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Sandy Larsen

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4 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:




I watched this video a day or two ago. If anybody wants to know the truth about what's happening with congressional Democrats regarding the Biden presidential run, AOC will give it to you straight.

I didn't post the video here because it is long. But I did watch the whole thing.

AOC wants Biden to stay in the race. She doesn't ask others to feel the same way. She just explains why she does.

Bernie Sanders wants Biden to stay in too.


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Having recently watched the elections in France I can't help but think how broken the US election system is in comparison.

  • All candidates from all parties in a race (both at the presidential and assembly levels) run against all other candidates in the first round.
  • Elections are run in a 6 week period not 2 year campaigns.
  • No one state/region is given the power of going first.  All vote on the same day.  There is no power given to a South Carolina or Iowa or New Hampshire to winnow the field for all other regions as in US primaries.  (An aside question for the Democratic Party why South Carolina - the state that started the Civil War?)
  • Paper ballots - you choose up a pieces of paper with the candidates names on them from tables then go into a booth and put the one that you are voting for into an envelope which is then deposited into a box on a table in front of the election judges.
  • Proof of identity is required.  Your name is checked off on entry and vote deposit.
  • To officially be a candidate, contenders must, among other things, be nominated by at least 500 elected representatives (e.g. mayors, deputies)
  • There is an upper limit on spending which is monitored by a committee
  • Once the official campaign has begun, each candidate must have strictly the same amount of airtime on TV and radio.
  • If no candidate wins over 50% of the vote, a second round is organized.
  • Only the two candidates with the most votes qualify for the 2nd round.
  • The candidate with the absolute majority of votes cast is elected.
  • Blank (blank - none of the above ballots are available) or spoiled votes are not taken into account.

IMO - the US system was probably the best for its time (200+ years ago) but is now broken and doesn't work as well as others.  Recently ending up with a choice between 2 candidates with low approval ratings.

Is it time for a Constitutional Convention? - either fix it or get it over with.

source to presidential election info

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