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Daniel Ellsberg and Sy Hersh

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Here's a good story on Sy Hersh's substack about his friendship with Daniel Ellsberg. It's a good read:


Interesting though that Hersh can't get through a piece about his dying friend without pegging JFK as a murderer with zero evidence to back it up:


The committee exposed the assassination activities of the CIA, operations undertaken on orders that clearly came from Jack and Bobby Kennedy, although no direct link was published in the committee’s final report. But the committee reported extensively on a secret group authorized by Jack Kennedy and run by his brother Bobby to come up with options to terrorize Cuba and assassinate Fidel Castro. The covert operation had the code name Mongoose. And it was led, the committee reported, in 1961 and 1962 by Ed Lansdale.

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31 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I gather the US government doesn’t agree with Hersh on his claims of who blew up the pipelines.


I wonder if this is the same-old-same-old. 

That is, the US operated through cut-outs, to confer plausible deniability. 

The US leaves an instruction manual on blowing up undersea pipelines somewhere. Then surplus equipment is sold to a private contractor somewhere.

The private contractor does the rest. 

My understanding is that the pipelines were not that deep where they were blown up. It is likely many deep-sea oil companies have staff who would know how to do this. 


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Well the thread isn't about Nordstream it has more to do with Sy Hersh's Dark Side of Camelot that hasn't aged well. Especially with John Newman showing that Sam Halpern was basically feeding Hersh disinformation.. 

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3 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Well the thread isn't about Nordstream it has more to do with Sy Hersh's Dark Side of Camelot that hasn't aged well. Especially with John Newman showing that Sam Halpern was basically feeding Hersh disinformation.. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I would rather like to know more about the deep friendship between Daniel Ellsberg and his mentor Edward Lansdale which lasted till Landsdale died. They both attended the funeral of their mutual friend John Paul Vann AFTER Ellsberg had is outing with the Pentagon papers. 


Quote THE ROAD NOT TAKEN, by Max Boot



JOHN PAUL VANN was buried at Arlington National Cemetery on June
16, 1972. The Old Guard, the regiment to which Pete Lansdale had once
belonged, assembled in the muggy heat in their dress-blue uniforms and
white gloves to conduct the coffin to its final resting spot on a horse-drawn
caisson. In attendance, in silent testimony to Vann’s outsize influence, was a
Who’s Who of Washington, including Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird,
Secretary of State William Rogers, General William Westmoreland, the
former CORDS director Robert Komer, and his successor, William Colby,
soon to become the CIA’s director. Vann had touched all of them with his
fire and zeal. Lou Conein came too, and so did Daniel Ellsberg, who flew in
from Los Angeles, where he was about to go on trial in the Pentagon Papers
case. This countercultural icon tried to blend in by wearing a blue pinstripe
suit, but his presence, in a pew right behind Vann’s family, caused a stir.
Less noticed was Edward Lansdale. Neil Sheehan thought that, in his
“light brown business suit,” he looked “unstylish” and exhausted. His
“habitual smile” was still there, but his “throaty voice . . . was now tired and

This is months AFTER Ellsberg started to pose as hero of the left and critic of the Vietnam war 

Ellsberg was never and is not a genuine whistleblower. If he were he would be in Moscow, like Ed Snowden ... or in jail like Julian Assange.  An Hersh? ---  I am not sure if he is deliberately spreading bu*lsh*t info (paid by the word) and therefore an "insider" ---  or if he is a genuine Bu*lsh*t-artist ... and therefore just another useful idiot in the ongoing  "Operation Chaos" of the Washington big shots. 

 Lansdale, Conein, Ellsberg, Hersh, Howard Hunt knew each other well and were part  the "cult of intelligence"  And there were cults within that cult. 


" [Lansdale] was the leader of the cult and I was a member
of that cult.




Edited by Karl Kinaski
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On 3/22/2023 at 10:43 PM, Karl Kinaski said:

I would rather like to know more about the deep friendship between Daniel Ellsberg and his mentor Edward Lansdale which lasted till Landsdale died. They both attended the funeral of their mutual friend John Paul Vann AFTER Ellsberg had is outing with the Pentagon papers. 


Quote THE ROAD NOT TAKEN, by Max Boot


This is months AFTER Ellsberg started to pose as hero of the left and critic of the Vietnam war 

Ellsberg was never and is not a genuine whistleblower. If he were he would be in Moscow, like Ed Snowden ... or in jail like Julian Assange.  An Hersh? ---  I am not sure if he is deliberately spreading bu*lsh*t info (paid by the word) and therefore an "insider" ---  or if he is a genuine Bu*lsh*t-artist ... and therefore just another useful idiot in the ongoing  "Operation Chaos" of the Washington big shots. 

 Lansdale, Conein, Ellsberg, Hersh, Howard Hunt knew each other well and were part  the "cult of intelligence"  And there were cults within that cult. 




So sad that Assange and Snowden are exiled or worse. 

The Biden Administration wants Assange behind bars.

Assange: a non-US citizen, a real journalist, publishes info leaked to him. The Biden Administration claims it has to the right to imprison Assange as a spy. 

Imagine this: A US journalist receives an e-mail from Moscow, containing Russian national secrets. The US journalist publishes the purloined info. Under Russian law, that US journalist is defined as a spy. 

So, the US journalist makes a mistake and ventures into a nation with extradition agreements with Russia. The US journalist is transported to Russia, and sentenced as a spy. 


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