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15 members have voted


    • Lee Harvey Oswald
    • The Mafia
    • The Cuban Exiles
    • Right-Wing Conservatives
    • The CIA
    • The Military
    • Elements of all of the above, organised by the ruling class who was dead against JFK's idealist policies. (also Illuminati, Freemasons, Round Table group, secret order's, bankers etc).

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After years of "who did it" contemplation frustration to the point of feeling it's not worth it and letting it go, I am pretty much content now with just knowing the following factual truth.

America was just an incredibly corrupted nation in 1963. Way more than our history books even acknowledged and most all our citizens could even imagine.

Corrupt groups and individuals had secured so much influence all the way to the highest levels of our government from cities, counties and states to the federal level.

And they for sure used extreme measures to keep that power that included murder and constitutional law breaking when necessary.

The Mafia had immense wealth, power and influence. Way more than reported.

RFK tried to enlighten and warn America to the true extent of this threat in his book "The Enemy Within."

And starting near the end of WWII our own intel agencies and military had formed a devil's pact with them when both their interests co-mingled.

This just gave the Mafia more power than ever.

The richest men on Earth at that time were Texas Oil barons.

They would back and fund anyone who promoted their never enough wealth obsessed interest no matter their ethical standards. Some organized crime elements there as well. 

Extreme right groups were funded by Texas Oil.

Segregationist had organized into a massive entity. Guy's like Joseph Milteer. Wealthy and super aggressive.

Right wing ( war would be acceptable ) military leaders who felt JFK was soft on the threat of Communist expansion.

Here is a very important fact to acknowledge.

One, all these groups had immense wealth and national influence.

And they were all home grown. They were all American based.

And they all shared a powerful common bond.

They hated JFK and RFK and probably MLK to extreme degrees as much as any foreign power did.

Many of them wanted JFK and RFK dead!

Their murders were celebrated by these corrupt "American" based groups. Celebrated!

With millions of Americans who felt more aligned to these corrupted groups than our own constitution abiding parts of our government and society. 

I feel this American corruption assessment at least gives a logical foundation of the power depth reality of these JFK/RFK hating groups when considering who had the most to gain by their removal even though we may never know who actually pulled the trigger in Dealey Plaza on 11,22,1963.

Great American corruption killed JFK and RFK.

Those brothers underestimated the lengths and ability these evil American corrupt groups would go to and had at their disposal to stop them from threatening their grip on our nation from top to bottom.

IMO anyways.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 4/27/2023 at 4:40 PM, Chris Barnard said:

Ladies and gents, please give us your feedback. Please provide a written commentary if your answers sit outside of the given options. 

I believe it was Michael EVICA who introduced us to the concept of SPONSOR, FACILITATOR & MECHANIC
(If wrong please forgive my oversight)

I doubt very highly the same people who Sponsored it were the same who Facilitated and these not the same as those who actually did it, the Mechanics.

I doubt we will ever know the SPONSORS.  We do most of our talking here about the FACILITATORS... although I do think the Bundy McGeorge may have had his hand in both the SPONSORS and Facilitators.

At this point in the analysis I'd think we'd agree that those pulling the trigger must be from the CIA/MAFIA/Military and given that, I don't feel confident we'd ever know that truth.

Both Dulles and 2nd at the DOD Gilpatrick were lawyers from CRAVATH, SWAIN AND MOORE who client list - including United Fruit - was the Fortune 100.
One must alos look into TEXTRON and it's dealings in buying a $100 million in the red company in 1960 named BELL HELICOPTER after consulting with the 1st Bank of Boston and General Cabal of the CIA as to the plans in SE Asia and whether BELL had a chance.

They bought BELL and within a few years had $2B in gov contracts to supply and maintain the helicopter invasion force in Vietnam...

The entire story is quite amazing and is a who's who of those that can be considered SPONSOR candidates on the global commerce stage.

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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

I believe it was Michael EVICA who introduced us to the concept of SPONSOR, FACILITATOR & MECHANIC
(If wrong please forgive my oversight)

I doubt very highly the same people who Sponsored it were the same who Facilitated and these not the same as those who actually did it, the Mechanics.

I doubt we will ever know the SPONSORS.  We do most of our talking here about the FACILITATORS... although I do think the Bundy McGeorge may have had his hand in both the SPONSORS and Facilitators.

