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CONFIRMED: Vice President of PERMINDEX, Dr. Ernst W. Imfeld, was a Nazi intelligence asset...

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

If you read the ZR/Rifle program document it lists QJ/WIN as being retained for operations and it is believed that QJ/WIN and other QJ's is Skorzeny and people he was working with at the time. 


 I have read all of the publicly available QJWIN & ZRRIFLE documents, yes.


As a point of fact (once again, not to toot my own horn), I am the person who showed Mr. Simpich the Theodore G. Shackley, debriefing document that is now up at Mary Ferrell (go ahead and DM him, he'll confirm it) where he said the two-letter bi-gram "QJ" stood for Spain.


Just to be clear, ZRRIFLE was a joint-agency (primarily CIA-NSA-ONI) communications intercept, code-breaking operation—QJWIN was a spotter program searching for criminal assets to be utilized by CIA for covert operations (experts in smuggling, lock-picking, safe-cracking, kidnapping, torture, human-trafficking, documents forgery, currency counterfeiters, & murder).


William King Harvey hid the CIA's assassination capabilities within the communication servers of ZRRIFLE—primarily as a way of hiding all electronic messages that referenced assassination from all other intelligence agencies on a global scale—not to mention domestic US police intelligence groups that were actively hunting his QJWIN assets.


William King Harvey was a Machiavellian little goon, who pulled thousands of criminal strings of intrigue at once...


It should be noted that two of the debriefing officers that interrogated Skorzeny were Arnold Melvin Silver, CIA commander of Project "QJWIN" criminal spotter program and US Army Brig. Gen. Theodore C. Mataxis, Chief of Personal Staff, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs—of course, Arnold Silver's liaison to the CIA's assassination capabilities, AKA Executive Action, was William King Harvey—in November of 1963, William King Bill Harvey was the CIA Station Chief in Rome, Italy, where his State Department attaché to the Vatican was Carmel Offie.


Carmel Offie was the Office of Policy Coordination commander of Operation BLOODSTONE, and by 1963, while working under Rome, Italy CIA Station Chief William King Harvey (CIA commander of ZRRIFLE), Offie was attaché to Pope Paul VI.


Pope Paul VI, AKA Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, had served, in 1952, under the Secretariat of State of the Holy See, as the Deputy of Foreign Affairs of the Vatican, and secretly met with Otto Skorzeny to finance a commando army in Spain.


3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

My questions for you have to do with trying to understand how Nazis like Skorzeny fit into the larger picture of Allen Dulles's international CIA black ops, including the JFK assassination (and the JMWave Cubans who, apparently, participated in that Dallas op.)


The Italian Intelligence liaison to William King Harvey in November 1963 was Lt. Col. Renzo Rocca, who was commander SIFAR office-R AKA dell'ufficio del SIFAR Ricerche Economiche ed Industriali (REI), which was the Italian military intelligence branch that oversaw Operation GLADIO and working relationships with PERMINDEX.


William King Harvey had entrée to a massive group of international organized crime-figures, WWII-era fascist commandos, anti-Castro Cubans, the entire command staff of Operation GLADIO and all of the mechanisms of PERMINDEX!


As for how Skorzeny fits in the anti-Castro operations, well, if you don't want to stop with William King Harvey, I suggest you read everything you can find on Nazi commando, Waffen-SS Rottenführer Erhard Mossack.


He was a senior member of anti-Castro infiltration operations into Cuba, "rat-lines" as they were called in official documents.


Nazi commando, Waffen-SS Rottenführer Erhard Mossack, in the closing hours of WWII was a subordinate of Otto Skorzeny, as a member of a Nazi-terrorist organization called "Plan Werwolf."


That is all I can say about Skorzeny's connections to the anti-Castro movement, Mr. Niederhut, that is until more documents are released...



Edited by Robert Montenegro
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Interesting stuff, Robert.

I first learned about Operation Gladio from a lecture by the Swiss historian, Daniele Ganser, a few years ago.

For some reason, I thought Gladio was being run by NATO and/or the CIA, but it sounds like Italian Military Intelligence was playing a major role.

