mrs. Meller, and sit down. Before we start I want to make a statement for the record and for your information. Mrs. Meller, my name is Wesley J. Liebeler. I am a member of the legal staff of the President's Commission investigating the assassination of President Kennedy. Staff counsel such as myself have been authorized to take the testimony of witnesses by the Commission pursuant to authority granted to the Commission under the provisions of Executive Order 11130 dated November 29, 1963, and Joint Resolution of Congress No. 137. Last week, I believe Mr. Rankin sent to you, Mrs. Meller, a letter and told you I would be in touch with you this week and he sent with that letter copies of the Executive order and of the Resolution I just referred to as well as copies of the rules of procedure related to the taking of testimony. You did receive copies of those documents with that letter?
Mrs. MELLER - Yes, sir.
Mr. LIEBELER - We want to take your testimony this morning, Mrs. Meller, concerning your knowledge of the Oswalds that you obtained as a result of Marina Oswald living with you in your home for a period in October or November of 1962, and whatever other knowledge you may have concerning the background of the Oswalds or any facts relating to the assassination and the subsequent death of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Nice research. But did Liebeler know about that Revill memo at the time he questioned Mr. Mellor? That point is not clear.

The WC was full of instances of having to call witnesses back to get clarification on this and that. Yes they could and should have called Mr. Mellor back to ask who at the FBI he spoke to. But of course, the FBI was the WCs main investigatory body, and so they had to tow a fine line of being careful of being seen to delve too deeply into the FBIs interactions with LHO. Maybe they were worried if they delved too deeply, they would antagonize the FBI and create problems in their relationship with the FBI which they needed to finish their report into the assassination. 

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16 hours ago, Gerry Down said:

Nice research. But did Liebeler know about that Revill memo at the time he questioned Mr. Mellor? That point is not clear.

The WC was full of instances of having to call witnesses back to get clarification on this and that. Yes they could and should have called Mr. Mellor back to ask who at the FBI he spoke to. But of course, the FBI was the WCs main investigatory body, and so they had to tow a fine line of being careful of being seen to delve too deeply into the FBIs interactions with LHO. Maybe they were worried if they delved too deeply, they would antagonize the FBI and create problems in their relationship with the FBI which they needed to finish their report into the assassination. 

Liebeler questioned Anna Meller about the very same "Das Kapital" incident as referenced in the Revill DPD memo. Remember, the subject of that Revill memo was "Criminal Intelligence: Teofil Meller", and Liebeler had Teofil sitting right there. 

Mr. LIEBELER - Let's go on and establish the other times that you saw Oswald
and the circumstances and then I will ask you some questions about his experiences in Russia and you can tell me whether he ever told you about any thing or when you learned about anything. When did you next see Oswald?
Mrs. MELLER - Later on, probably in the next month, we visited Marina Oswald about two or three times and during this time, couple times, probably one time we did not see him at all. He started to work somewhere and two times we met him we came close to five or probably close to six, to Fort Worth and he come straight from work, still in work clothes and we speak little bit this time. We brought - always for Marina, we brought some groceries for Marina, George Bouhe and I, some clothes to wear and for baby and I saw baby didn't have bed. Baby was sleeping on two suit cases, old suit cases. It was a made baby bed. I never talk much to Lee Oswald and he was pretty quiet most of the time. However, probably on the last time I went over their house, we stayed for hour there or maybe even less, give those things and, come back home. On the third time probably, I noticed in the living room on what you will call that table that the lamp was sitting near the divan. I notice several books; it was "Kapital" book Karl Marx and literature about Communism. It caught my eye and I we real upset.
Mr. LIEBELER - Did you say anything to Oswald?
Mrs. MELLER - I said to Marina "What's this book doing here", something like that. I mentioned something and she said Lee takes all those books from the library and reading them. I did not say much after but I was real upset.


Gerry, you and I agree (I think) that the Warren Commission did not want any evidence that would "create problems" - they were determined to find "no conspiracy", no matter where the truth lay. 

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23 minutes ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

Liebeler questioned Anna Meller about the very same "Das Kapital" incident as referenced in the Revill DPD memo. Remember, the subject of that Revill memo was "Criminal Intelligence: Teofil Meller", and Liebeler had Teofil sitting right there. 

Mr. LIEBELER - Let's go on and establish the other times that you saw Oswald
and the circumstances and then I will ask you some questions about his experiences in Russia and you can tell me whether he ever told you about any thing or when you learned about anything. When did you next see Oswald?
Mrs. MELLER - Later on, probably in the next month, we visited Marina Oswald about two or three times and during this time, couple times, probably one time we did not see him at all. He started to work somewhere and two times we met him we came close to five or probably close to six, to Fort Worth and he come straight from work, still in work clothes and we speak little bit this time. We brought - always for Marina, we brought some groceries for Marina, George Bouhe and I, some clothes to wear and for baby and I saw baby didn't have bed. Baby was sleeping on two suit cases, old suit cases. It was a made baby bed. I never talk much to Lee Oswald and he was pretty quiet most of the time. However, probably on the last time I went over their house, we stayed for hour there or maybe even less, give those things and, come back home. On the third time probably, I noticed in the living room on what you will call that table that the lamp was sitting near the divan. I notice several books; it was "Kapital" book Karl Marx and literature about Communism. It caught my eye and I we real upset.
Mr. LIEBELER - Did you say anything to Oswald?
Mrs. MELLER - I said to Marina "What's this book doing here", something like that. I mentioned something and she said Lee takes all those books from the library and reading them. I did not say much after but I was real upset.


