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Sandy Larsen

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56 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

       What a strange story, indeed -- especially since Shin Bet and the Mossad have such sterling reputations.

       It reminds me of those pre-9/11 intelligence reports given to Condoleezza Rice and the Bush-Cheney administration about, "Osama Bin Laden" and "Al Qaeda" planning to attack the U.S. with hijacked airplanes.

       We also know, from Sibel Edmonds' work, that Louis Freeh's FBI buried pre-9/11 FBI warnings about Muslims taking flying lessons in the U.S. -- almost as if the Bush-Cheney FBI was deliberately concealing legend formations for a false flag op involving nefarious Muslim "hijackers."

       (At the time, the CIA and U.S. military already had the Raytheon technology to remotely-pilot Boeing jetliners without Muslim pilots.)



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3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:



Obviously Netanyahu has always been a giant POS, but this is beyond the pale.

Those of us that strongly support Israel are not going to help this garbage excuse of a human. The pitchforks should be out and on his doorstep.

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13 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

       What a strange story, indeed -- especially since Shin Bet and the Mossad have such sterling reputations.

       It reminds me of those pre-9/11 intelligence reports given to Condoleezza Rice and the Bush-Cheney administration about, "Osama Bin Laden" and "Al Qaeda" planning to attack the U.S. with hijacked airplanes.

       We also know, from Sibel Edmonds' work, that Louis Freeh's FBI buried pre-9/11 FBI warnings about Muslims taking flying lessons in the U.S. -- almost as if the Bush-Cheney FBI was deliberately concealing legend formations for a false flag op involving nefarious Muslim "hijackers."

       (At the time, the CIA and U.S. military already had the Raytheon technology to remotely-pilot Boeing jetliners without Muslim pilots.)



You are right-on in recalling these past suspicious events.

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The Guardian reports:

George Santos expelled from House after 311-214 vote

With the House’s final vote being at 311 yays and 114 nays, George Santos has been expelled from the House.

House speaker Mike Johnson said he will notify New York governor Kathy Hochul on the House’s decision.

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What a relief!  Talk about brilliant American diplomacy...  🙄

The U.S. Secretary of State has reassured us that Netanyahu will take steps to reduce further mass murders of Palestinian civilians while bombing what's left of Gaza back to the Stone Age.

Bombs away, Bibi!  

Israel now living up to commitment to protect civilians, Blinken says

December 1, 2023

DUBAI — Israel is living up to the commitments it made to protect civilians now that the assault has resumed, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday.

Based on what he said he had seen so far of Israeli action, Blinken said that Israeli leaders appeared to be complying with what they agreed to during his visit to Israel on Thursday.

“We saw Israel take steps immediately today to start to get information to people about where safe areas are, how they can get out of harm’s way,” Blinken told reporters after meetings in Dubai on the margins of a U.N. climate conference. “I saw the plans that Israel has, in a multiplicity of ways, to do everything possible to protect civilians, including making sure that they have the information they need, and that there are ways to accommodate them. And this is going to be very important going forward, and it’s something we’re going to be looking at very closely.”

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5 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

The Guardian reports:

With the House’s final vote being at 311 yays and 114 nays, George Santos has been expelled from the House.


There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth tonight among the Maga crazies in the House.

"Oh woe is us! We've been betrayed and stabbed in the back by our fellow spineless Republicans, the dirty low-down jelleyfish scoundrels!"

Donald Trump wanted to keep this guy.

Not only was Geprge Satos repudiated. The entire Republican House Leadership was repudiated. Johnson, Scalise, Stefanik and Emmer all voted not to expel Santos. Over 100 Republicans said, 'We don't care what you want. We're going to go our own way."

The Leadership has lost control of its Conference. Chaos reigns in the House of Representatives tonight.

Steve Thomas

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1 minute ago, Steve Thomas said:

There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth tonight among the Maga crazies in the House.

"Oh woe is us! We've been betrayed and stabbed in the back by our fellow spineless Republicans, the dirty low-down jelleyfish scoundrels!"

Donald Trump wanted to keep this guy.

Not only was Geprge Satos repudiated. The entire Republican House Leadership was repudiated. Johnson, Scalise, Stefanik and Emmer all voted not to expel Santos. Over 100 Republicans said, 'We don't care what you want. We're going to go our own way."

The Leadership has lost control of its Conference. Chaos reigns in the House of Representatives tonight.

Steve Thomas

Wow! Quite an interesting development.

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D.C. Judge Tanya Chutkan has denied a bid by former President Donald Trump to dismiss the 2020 election interference charges by "presidential immunity."


Click on the word "denied" for her full 48 page page opinion.

It's a doozy.

Trump's not immune from civil lawsuits,  now it's been ruled that he's not immune from criminal charges either.

Chris Christie says Trump is in for some "legal medicine".

I think it's castor oil.

Steve Thomas

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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

The Leadership has lost control of its Conference. Chaos reigns in the House of Representatives tonight.

Well, the GOP is screwed now and they know it; with Santos gone and what's-his-face retiring, their "majority" is like, 2 lol

They weren't going to accomplish anything anyway, but with that margin they won't even bother to try.

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8 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

Trump's not immune from civil lawsuits,  now it's been ruled that he's not immune from criminal charges either.

Trump got absolutely pummeled today in the courts. Brutally.

Trump is well aware that the courts are standing in his way of changing the United States to a fascist form of government and becoming its dictator. So his War on America has largely been about trying to delegitimize the American system; the rule of law, not rule by one man.

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On 11/30/2023 at 5:43 PM, Douglas Caddy said:


It looks to me more like a case of incompetence than Netanyahu allowing the attack to occur so he could exact revenge. Though maybe he's glad it worked out that way.

The Israeli analyst nailed it. She said the attack was designed to start a war, and start a war it did.


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