If I recall correctly, the Gladio guys were conducting false flag terrorism ops in Europe after WWII, to discredit European communists.

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12 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Interesting stuff, Robert.

I first learned about Operation Gladio from a lecture by the Swiss historian, Daniele Ganser, a few years ago.

For some reason, I thought Gladio was being run by NATO and/or the CIA, but it sounds like Italian Military Intelligence was playing a major role.

If I recall correctly, the Gladio guys were conducting false flag terrorism ops in Europe after WWII, to discredit European communists.


Daniele Ganser's work is must read if you wish to understand how false-flag attacks, covert operations, and targeted assassinations work.


Any serious researcher wishing to know more about mechanical aspects of how a targeted assassination plot works, should read his book "NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe."


The murder of President Kennedy was a GLADIO-esque false-flag terrorist operation, complete with it's own "communist" patsy.



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6 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:


 I have read all of the publicly available QJWIN & ZRRIFLE documents, yes.


As a point of fact (once again, not to toot my own horn), I am the person who showed Mr. Simpich the Theodore G. Shackley, debriefing document that is now up at Mary Ferrell (go ahead and DM him, he'll confirm it) where he said the two-letter bi-gram "QJ" stood for Spain.


Just to be clear, ZRRIFLE was a joint-agency (primarily CIA-NSA-ONI) communications intercept, code-breaking operation—QJWIN was a spotter program searching for criminal assets to be utilized by CIA for covet operations (experts in smuggling, lock-picking, safe-cracking, kidnapping, torture, human-trafficking, documents forgery, currency counterfeiters, & murder).


William King Harvey hid the CIA's assassination capabilities within the communication servers of ZRRIFLE—primarily as a way of hiding all references to assassination from all other intelligence agencies on a global scale—no to mention domestic US police intelligence groups that were actively hunting his QJWIN assets.


It should be noted that two of the debriefing officers that interrogated Skorzeny were Arnold Melvin Silver, CIA commander of Project "QJWIN" criminal spotter program and US Army Brig. Gen. Theodore C. Mataxis, Chief of Personal Staff, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs—of course, Arnold Silver's liaison to the CIA's assassination capabilities, AKA Executive Action, was William King Harvey—in November of 1963, William King Bill Harvey was the CIA Station Chief in Rome, Italy, where his State Department attaché to the Vatican was Carmel Offie.


Carmel Offie was the Office of Policy Coordination commander of Operation BLOODSTONE, and by 1963, while working under Rome, Italy CIA Station Chief William King Harvey (CIA commander of ZRRIFLE), Offie was attaché to Pope Paul VI.


Pope Paul VI, AKA Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, had served, in 1952, under the Secretariat of State of the Holy See, as the Deputy of Foreign Affairs of the Vatican, and secretly met with Otto Skorzeny to finance a commando army in Spain.



The Italian Intelligence liaison to William King Harvey in November 1963 was Lt. Col. Renzo Rocca, who was commander SIFAR office-R AKA dell'ufficio del SIFAR Ricerche Economiche ed Industriali (REI), which was the Italian military intelligence branch that oversaw Operation GLADIO and working relationships with PERMINDEX.


William King Harvey had entrée to a massive group of international organized crime-figures, WWII-era fascist commandos, anti-Castro Cubans, the entire command staff of Operation GLADIO and all of the mechanisms of PERMINDEX!


As for how Skorzeny fits in the anti-Castro operations, well, if you don't want to stop with William King Harvey, I suggest you read everything you can find on Nazi commando, Waffen-SS Rottenführer Erhard Mossack.


He was a senior member of anti-Castro infiltration operations into Cuba, "rat-lines" as they were called in official documents.


Nazi commando, Waffen-SS Rottenführer Erhard Mossack, in the closing hours of WWII was a subordinate of Otto Skorzeny, as a member of a Nazi-terrorist organization called "Plan Werwolf."


That is all I can say about Skorzeny's connections to the anti-Castro movement, Mr. Niederhut, that is until more documents are released...

