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RFK's Influence on Ruby's Nerves, October - November 1963.

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Here are a couple of important (to me if no one else) points I skipped over.  From pages 103 - 104.

"Because the Stone case was primarily an IRS action, that bureau had to be controlled.  Herbert Miller, as head of the criminal division of the Justice Department, had (either at Johnson's or RFK's directive) instructed the IRS's Dallas field office Intelligence Division "not to initiate any investigation of . . . Ruby, or any of [his] associates, without prior . . . approval," 15

"In January 1964, Chief Justice Warren had obtained the IRS file on Jack Ruby, which revealed that the agency began closing in on the gambler in the spring of 1963 as part of the intensification of the Stone investigation." 16

In other words, Warren knew when he came to Dallas to interview him in June, all about Ruby's connections to the Dallas mob when he shot Oswald.  Nobody wanted to go there.

15 is sourced to U.S. v John Eli Stone, et al., Affidavits of 12 different, named FBI, IRS and ATF agents.  "Comm. Doc. 101b."

16 is sourced to Comm. Doc. 101; WC, E.1721, pp. 312-315; HSCA, vol. 9 pp. 1081 -1085 and 1091; DTH, (*) Dec. 5, 1963, A. P. 7; WC, E1720, pp. 302 - 3.  * - Dallas Times Herald?

I've cursed this book before for no subject index.  But it does have 31 pages of source notes, and, 84 pages of exhibits, as well as a name glossary (fwiw).

Edited by Ron Bulman
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did you check to see if the affidavits cited in footnote 15 support the text? otherwise, the text itself is nothing more than speculation of what people thought. I didnt see any exhibits supporting the numerous statements he makes throughout the book of what people thought or why they did or did not take actions.     

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Did you check to see if they don't?  How can you say they don't if you haven't checked?  Look them up, then accuse him of falsification.  The attorney, like you, did provide the documentation, it's up to you to disprove it.

Maybe We should look for what I interpret as WC Exhibit's 1720 & 1721, then Volume 9 from the HSCA before dismissing it.

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the exhibits do not support the contention that Herbert Miller had nstructed the IRS's Dallas field office Intelligence Division "not to initiate any investigation of . . . Ruby, or any of [his] associates, without prior . . . approval" at the directive of either LBJ or RFK. 

the exhibits do not support the contention that  Earl Warren knew the IRS was closing in on Ruby  as part of the intensification of the Stone investigation or "about all about Ruby's connections to the Dallas mob." His own WC staff did not believe (wrongly) that Ruby was mobbed up. Once again the author reading the mind of Warren as he did with other principals. He does not know for a fact what Warren knew or that the Stone matter was the motivation for what happened when he interviewed Ruby in jail.  It is simply unsupported assertions. 

Throughout this book, he claims to know what people thought and claims that numerous people suffered heart attacks because of developments in the Stone case or JFK assassination which is plainly absurd. This book is a joke which is sad because his first book was a good piece of research.     

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The Comm. Doc. 101 referenced to "16" does actually confirm the part about Miller in the prior paragraph sourced to "15".  I've not looked for 101b yet.

Comm. Doc. 101 is 19 pages of "Treasury Materials submitted by Gen. Council Belin".  Page 4 is a US Government Memorandum from Intelligence Division, IRS, to Arnold Sagalyn, Director, Law Enforcement Coordination.  From paragraph 2.  "We were requested by Mr. Herbert J Miller, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justice to not initiate an investigation of Oswald or Ruby, or their associates, without prior coordination and approval of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice."

Commission Document 101 - Treasury Materials submitted by Gen. Counsel Belin dated 09 Jan 1964 (maryferrell.org)

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