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Congressional MAGA extremists to form faux "Church Committee"

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Just now, Sandy Larsen said:


You need aircraft carriers when fighting wars where you have no friendly landing strips... which is most places around the globe.


But...IMHO, your premise appears to be the US should be involved in fighting wars around the globe. 

IMHO, what has happened is the US military has become a global guard service for multinationals---paid for by US taxpayers.  

Perhaps in another thread, we can discuss the survivability of surface ships. I can tell you, sub captains say in the next real naval war, all the ships will be underwater---whether by design or result. 

Interesting side note---the Marines have totally abandoned having tanks. 

I enjoy your commentary, even if we disagree. 

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1 minute ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Ben, you are a tough nut to crack. But you sure are polite.


I admire your reasoning and conversational skills. Probably, 90% of the time, we agree. 

For example, in the main, we think the intel state was behind the JFKA. We disagree on some details. 

Sometimes we disagree. So what? 

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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

IMHO, what has happened is the US military has become a global guard service for multinationals---paid for by US taxpayers.  


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It's been fun watching the hypocrisy on the MSNBC watching left over everything that happened this week... 

Personally I think Biden Docs relate to the firing of the prosecutor in Ukraine and the rest of the Biden post Coup Corruption that his son was involved in. Speaking of corruption how did Zelensky make 50 million Euro's? He was a comedian actor.

 Biden and Nuland Neo Cons overthrew Ukraine but democrats only believe that Trump and the My Pillow guy were doing a coup de tat on America😆🤣☠️👻  How many feds are we up to in the Fedsurrection now 33, who is Ray Epps? 

We see cut backs on NATO during Trump but increase in Ukrainian support and no escalation during Trump. And an escalation during Biden that literally led to a war and America sending Billions in aid to Ukraine instead of fixing American infrastructure and education, and putting America in a position where it might not be able to defend Taiwan. FTX is involved and FTX was the second biggest donor to the Democrats next to George Soros. 

The people who espouse those beliefs do so because they watch CNN and  MSNBC and are parrots. MSNBC has taken the Fox News style to a new disingenuous and dangerous level. If you're not able to perceive that then you aren't going to notice the nuance of the Overton Window.The MS that's Bill Gates Microsoft and NBC (owned by war profiteers) That is how delusional the left are today they support Ukraine because they believe (against the evidence) that Putin's agent Guccifer 2.0 hacked the DNC on behalf of Russia and turned that over to Julian Assange (another Putin Stooge) who released fake pizza gate conspiracies on Face Book on behalf of the Kremlin. This needs to be made into an Oliver Stone W type of comedy, because it's better material at this point.

Adam Shiff is being kicked off his committee for lying about what the classified information during the Russia probe that he read implied, while leaking untruths to the press.  It very well could come out that he violated statutes by misrepresenting classified info. But people who watch MSNBC will cite Schiff that the "Insurrection" committee is partisan. It becomes hard to take people serious when they cite people like Schiff and mention Committees and Impeachments that were nothing burgers which noting came from them.

The left is now the establishment and people who have left opinions like say Jimmy Dore who fairly regularly appears on Tucker Carlson show are ostracized by the establishment corporate MSNPC left for being too tolerant! We saw the MAGA right hold their leadership accountable and we saw the Squad show their true corporate self by not doing what Jimmy Dore advocated for which was not voting for Nancy Pelosi unless she gave concessions. So what we see is the donks and the phants are not equally bad like some people around want to believe. That is why I no longer support the Democrats since around '10 when the wars did not stop and Obama actually assassinated an American citizen without a trial joined the libertarians in opposing both parties. But since that time alot of the right has realized they were bamboozled and have created a split in the party MAGA vs Neo Con. There is noting going on like that on the left in fact the new left shut that stuff down like the Green Party. 


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On 1/14/2023 at 10:24 AM, Matthew Koch said:

....That is how delusional the left are today they support Ukraine because they believe (against the evidence) that Putin's agent Guccifer 2.0 hacked the DNC on behalf of Russia and turned that over to Julian Assange (another Putin Stooge) who released fake pizza gate conspiracies on Face Book on behalf of the Kremlin.


The left's support for Ukraine against Russia has nothing to do with Guccifer 2.0. What you are saying is just another Magaverse fake conspiracy

In contrast, the left's support has everything to to do with Russia's illegal and unprovoked invasion last year.


On 1/14/2023 at 10:24 AM, Matthew Koch said:

Adam Shiff is being kicked off his committee for lying about what the classified information during the Russia probe that he read implied, while leaking untruths to the press.  It very well could come out that he violated statutes by misrepresenting classified info.


I'll bet you $100 against your $0.01 (10,000 to 1) that Schiff didn't lie. And that he didn't knowingly leak falsehoods to the press.


On 1/14/2023 at 10:24 AM, Matthew Koch said:

But people who watch MSNBC will cite Schiff that the "Insurrection" committee is partisan.


With two Republican members, the January 6 Committee was bipartisan. (More Republicans could have joined and tried to defend Trump, but none would.)


On 1/14/2023 at 10:24 AM, Matthew Koch said:

It becomes hard to take people serious when they cite people like Schiff and mention Committees and Impeachments that were nothing burgers which noting came from them.


Nothingburgers? On December 19, 2022, the January 6 Committee voted unanimously to refer Trump and the lawyer John Eastman to the U.S. Department of Justice for prosecution.Recommended charges for Trump were obstruction of an official proceeding; conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to make a false statement; and attempts to "incite", "assist" or "aid or comfort" an insurrection. Obstruction and conspiracy to defraud were also the recommended charges for Eastman


On 1/14/2023 at 10:24 AM, Matthew Koch said:

So what we see is the donks and the phants are not equally bad like some people around want to believe.


The Democrats and Republicans are far from being equal.

The Republicans want to reduce benefits to the lower economic classes and reduce taxes on the wealthy. The Democrats want to do the opposite.


On 1/14/2023 at 10:24 AM, Matthew Koch said:

That is why I no longer support the Democrats since around '10 when the wars did not stop....


Obama pulled all troops out of Iraq and most troops out of Afghanistan. Trump negotiated withdrawal of the remaining troops Afghanistan, but only in his remaining year in office. Biden agreed with the policy and pulled the troops out in 2021.


On 1/14/2023 at 10:24 AM, Matthew Koch said:

....and Obama actually assassinated an American citizen without a trial


Yes, and likewise Trump assassinated that person's 8-year-old half sister.

They were both highly regrettable mistakes.


On 1/14/2023 at 10:24 AM, Matthew Koch said:

[I then] joined the libertarians in opposing both parties.

But since that time alot of the right has realized they were bamboozled....


The Old Right (which most on the left still has respect for) was bamboozeld first by the neo-cons, which got us into a stupid war with Iraq under false pretences. Then the Right was bamboozled by the MAGA Trumpsters, which resulted in a loss of respect for the United States around the world, and an illegal scheme designed to keep Trump in power.





On 1/14/2023 at 10:24 AM, Matthew Koch said:

....and have created a split in the party MAGA vs Neo Con.


That's about the only good thing thing that has come out of the Trump experiance... a split Republican party.


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