I'm glad to see that someone else has noticed the German connection to the assassination. But we have totally different opinions of what that connection means, I going to warn you that we are going to butt heads but hopefully we can keep it civil, since I am only interested in finding the truth to what happened. There are alot more connections like LBJ working with Van Braun at NASA and the Guys who made the Kennedy add in the admit that they are German and were ordered to infiltrate organizations and take over the leadership of them. 

Permindex does not always mean Nazi connection Luis Bloomfield was Jewish and other people in the group are which is why Michael Collins Piper and @W. Niederhut's favorite author Laurent Guyénot have used to say the Israel killed JFK because of Dimona. (something I do not believe) 

I am of the opinion that the German Connection is due to Gehlen and CIA basically taking over it's intelligence contacts that were in the USSR and Western Intelligence. (Like a back door) this network which is fascist in nature is what many people called the; "New World Order". IMO it worked like a back door into Western Intelligence and the Soviets. JFK got in the way of this networks destruction of the USSR and their New World Order and he was made an example of in a symbolic assassination. This network set up part of the plot that was supposed to trigger a Franz Fertanand like event that would create a pretext for a Cuban Invasion which would cause the Soviets to attempt to take Berlin which then would either lead to Nuking Moscow or an Operation Unthinkable type invasion of The USSR. 

I think it's pretty obvious that if the Nazis were running The CIA we would have a much more Nazified world which we don't, we have what Anatoliy Golitsyn said in his book would happen which was a planned collapse of the USSR, then a planned collapse of the West in conjunction with the rise of China. 



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On 7/20/2023 at 6:48 PM, Matthew Koch said:

I'm glad to see that someone else has noticed the German connection to the assassination. But we have totally different opinions of what that connection means, I going to warn you that we are going to butt heads but hopefully we can keep it civil, since I am only interested in finding the truth to what happened. There are alot more connections like LBJ working with Van Braun at NASA and the Guys who made the Kennedy add in the admit that they are German and were ordered to infiltrate organizations and take over the leadership of them. 

Permindex does not always mean Nazi connection Luis Bloomfield was Jewish and other people in the group are which is why Michael Collins Piper and @W. Niederhut's favorite author Laurent Guyénot have used to say the Israel killed JFK because of Dimona. (something I do not believe) 

I am of the opinion that the German Connection is due to Gehlen and CIA basically taking over it's intelligence contacts that were in the USSR and Western Intelligence. (Like a back door) this network which is fascist in nature is what many people called the; "New World Order". IMO it worked like a back door into Western Intelligence and the Soviets. JFK got in the way of this networks destruction of the USSR and their New World Order and he was made an example of in a symbolic assassination. This network set up part of the plot that was supposed to trigger a Franz Fertanand like event that would create a pretext for a Cuban Invasion which would cause the Soviets to attempt to take Berlin which then would either lead to Nuking Moscow or an Operation Unthinkable type invasion of The USSR. 

I think it's pretty obvious that if the Nazis were running The CIA we would have a much more Nazified world which we don't, we have what Anatoliy Golitsyn said in his book would happen which was a planned collapse of the USSR, then a planned collapse of the West in conjunction with the rise of China. 




Terms like "New World Order" are white-supremacist dog-whistles—I do not use that term to describe anything other than a new odor from a fresh turd in the toilet.


Unfortunately, I have also read all of the works of Michael Collins Piper & Laurent Guyénot, and I can tell you, I wouldn't use the pages of those books to wipe a cow-pie off my shoes.


As far as Office of Strategic Services COL. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield's religion is concerned, I could care less.


Have you seen me once talk about the private religious beliefs of any of the fascist pukes I mention in my threads?


No, because it is immaterial.


As far as the Mossad goes, yes, the did not want President Kennedy removed, the Gehlen Organization wanted JFK dead, and one of their motivations was the Diamora Reactor.


The State of Israel was being used as a pawn to counter President Kennedy's non-proliferation policies concerning the total disarmament of nuclear weapons with the USSR!


