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MAINSTREAM COOLER - For those who believe mainstream contemporary facts.

Sandy Larsen

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      Here's my original DADGAD guitar arrangement of an old New Year's/Yuletide English carol, The Derby Ram, which was, allegedly, sung by George Washington, himself, in the 18th century.

     The carol was part of a New Year's celebration of pagan Anglo-Saxon "hoodening."

      I used to sing this song to my daughters at bedtime when they were little tykes.



      The carol was part of a New Year's celebration of pagan Anglo-Saxon "hoodening."

"The Derby Ram" or "As I was Going to Derby" is a traditional tall tale[1] English folk song (Roud 126) that tells the story of a ram of gargantuan proportions and the difficulties involved in butchering, tanning, and otherwise processing its carcass.

The song is thought to have developed from ancient pagan rituals involving the worship of rams. In the local area, it was associated with the "Old Tup" custom, a form of hoodening. The song was extremely popular in Britain by the eighteenth century, and naturally travelled to North America with settlers where it was thought to have been sung by George Washington. Because of its popularity, the city of Derby has adopted ram imagery in its architecture and for its sports teams.

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Robert Reich nails it today.

This is the same thing that happened in 2016-- something that puzzled me at the time, and afterward.

Why did the corporate media--including NYT-- sabotage Hillary Clinton in 2016?

My conclusion was that the corporations and CEOs wanted those multi-billion dollar 2017 Trump/GOP tax cuts.

Opinion | Corporate Media Keeps Door Wide Open for Trump's Fascist Return | Common Dreams

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Any theories about who committed this terrorist attack in Iran?

Netanyahu?  Sunni proxies of the Saudis?  The CIA?

It seems unlikely that Biden or the Saudis would choose to provoke Iran at present.

And Israel has been bombing Iranians in Syria recently.

Deadly explosions kill more than 100 at event honoring Iranian general killed by US (msn.com)

Edited by W. Niederhut
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There will be nonstop attempts by foreign actors to create chaos in the leadup to the November election.

Putin, for one, realizes that a Biden re-election would spell the end for his dictatorship in Russia.

So it doesn't take much imagination to know that he will use every nefarious option he has.

Expect to see constant terror threats and incidents throughout 2024.

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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Any theories about who committed this terrorist attack in Iran?


It's a real head scratcher that makes no sense.

But I have a theory that takes that into account! Here's my theory:

It's a false flag operation designed to be blamed on Israel (and U.S.). It was done by some small terrorist group. Their plan is to get Iranian support for Hezbollah entering the war with Israel.

Iran saw the (fake) evidence pointing the finger at Israel. (Whatever that may be.) Iran is suppressing it because they don't want to get involved in the war. Plus, it is obvious to them that it's a false flag operation. Iran knows that Israel wouldn't use a terrorist tactic like that, and they know it makes no sense for Israel to bomb an event commemorating a popular general.

So why do I say this was done by small terrorist group? Because a major one would know that Iran would never fall for such an idiotic plan.


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This is a lot to lay on the forum this morning.  But you seem interested in the subject.

I should preface this by saying that I have been studying the hidden history of CIA Operation Timber Sycamore (in Syria) for almost a decade now.

Most Americans still don't even know what it was.

Based on a number of books and articles I have read, I have long believed that "ISIS" is a proxy front group run by the CIA, the Mossad, and the Saudis to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria, and undermine the Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus-Hezbollah Axis in the post-Iraq War Middle East (since about 2012.)

After the U.S. toppled Saddam Hussein, Iraq's government was, ultimately, taken over by Iranian-allied Iraqi Shiites-- who constitute two-thirds of Iraq's population.   And the new Iranian-allied government in Baghdad is also aligned with Syria's Assad regime and Hezbollah.  Bad news for Israel!  Bush, Cheney, and Wolfowitz accidentally created a Shiite-Aligned Monster from Tehran to Lebanon!

So the U.S., Israel, and the Saudis responded by creating and funding "ISIS" as a counterfoil to the new Shiite Axis (while also using Sunni proxy militias like "Al Qaeda," "Al Nusra," etc.)  Hillary Clinton's hacked State Department Emails confirmed that the U.S. was arming Al Qaeda in Syria!

As examples of the Obama era chicanery, whenever "ISIS" allegedly carried out a "terrorist" atrocity during the Obama years, Obama would immediately "respond" by attacking Syrian Army positions-- while claiming to attack "ISIS." 

It made no sense.  Why bomb Assad when we were claiming to bomb his "ISIS" adversaries?

Also, the grisly "ISIS" atrocities were usually graphically reported in the Western mainstream media-- by an Israeli source.  Americans were horrified by these "ISIS" stories, just as they were horrified by the 9/11 op.

The Israeli source would also report that "ISIS claimed responsibility" for the atrocity.  

But, in reality, ISIS was a CIA/Mossad/Saudi front group.  

Fast forward to this morning.  The Biden administration claimed today that "ISIS" is most likely responsible for the recent terrorist attack in Iran!  

It confirmed my suspicion that the US and/or Mossad bombed the Soleimani ceremony in Iran.

Why would Sunni Muslims ("ISIS") bomb Iran right now-- when the entire Muslim world is enraged about Netanyahu's Gaza genocide?  That makes no sense at all. 

Next question.  How stupid do the Biden and Netanyahu administrations think Americans are? 

And are they correct?   🙄

US says ISIS could have carried out Iran bombing | The Hill

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This year brings important elections in Mexico, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Turkey, South Africa, India, South Korea and more.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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It looks like Israel and the U.S. military-industry-media complex are now aggressively pushing their "ISIS Did It" narrative about the recent terrorist attack on the Soleimani memorial service in Iran. 


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4 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

If I'm hearing the news correctly, both the bombs exploded at the event in Iran were done by suicide bombers, which usually infers a fair amount of commitment to a cause...

Or so the M$M narrative goes.

What investigation or bona fide evidence is this M$M narrative based on?

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ISIS has claimed responsibility for the two suicide bombings in Iran.

The news article I read said that. "The group posted a statement on its affiliate Telegram channels."

I haven't read their statement, so I don't know what the reasoning is.

This surprises me. I didn't know that the Islamic State was anti-Iranian.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the two suicide bombings in Iran.

The news article I read said that. "The group posted a statement on its affiliate Telegram channels."

I haven't read their statement, so I don't know what the reasoning is.

This surprises me. I didn't know that the Islamic State was anti-Iranian.

Steve Thomas

Former CIA Agent: “The ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Was Trained by the Israeli Mossad”

February 5, 2017

Former CIA Agent: “The ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Was Trained by the Israeli Mossad”

By Anas Chihab – The Moroccan Times

The former NSA and CIA agent Edward Snowden revealed that the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi was trained in Israel, various Iranian sources reported.

Snowden added that the American CIA and the British Intelligence collaborated with the Israeli Mossad to create a terrorist organization that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

The “Hornet’s nest’’ strategy aims to bring all the major threats to one place in order to track them, and mostly to shake the stability of the Arab countries. The NSA agent revealed that the ISIS “Calif”, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi went through intense military training in the Israeli intelligence “Mossad”.

Besides military training, Al Baghdadi studied communication and public speaking skills in order to attract “terrorists” from all the corners of the world.

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