At this point in the analysis I'd think we'd agree that those pulling the trigger must be from the CIA/MAFIA/Military and given that, I don't feel confident we'd ever know that truth.

Both Dulles and 2nd at the DOD Gilpatrick were lawyers from CRAVATH, SWAIN AND MOORE who client list - including United Fruit - was the Fortune 100.
One must alos look into TEXTRON and it's dealings in buying a $100 million in the red company in 1960 named BELL HELICOPTER after consulting with the 1st Bank of Boston and General Cabal of the CIA as to the plans in SE Asia and whether BELL had a chance.

They bought BELL and within a few years had $2B in gov contracts to supply and maintain the helicopter invasion force in Vietnam...

The entire story is quite amazing and is a who's who of those that can be considered SPONSOR candidates on the global commerce stage.

Thanks for your reply, David. 

One thing that most researchers dismiss or seldom considered is; that human history and indeed animals are mostly sorted into hierarchical structures. Despite man’s attempts to defy this phenomenon, it ultimately happens. 

IMO, being analytical, and taking a keen interest in psychology, as well as history, it seems there is ample evidence of hierarchical structures that subvert government and its security apparatus. There is a great deal of published writing from the first third of the twentieth century from the elites of the time, devising a system of technocracy, or scientific dictatorship. HG Wells, CS Lewis, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell covered this. It wasn’t fiction, it was academic subject matter amongst the wealthy class of society. I know this sounds heavy but, indulge me for a moment, please. 

What have we seen since Breton Woods? A US liberal hegemony succeeding the British Colonialism, which equates to a neocolonialism in which the US brought the majority of the planet under its heel, through banking, loans, control of resources, military interventions, coups, incentivising foreign politicians and party’s, as well as subverting the minds of the young all over the world, materialism being the key. For the globalists, as they are called today, the USA has served its purpose, a society they needed to be ‘survival of the fittest’ in mindset (patriotic, pro war, where a strong culture is needed), has served its purpose and now being broken down by social conditioning, the same is happening in Europe. This is absolutely necessary to break the worlds strongest cultures in order to make them compliant, submissive, fearful and accepting of a global, one world system of governance. The whole world is becoming neutral, erasing their history, culture, because they have been taught to be ashamed. If people have no religion, faith, heroes, history, then they have nothing to fight for, no reason to unite, revel or revolt. Through social conditioning the goal is a compliant obedient people who believe in nothing but the state. This is very Huxley’an or Orwellian, but, you’re creating similar conditions to communism. A collectivist ideology, where nothing matters but the state, the greater good. 

It’s worth me pointing out that JFK and his brothers may have cost this system or network 24 years or more, had we not seen assassinations of scandals. American could look very different. There is no doubt that JFK was against colonialism, monopolies, or financial systems that reduced human beings to serfs and slaves. He wanted unity, not division. To me, the reason for his death was much bigger. You have a class of people who desire a neo-feudalism, a crypto-fascism, an extremely inequitable society. JFK was the antithesis of this, a magnetic idealist, who couldn’t be bought. 

IMO we are looking in the weeds for the answer, when the bigger picture is confronting us all, and China is the forerunner of the system that replaces capitalism and representative democracy. Once you understand the psychology of totalitarianism and the methods of control being introduced, you can’t see anything else. Its been coming for 100 years.  

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10 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

IMO we are looking in the weeds for the answer, when the bigger picture is confronting us all, and China is the forerunner of the system that replaces capitalism and representative democracy. Once you understand the psychology of totalitarianism and the methods of control being introduced, you can’t see anything else. Its been coming for 100 years.


The USA was founded as a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy.  Yet over time, the very same entities you so eloquently describe above used the same powers to establish a "majority of the minority who partakes in the democratic aspects of the republic" so that the rules and laws governing the republic are all skewed in favor of those running the democratic bureaucracy. 

Key word in the def of the Democracy:  "eligible" versus power held by "the people".   For as we see, "the people" are rarely adequately represented.

As to the initial question of the thread... IMO the responsibility for that day lays in the highest levels of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex where trillions upon trillions have been spent to both accomplish the control and empower these entities.

Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch."

Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."

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26 minutes ago, David Josephs said:


The USA was founded as a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy.  Yet over time, the very same entities you so eloquently describe above used the same powers to establish a "majority of the minority who partakes in the democratic aspects of the republic" so that the rules and laws governing the republic are all skewed in favor of those running the democratic bureaucracy. 