It must be understood that the comptroller who loaned the Israeli military intelligence the covert funds to build the reactor, was a Nazi war criminal, a commander of the German-branch of Operation GLADIO, and the man who organized the Nazi Party's first legal actions against the Jewish population of Nazi Germany:


Hans Josef Maria Globke


Hans Josef Maria Globke, was a senior Ministerialdirigent in the Nazi Party's Office for Jewish Affairs in the Ministry of the Interior, an author of deadly "Namensänderungsverordnung" decree that forced all Jews living in Nazi-occupied Germany to change their first names—German Jewish men had to change their first name to "Israel," while German Jewish women had to change their first name to "Sara." 


The name change decree made it easier for the Nazi's to process persons practicing the Jewish faith into the concentration camp system.


Hans Josef Maria Globke had the blood of at least six-and-a-half-million practitioners of the Jewish faith on his hands and was arguably the most wanted war criminal of the post World War two era.


So, it is disturbing that Hans Globke was commander of the German-branch of Operation GLADIO and also the Central Intelligence Agency's top asset in the administration of Chancellor Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer's Federal Republic of Germany.


The reason why Hans Globke secured a secret $5.5 billion dollar loan to Israeli military intelligence to develop the Diamora Reactor, is because Globke and his Gehlen Organization, cohorts were afraid that after the trial of SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Adolf Eichmann, as top-functionary of the Holocaust, that they would be next.


In overly simplistic terms, Hans Globke was protecting Nazi war criminals in the Western intelligence services from the Mossad, and used the multi-billion dollar loan for the Diamora Reactor as a covert bribe!


Allen Welsh Dulles was Hans Globke's silent partner in arranging the bribe, to the effect of fighting President Kennedy's nonproliferation policies with the Soviet Union.


Don't believe this narrative, then read the following academic articles on the subject






As far as us living in a Nazified world, I don't know what planet you live on, but there are currently more right-wing dictatorships and far-right governments in the world than their are social-democratic ones.


I suggest you read the book by fascist revolutionary Oswald Spengler, titled "Preußentum und Sozialismus" when he demonstrates that Fascism is the logical end of Corporatism.


End of discussionI do not wish to engage in monkey-shines about "New World Order" or "Zionist Occupation Government" malarkey.


I stick to documented facts, and the facts surrounding the development of the Diamora Reactor indicate fascists were behind it...



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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Robert - could you fill in any detail on Droller in Taiwan? 


Unfortunately no, not at this time.


The only record that we have about "Jerry" Droller's time in Taiwan comes from a reference to his service record in the CIA's Inspector General report that was submitted to then US Attorney General Robert Francis Kennedy, concerning the failure at the Bay of Pigs:



Once again, until we have all of the unredacted documents from CIA, this is the best I can do...



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13 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:

Terms like "New World Order" are white-supremacist dog-whistles—I do not use that term to describe anything other than a new odor from a fresh turd in the toilet.

Well I'm using it in relation to how Free Masons use it and alot of these people in the case are High Level Freemasons and belong to Secret Societies and Orders. These are the groups that Fletcher Prouty is referring to when he talks about a cabal. Which by your juvenile response show that you haven't figured this part of the Assassination and the Big Picture of things like how Permindex connects to the World Trade Towers and 911.

As far as Office of Strategic Services COL. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield's religion is concerned, I could care less. I'm sorry your projection and reading comprehension skills prevent you from comprehending that I said I don't subscribe to the Israel did it theory.. But there is enough evidence there that people are able to base theories off of it hence why I mentioned the books.. 

Louis Bloomfield fought in Israel and is Israeli Mossad which goes against your "theory" so it's discounted by you lols. Unlike like the USS Liberty Robert I'm going to sink your battleship by the end of this. So why are Holocaust Nazi's working with a Mossad Agent and Visa Versa if it's a Nazi (HuWyte Supremest) Organization Robert? 


Maybe you should read the Transfer Agreement and Rheinhart Gehlan's Autobiograpy because West German Intelligence helped set up the Mossad there is a German Connection there that isn't Nazi. 

