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Texas Theater: Fill in the blank!


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On 2/6/2023 at 4:06 PM, Lance Payette said:

OK, fair enough - those are reasonable thoughts. The dichotomy between the knee-jerk anger and the eerily cool customer during interrogation (and the lunchroom encounter) would be rather odd.

Golly, are the folks at ROKC fascinated with me or something? Truly, I am unworthy of attention from such high-level JFKA obsessive-compulsives. Well, anyway, I feel sure they have eviscerated my little efforts at rationality. I'd probably weep if I read what they've said, so I'm once again going to spare myself the torment. I do have difficulty believing anyone could dispute my bare minimum facts while remaining within the ballpark of rationality, but perhaps that's just my cognitive bias. Let me guess - does the ROKC response have anything to do with Prayer Man?

You love every second of attention.  Your not fooling anyone.  Admit it.  Admit to your guilt.   

Edited by Cory Santos
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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

I'd never seen the Brewer 2005 interview for the TSBD's Oswald did it all alone museum.   Interesting.  He seems, honest, down to earth, straightforward.  But there are questions that should have been asked.

In 96 for Griggs the IBM men were from the neighborhood, lounging around, killing time, not customers.  He knew them, for over a year.  But he randomly interjected he couldn't remember their names.  

Then in 2005 they become part time weekend employees.  IBM guys needing a part time weekend job at a shoe store.  Ok.  Friday evening, Saturday?

Texas had a Blue Law for Sunay's.  I remember.  Groceries and gas were about all that could be sold on the Lord's Day.  Not shoes.

 End Texas Blue Laws (@EndTexasBlueLaw) | Twitter


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On 2/8/2023 at 9:49 PM, Cory Santos said:

You love every second of attention.  Your not fooling anyone.  Admit it.  Admit to your guilt.   


Edited by Lance Payette
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On 2/8/2023 at 6:56 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Nobody's moved it.  It's not portable.  Part of the building.


Edited by Lance Payette
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On 2/8/2023 at 11:18 AM, Lance Payette said:

Thanks for clearing that up. This is how these factoids take on a life of their own and become as difficult to kill as vampires. When the factoid is exposed, the purveyors never miss a beat and move right on to the next, often refusing to let go of the one that's just been exposed.


Edited by Lance Payette
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5 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

Yes, being mentioned on a Prayer Man-obsessed forum is, at age 73, pretty much the highlight of my life. Actually, since a very early age, the best audience for Lance has always been Lance. I suppose I find it flattering in a way that the ROKC folks find my little ramblings worthy of attention, because I make absolutely no pretense of being a Serious JFKA Researcher. But truly, I have not looked at the Lance thread(s) on ROKC.

You should at least read Greg’s replies, and I think it’d be an interesting debate if you decided to respond. 


Lance is quite happy to dive into the small detail when it suits him, but pulls out his prosecutor's hat when it doen't, to declare what evidence he wishes to exempt from being placed under the microscope. 

This sort of thing is the biggest problem I have with a lot of lone assassin research. I think it’s important to apply a consistent standard to the evidence - but many lone assassin theorists accept anything written by the government as unimpeachable fact, even when the source is a notoriously corrupt institution known for framing people like the DPD.

I’m pretty sure Nick McDonald was directly involved in the Ricky Dale Wyatt frame-up in the late 70s/early 80s, which involved coerced witness statements, fabricated evidence, the whole nine yards. I might be thinking of someone else though. 

I just think it’s kind of funny when people scoff at the idea of the DPD planting evidence or lying in the Oswald case when we know for a fact that they did that sort of thing all the time. 

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22 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Nobody's moved it.  It's not portable.  Part of the building.

In 1963, the ticket booth was separated from the building and was out toward the sidewalk. I'm not sure how many times I'm going to have to spell this out to you. You can lead a horse to water...

Edited by Bill Brown
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1 hour ago, Bill Brown said:

In 1963, the ticket booth was separated from the building and was out toward the sidewalk. I'm not sure how many times I'm going to have to spell this out to you. You can lead a horse to water...

But ya can't make him drink.  Look in the mirror.  I provided a clear direct picture of the recessed doors and ticket booth, showing the depth of them.  You provided a grainy, dark (taken at night?), black and white picture taken from a distance at an angle where you can't tell squat from shinola.  Even old Lance chimed in with a different clear, closeup, color photo showing the recessed doors/booth, and commenting of it being that way since 1931.  Which is true.  I read up on the history of the building some years back.  You can't hide your lyin eyes.