Key word in the def of the Democracy:  "eligible" versus power held by "the people".   For as we see, "the people" are rarely adequately represented.

As to the initial question of the thread... IMO the responsibility for that day lays in the highest levels of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex where trillions upon trillions have been spent to both accomplish the control and empower these entities.

Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch."

Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."

Yep - People are not represented at all. Its a long way from Solon’s “rule by the people, for the people.” 

I don’t know if you’ve read it already but, Lance De Haven-Smith’s “Conspiracy theory in America” is well worth a read. Mostly for the logical process used when viewing assassinations and what he calls SCADs (state crimes against democracy). He views events as a collective, not in isolation, and makes the ‘cui bono’ case. I think the perception of most people is wrong when it comes to these events that cause a change in policy. 

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8 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Yep - People are not represented at all. Its a long way from Solon’s “rule by the people, for the people.” 

I don’t know if you’ve read it already but, Lance De Haven-Smith’s “Conspiracy theory in America” is well worth a read. Mostly for the logical process used when viewing assassinations and what he calls SCADs (state crimes against democracy). He views events as a collective, not in isolation, and makes the ‘cui bono’ case. I think the perception of most people is wrong when it comes to these events that cause a change in policy. 

Thanks... I'll give it a looksee for sure.  Is it a buy or is there a link to a pdf?  

The following are available as downloads...  What Berle writes in the 30's is amazingly eerie and prophetic..  Allen introducing us to Colonel House and his relationship to Woodrow Wilson and the passing of the Fed Res Act is chilling.

Two little books which I found compelling:  None Dare call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen 

We have the duly constituted government...
Then we have an independent,
uncontrolled and uncoordinated government
in the Federal Reserve System,
operating the money powers
reserved to Congress by the Constitution."
-  Congressman Wright Patman,
(former) Chairman of the House Banking Committee


The Modern Corporation and Private Property - by Asst Sec of State AA Berle 1932


Corporations have ceased to be merely legal devices through which the private business transactions of individuals may be carried on. Though still much used for this purpose, the corporate form has acquired a larger significance. The corporation has, in fact, become both a method of property tenure and a means of organizing economic life. Grown to tremendous proportions, there may be said to have evolved a "corporate system"—as there was once a feudal system—which has attracted to itself a combination of attributes and powers, and has attained a degree of prominence entitling it to be dealt with as a major social institution

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And, IMO, most anything by Peter Dale Scott.  though it takes effort to get through, the levels of thought provoking concepts and the clarity with which he illuminates it...

a real hero with not enough due 

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2 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Thanks... I'll give it a looksee for sure.  Is it a buy or is there a link to a pdf?  

The following are available as downloads...  What Berle writes in the 30's is amazingly eerie and prophetic..  Allen introducing us to Colonel House and his relationship to Woodrow Wilson and the passing of the Fed Res Act is chilling.

Two little books which I found compelling:  None Dare call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen 

We have the duly constituted government...
Then we have an independent,
uncontrolled and uncoordinated government
in the Federal Reserve System,
operating the money powers
reserved to Congress by the Constitution."
-  Congressman Wright Patman,
(former) Chairman of the House Banking Committee


The Modern Corporation and Private Property - by Asst Sec of State AA Berle 1932


Corporations have ceased to be merely legal devices through which the private business transactions of individuals may be carried on. Though still much used for this purpose, the corporate form has acquired a larger significance. The corporation has, in fact, become both a method of property tenure and a means of organizing economic life. Grown to tremendous proportions, there may be said to have evolved a "corporate system"—as there was once a feudal system—which has attracted to itself a combination of attributes and powers, and has attained a degree of prominence entitling it to be dealt with as a major social institution

The failing of the system sits with things like fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, quantitive easing etc. Once we allowed private individuals to create money at will, they then controlled the economy. Andrew Jackson knew this, that was the last time the US was out of debt. The Nov 22 1910 Jekyll Island trip is seminal in recent US/world history. Its as much of a loss of control as Truman opening Pandora’s box with the CIA. 

I’ll we transfer you a PDF of the De Haven-Smith book, via private message. I have listened a couple of times on audible, it badly needs someone taking notes and putting together a thread. I just haven’t had time, yet. 

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