I don't care to make you believe in the Occult and Secret Society Connections and symbolism but those supersede trivial thing such as the Nazi Party and the people in these groups ran The Pentagon/White House/CIA/Warren Commission. Alot of these people you call Nazis are just people connected to fascists because the Nazi Party had actual membership and was a dictatorship something you seem to not take into account.  


As far as us living in a Nazified world, I don't know what planet you live on, but there are currently more right-wing dictatorships and far-right governments in the world than their are social-democratic ones. 

Uh.. this kind of hyperbole makes you less credible it's kinda like your six degrees of Kevin Bacon connections that the "NAZIS" secretly killed JFK and run the world. Robert do they run it from a base on the moon or from Antartica? Theres a German Connection to 911 but there's also an Israeli. Which work with people like the Bush's who also connects to funding of Hitler. SO if it' s not Zionism keeping these two groups together what is it? 


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11 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Well I'm using it in relation to how Free Masons use it and alot of these people in the case are High Level Freemasons and belong to Secret Societies and Orders. These are the groups that Fletcher Prouty is referring to when he talks about a cabal. Which by your juvenile response show that you haven't figured this part of the Assassination and the Big Picture of things like how Permindex connects to the World Trade Towers and 911.

As far as Office of Strategic Services COL. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield's religion is concerned, I could care less. I'm sorry your projection and reading comprehension skills prevent you from comprehending that I said I don't subscribe to the Israel did it theory.. But there is enough evidence there that people are able to base theories off of it hence why I mentioned the books.. 

Louis Bloomfield fought in Israel and is Israeli Mossad which goes against your "theory" so it's discounted by you lols. Unlike like the USS Liberty Robert I'm going to sink your battleship by the end of this. So why are Holocaust Nazi's working with a Mossad Agent and Visa Versa if it's a Nazi (HuWyte Supremest) Organization Robert? 



Maybe you should read the Transfer Agreement and Rheinhart Gehlan's Autobiograpy because West German Intelligence helped set up the Mossad there is a German Connection there that isn't Nazi. 

I don't care to make you believe in the Occult and Secret Society Connections and symbolism but those supersede trivial thing such as the Nazi Party and the people in these groups ran The Pentagon/White House/CIA/Warren Commission. Alot of these people you call Nazis are just people connected to fascists because the Nazi Party had actual membership and was a dictatorship something you seem to not take into account.  


As far as us living in a Nazified world, I don't know what planet you live on, but there are currently more right-wing dictatorships and far-right governments in the world than their are social-democratic ones. 

Uh.. this kind of hyperbole makes you less credible it's kinda like your six degrees of Kevin Bacon connections that the "NAZIS" secretly killed JFK and run the world. Robert do they run it from a base on the moon or from Antartica? Theres a German Connection to 911 but there's also an Israeli. Which work with people like the Bush's who also connects to funding of Hitler. SO if it' s not Zionism keeping these two groups together what is it? 




If you are so damned convinced then, why do you want to bother posting on my threads?


Like, you know, go away.


I do not wish to engage in monkey-shines about "New World Order" or "Zionist Occupation Government" malarkey.


I stick to documents, end of story.


FYI, I have read "The Transfer Agreement" by Edwin Black and "The Service: the Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen" by Generalleutnant Reinhard Gehlen, what is your point, sonny?


Go ahead, jog-on, then!


Oh, and as far a Kevin Bacon is concerned, I met him at Fort Campbell, KY, when I was stationed there—he was there as a morale booster ceremony with the "Lt. Dan Band," so I guess I'm only one point of separation on that.


But, please, piss-off...



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11 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:

I do not wish to engage in monkey-shines about "New World Order" ...malarkey.

Why would Connie Chung report on Dick Cheney's Draft of "The New World Order" and Why did HW Bush mention it in his 1992 speech if it's made up malarky? https://rumble.com/v2ivhq6-dick-cheney-approves-a-draft-of-policy-document-on-the-new-world-order.html




You can't take criticism Robert which to me is a sign that your theory doesn't hold water which is why I'm commenting especially since you decided to be so quick with the insults and projection. You accused Fletcher Prouty of being a limited hang out because of the flamboyant way you make connections and throw accusations around.