Gerry, you and I agree (I think) that the Warren Commission did not want any evidence that would "create problems" - they were determined to find "no conspiracy", no matter where the truth lay. 

This doesn't actually prove that Liebeler knew that Mr. Mellor had reported this to the FBI. You could say it was careless for Mrs Mellor to not tell this to Liebeler at this moment but on a technical point it doesn't prove that Liebeler knew it had been reported to the FBI.

I know the WC were covering up lots of things, but just trying to make technical point here. 

The Voshinins should have told the WC during their testimony that they had reported to the FBI that lho might have been involved in the Walker shooting, but they chose to stay quiet just like the Mellors did here.

It seems the white Russian community had a loyalty to the FBI not to drag them into their testimony. Either that or they were afraid of being seen publicy as "snitches" for the FBI.

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4 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

This doesn't actually prove that Liebeler knew that Mr. Mellor had reported this to the FBI. You could say it was careless for Mrs Mellor to not tell this to Liebeler at this moment but on a technical point it doesn't prove that Liebeler knew it had been reported to the FBI.

I know the WC were covering up lots of things, but just trying to make technical point here. 

The Voshinins should have told the WC during their testimony that they had reported to the FBI that lho might have been involved in the Walker shooting, but they chose to stay quiet just like the Mellors did here.

It seems the white Russian community had a loyalty to the FBI not to drag them into their testimony. Either that or they were afraid of being seen publicy as "snitches" for the FBI.

Are you really implyng that the Meller's somehow conspired to hide Teofil Meller's call to the FBI from Liebeler? 

Liebeler's job was to know and ask about everything relating to his witnesses. The Warren Commission had the DPD memo titled "Criminal Intelligence: Teofil Meller". If Liebeler truly did not know, then he was incompetent and stupid, and nothing of value can ever be learned of any witness he questioned in any context.

However, Liebeler was neither incompetent nor stupid. He (and all of the Warren Commission attorneys) knew what they had to find: no conspiracy, come hell or high water.

When Anna Meller testified that seeing "Das Kapital" in the "Oswald" home made her "real upset", rather than asking her the natural follow-up question ("What did you then do?"), Liebeler changed the subject. I don't see any way to read that except that Liebeler was well aware that he was on dangerous ground and needed to tread carefully.

Mrs. MELLER - I said to Marina "What's this book doing here", something like that. I mentioned something and she said Lee takes all those books from the library and reading them. I did not say much after but I was real upset.
Mr. LIEBELER - Was that the last time that you saw him?
Mrs. MELLER - It was maybe last time that we visited Marina in her house.


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19 minutes ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

Liebeler's job was to know and ask about everything relating to his witnesses. The Warren Commission had the DPD memo titled "Criminal Intelligence: Teofil Meller". If Liebeler truly did not know, then he was incompetent and stupid, and nothing of value can ever be learned of any witness he questioned in any context.

How do you know that WC had received the Revill memo at the time Liebeler was questioning Mrs Mellor?

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24 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

How do you know that WC had received the Revill memo at the time Liebeler was questioning Mrs Mellor?

The only date we have for the Revill/Gannaway memo in which Teofil Meller stated that the FBI had declared "Oswald" "all right", is hazy. It was "indexed" by the Warren Commission and part of Commission document 950. 

The hand-written date appears as "2 - 1964". Liebeler questioned Anna Mellor five weeks later on March 5, 1964. In his questioning, Liebeler asked Anna about how many times she had been interviewed by various agencies. She had been interrogated by the FBI, the Secret Service and the Dallas P.D.! Liebeler then danced right up to the key question ("What did Teofil think the FBI meant when they told him that "Oswald" was "all right"?) and then scooted away into the "safe" territory of wife-beating . . . 

Liebeler knew - the Commission published the damning memo months later without a word of comment from Liebeler or anyone else on that lying commission. 

Note how close Liebeler to asking Anna Meller about the taboo ("Oswald's" relationship to the FBI) before deftly changing the subject:

Mr. LIEBELER - Do you remember being interviewed by the FBI?
Mrs. MELLER - Yes, sir; three times.
Mr. LIEBELER - Three times?
Mrs. MELLER - Yes, sir - oh, I mean from FBI one time; Secret Service another time, and third time it was from police. I cannot recall name but it was three times together.
Mr. LIEBELER - As far as you can remember the FBI only interviewed you once?
Mrs. MELLER - Yes; once FBI, once Secret Service, and once Dallas group.
Mr. LIEBELER - Was it the Dallas police force?
Mrs. MELLER - Yes.
Mr. LIEBELER - Dallas police officers?
Mrs. MELLER - Yes, yes.

Mr. LIEBELER - Did you ever form an opinion as to who was responsible for these marital difficulties the Oswalds were having? Did you think it was mostly Lee Harvey's fault or did you think it was partly her fault, or what?
Mrs. MELLER - It was not easy to judge but I think since we do not know them very close and very long, let's say this way but it seems to me again that Lee Oswald was not normal because later I heard. from somebody that


Liebeler knew. 


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6 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

Stamped by the Warren Commission


                 "Date" (hand-written) "2 - 1964"



I saw that indexed sign but didn't know if it was an internal DPD stamp or a WC stamp or what.

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