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26 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

But ya can't make him drink.  Look in the mirror.  I provided a clear direct picture of the recessed doors and ticket booth, showing the depth of them.  You provided a grainy, dark (taken at night?), black and white picture taken from a distance at an angle where you can't tell squat from shinola.  Even old Lance chimed in with a different clear, closeup, color photo showing the recessed doors/booth, and commenting of it being that way since 1931.  Which is true.  I read up on the history of the building some years back.  You can't hide your lyin eyes.


No. The ticket booth has not been there since 1931. As a matter of fact, if you would actually go visit Dallas instead of just being an internet jockey, you would see markings in front of the Texas theater out by the sidewalk where the ticket booth once stood. Putting it clearly, you have no clue what you're talking about.

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13 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

Here is a good shot of the Ticket Booth, which apparently dates to 1931.


But that's not where the ticket booth was located on 11/22/63. The booth was closer to the sidewalk on the day of the assassination. (See video clip below.)


And, of course, Ron Bulman will apparently forever ignore my totally reasonable comments that I posted earlier in this thread.....(repeated below)....

"You MUST be kidding here. Because nobody could possibly think Johnny Brewer was lying when he said Oswald went into the theater.


1.) Brewer, while standing on the sidewalk on Jefferson Boulevard in front of his Hardy's Shoe Store, sees Oswald approaching the Texas Theater.

2.) Brewer then sees Oswald turn right toward the front entrance to the theater.

3.) Brewer then walks toward the theater himself.

4.) After starting to walk toward the theater and after reaching the front of the theater, at no time did Brewer see Oswald come back out to the sidewalk on Jefferson.

5.) The logical conclusion that Johnny Brewer reached, therefore, was that the man who was acting "funny" and "scared" and "nervous" in front of his shoe store just a minute earlier (i.e., Lee Harvey Oswald) must have physically entered the Texas Theater because (similar to the logical reasoning that explains where Bullet CE399 went after it came out of John F. Kennedy's throat)---He had nowhere else to go but into the theater. (Unless you want to theorize that Oswald was able to cloak himself somehow and become invisible.)


Edited by David Von Pein
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11 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:

No. The ticket booth has not been there since 1931. As a matter of fact, if you would actually go visit Dallas instead of just being an internet jockey, you would see markings in front of the Texas theater out by the sidewalk where the ticket booth once stood. Putting it clearly, you have no clue what you're talking about.

Visit Dallas?  I worked there for 9 years, had a girlfriend that lived there.  Grew up nearby, drove to/through Dealy Plaza to get out of town in HS.  Been by the TT, and Hardy's location.  Never got out and inspected the sidewalk-entrance concrete.  Any documentation for your wild conspiracy theory?

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This whole topic of "Did Johnny Brewer physically see Oswald go into the front doors of the Texas Theater?" is totally ridiculous and downright stupid in the first place.


Because we KNOW without a shred of doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald DID go into the Texas Theater on the afternoon of 11/22/63 and was apprehended by the Dallas Police Department at approximately 1:50 PM CST on that same afternoon while inside that same theater.

To deny my last statement is to deny a fact and to deny a physical reality.

And since everybody knows—even all conspiracy fantasists—that Oswald was inside the movie theater between the hours of 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM CST on November 22nd, then somebody please tell me what the odds are of Johnny Brewer somehow being wrong (or lying) when he said he saw Lee Oswald go into the theater between the those same hours of 1:00 and 2:00 PM on 11/22/63?

Edited by David Von Pein
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17 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Any documentation for your wild conspiracy theory?

Why not just look at the photos and video already posted? It's obvious from this 11/23/63 photo below that the ticket booth is NOT jammed all the way up against the doors of the theater entrance. And that fact is proven in video form in the "Four Days In November" movie clip I provided earlier. The box office/ticket booth was located very near the sidewalk on Jefferson Boulevard. And anyone who was buying a ticket would have been visible to Brewer on the sidewalk. And that was another thing that made Brewer suspicious of Oswald---the fact he didn't see Oswald out on the sidewalk in front of the ticket booth....


Edited by David Von Pein
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27 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

This whole topic of "Did Brewer physically see Oswald go into the front doors of the Texas Theater?" is totally ridiculous and downright stupid in the first place.

Are you calling me stupid David?  I'm the only one here filling in the blank for the non lone nutters on this thread recently.  That's pretty stupid considering you've been banned from here before.  And came begging back, to promote your website. 

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Are you calling me stupid David? 

No. I said the whole TOPIC is stupid. And it sure is.

And are you going to continue to ignore my previous common-sense remarks regarding what Johnny Brewer saw on 11/22/63 and how he came to the obvious conclusion that Oswald did, in fact, enter the theater (even if Brewer couldn't actually see the door that LHO entered through)?

And did you watch the "Four Days" video clip, which shows Julia Postal's ticket booth right next to the sidewalk?

Why are you avoiding those things, Ron?

Edited by David Von Pein
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