SO, I'm asking you to explain basic historical facts about relationships if the people who were connected to Nazi Germany really are secret Nazis why are there these Mossad Connections to groups like Permindex if that is a Nazi organization? That's why I mentioned the Transfer agreement these connections that are German don't always mean Fascist/Nazi. 

The Permindex connection shows up in 911 with the land which was negotiated by Louis Bloomfield and David Rockefellar with the Port Authority during the time of the Kennedy plot. CMC is the World Trade Organization and the Trade Marts that Clay Shaw is associated with and Kennedy was on his way to speak at in Dallas later become the same organization is attacked on 911 and also connects to P2 Lodge in Italy. The occupants of the building were mostly intelligence connected businesses. 



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16 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

You can't take criticism Robert which to me is a sign


Here is a sign for you, bub:


Reversed Victory Hand on LG G5


Now, piss-off.


FYI: The point of this thread, that I started, is to talk about Dr. Ernst Imfeld, and his documented Nazi intelligence connections, not engage in some nonsense about Jews and 9/11.


For the third time, I refuse to engage in white-supremacist dog-whistling about "New World Order" or "Zionist Occupation Government" or any other hate-filled bull-crap.


I stick to documented evidence, not an interview with Connie Chung.


So please, go start your own thread, and quit hijacking mine!


I'm not your daddy, so don't seek validation from me.


And I ain't got no candy, so get off my jock!


I'm here to present evidence, not support your ideological slant about "...the Jews..." or "...the Masons..."


Two social-religious groups that my enemies, the Nazis, placed in slave-labor camps and mass-extermination facilities...



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18 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:


Here is a sign for you, bub:


Reversed Victory Hand on LG G5


Now, piss-off.


FYI: The point of this thread, that I started, is to talk about Dr. Ernst Imfeld, and his documented Nazi intelligence connections, not engage in some nonsense about Jews and 9/11.


For the third time, I refuse to engage in white-supremacist dog-whistling about "New World Order" or "Zionist Occupation Government" or any other hate-filled bull-crap.


I stick to documented evidence, not an interview with Connie Chung.


So please, go start your own thread, and quit hijacking mine!


I'm not your daddy, so don't seek validation from me.


And I ain't got no candy, so get off my jock!


I'm here to present evidence, not support your ideological slant about "...the Jews..." or "...the Masons..."


Two social-religious groups that my enemies, the Nazis, placed in slave-labor camps and mass-extermination facilities...



Connie Chung literally references a document in the clip LOL, this is why I don't take you or your flamboyantly wacky Nazi Date Book theories seriously it doesn't stand up to criticism. I never used the word "Jews" you did.. because you have to project because your theory flails once the slightness amount of criticism happens.. Pathetic IMHO. I see now why you have never published. Kennedy is killed in a Freemason outdoor lodge apparently that's not the only thing hidden in plain sight from you. It's fine Robert your Six Nazis of Kevin Bacon  theory can't stand stand up to scrutiny.. I get it😉



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13 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

I get it😉


Well, good, I'm glad you "...got it..."


I got it too, from a stripper named Sandy, but a Navy Corpsmen took care of it for me, now it's not blocked up anymore.


Once again, friend-o, if you are convinced of a particular echo-chamber about Freemasons, go start your own thread.


In the words of the late, great, Joseph Nye Welch, have you no sense of decency?





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18 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Robert - that is really tremendous research, pulling all this together and bringing in the rather mysterious Permindex. No wonder the goons stopped Garrison. Funny - last night I was thinking about Permindex - yet again, as this comes up often in my forever seeking brain. It was Jim D that first opened that door for me too, and we have had numerous exchanges on the forum, most recently with the Italian researcher Metta. This all becomes important because of Clay Shaw. Btw didn’t Pierre Lafitte later work for Shaw as a chef? During which time he helped raid Garrison’s files? I can only imagine WHICH files they searched for and removed. Seems obvious now that it wasn’t random. 

