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Sandy Larsen

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The New York Times reports that the 20-year-old shooter was registered as a Republican but records also show he donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project for voters.

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On 7/12/2024 at 9:50 AM, Bill Fite said:

It’s now becoming a game of chicken. If the biggest donors stop funding Biden and Biden stays in the race notwithstanding, he clearly loses. Yet so do we all.


I agree with what Robert Reich said.

A solution to this problem is 1) for susceptible Democrats threatened with a loss of campaign funds to call for Biden to let Kamala Harris run at the top of the ticket; and 2) for Biden to dig his heels in and refuse to quit.

In the meantime, other Democrats can reveal to the public that the real reason for their colleagues asking Biden to step down is because the mega-donors are blackmailing them. Put the blame where it belongs.

Campaign funding to Biden will continue. Mega-donors aren't about to let Trump win, even if Biden doesn't do their bidding.



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5 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

In December 2015, The Daily Telegraph was fined £30,000 in 2015 for "sending an unsolicited email to hundreds of thousands of its subscribers, urging them to vote for the Conservatives."[104] During the 2019 Conservative Party leadership election, The Daily Telegraph endorsed their former columnist Boris Johnson.[105] In 2019, former columnist Graham Norton, who had left the paper in late 2018, said "about a year before I left, it took a turn" and criticised it for "toxic" political stances, namely for a piece defending US Supreme Court then-nominee Brett Kavanaugh and for being "a mouthpiece for Boris Johnson" whose columns were allegedly published with "no fact-checking at all".[106]

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13 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

In December 2015, The Daily Telegraph was fined £30,000 in 2015 for "sending an unsolicited email to hundreds of thousands of its subscribers, urging them to vote for the Conservatives."[104] During the 2019 Conservative Party leadership election, The Daily Telegraph endorsed their former columnist Boris Johnson.[105] In 2019, former columnist Graham Norton, who had left the paper in late 2018, said "about a year before I left, it took a turn" and criticised it for "toxic" political stances, namely for a piece defending US Supreme Court then-nominee Brett Kavanaugh and for being "a mouthpiece for Boris Johnson" whose columns were allegedly published with "no fact-checking at all".[106]


       I have noticed this year that two of the very worst sources for accurate news about Gaza are the Daily Telegraph and Rupert Murdoch's propaganda empire-- Fox, NY Post, and WSJ.

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I am Donald J. Trump, and I will NEVER SURRENDER!" reads an email to supporters that includes an altered photograph of a bloodied Trump — a photo that appears to match one originally taken Saturday by Associated Press photographer Evan Vucci and uncredited. "I will always love you for supporting me. Unity. Peace. Make America Great Again."

Supporters who click a red and blue "MAGA" button over Trump's digital signature are taken to a donation page where they're urged to donate at least $24, with other pre-set options ranging up to $3,300.


Well, that didn't take long. It's nice to know that the world didn't end, and that the cosmos continues to spin on its axis.

Steve Thomas

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I don't know why, but I keep thinking of the assassination attempt on Teddy Roosevelt.


A look at America’s long history of presidential assassination attempts

By Michael E. Ruane and Maham Javaid July 14, 2024

"There have been at least 15 direct assaults on U.S. presidents, presidents-elect and presidential candidates alone; five of them resulted in deaths, according to the Congressional Research Service.
The first attempted presidential assassination, according to the U.S. Senate history office, came on Jan. 30, 1835."

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Another perspective, clearly garnering approval among some people, based on the reaction to it.

The tweet above became so popular and pissed off so many MAGAs that the writer of it had to lock down his account. Just before doing that, his tweet had reached 200,000 likes, which is considered an enormous number for a celebrity to get, much less a private citizen.

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