@Paul Brancato @Robert Montenegro Albarelli notes only briefly that he had been informed Pierre Lafitte knew Clay Shaw earlier than 1967 when Lafitte, using the alias Jean Martin, returned to New Orleans to assume the role of lead chef at the soon to be opened Plimsoll Club located in the new building that would house Shaw's International Trade Mart. Hank could never nail down precisely how Shaw and Lafitte might have been (at best) acquainted in the early 1960s, but Reily Coffee provides a clue as does Lafitte's job as sous-chef somewhere in the Crescent City. Whether they had met in person, we know from the 1963 datebook that Lafitte was at minimum familiar with Shaw to the extent he associated him with OAS Capt. Jean Rene Souetre as well as Gen. Edwin Walker.

We've narrowed down the possibilities of where Lafitte, as Jean Martin, was employed as a sous-chef; the proprietor of the French Quarter restaurant was Nick Popich, but the owner was of course, Carlos Marcello. Popich's bouncer at the restaurant was a young Moo Moo Sciambria who would join Jim Garrison's team during the Shaw investigation. Nick Popich had been pursuing permission to drill off the coast of Ethiopia spearheaded by none other than William "Bill" Dalzell for years.  Dalzell is named in Lafitte's datebook. In May of 1963, Nick Popich had played host to Bobby Baker, Carole Tyler, and Ellen Rometsch along with Puerto Rican developer Paul Aguirre; as all are aware, Baker was involved with FL. Sen. George Smathers and Grant Stockdale (Kennedy's ambassador to Ireland before he was forced to recall his good friend) in Serv-U Corporation. Smathers arranged for Judyth Vary Baker to move to New Orleans, arriving within two/three weeks of the Baker/Tyler/Rometsch visit. Grant Stockdale appears in Lafitte's records in an entry along with Otto Skorzeny who Amb. and Mrs. Stockdale had wined and dined at the American residence in Phoenix Park and for some unknown reason, the ambassador had permitted both Otto and Ilse, known Nazis who had finally secured permanent Irish visas, direct access to the American Embassy in Dublin. (I lived a short distance from that embassy in 1993-94 and walked past it dozens of times. Little did I know.)

Returning to Lafitte in New Orleans, we have records to indicate that he gave a New Orleans address in the early 1950s when he testified during a Chicago mob trial which at the time was the largest criminal indictment of its kind in the city to date. I tracked the NOLA address and today it is a dead end at an underpass. Guy Banister was the Chicago Bureau SA when the mob trial began; then Banister moves to New Orleans. Pierre and Rene eventually lease a modest home in the Tarreytown neighborhood of Gretna. There is some discrepancy in the timeline of their moving into the home so it is uncertain if the Lancelot Project was advanced from Gretna, or elsewhere in New Orleans.

Jean Martin / Pierre Lafitte was picked up in New Orleans by the Feds in December 1969 to be returned to Boston to face charges that had been filed years earlier. The case which involved diamonds and exotic flowers dissolved when it was discovered that a plaintiff, Ralph Loomis, had since died. A woman familiar with that case because her own father had been a victim of Lafitte's fraud, contacted Hank and subsequently talked with me to confirm elements of the story.

Lafitte virtually fades into oblivion from there, although we have identified a record that he and Rene returned briefly to a small Kentucky town not far from where a major art theft involving Pierre had occurred years earlier, before settling permanently in New Hampshire.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Paul Brancato @Robert Montenegro Albarelli notes only briefly that he had been informed Pierre Lafitte knew Clay Shaw earlier than 1967 when Lafitte, using the alias Jean Martin, returned to New Orleans to assume the role of lead chef at the soon to be opened Plimsoll Club located in the new building that would house Shaw's International Trade Mart. Hank could never nail down precisely how Shaw and Lafitte might have been (at best) acquainted in the early 1960s, but Reily Coffee provides a clue as does Lafitte's job as sous-chef somewhere in the Crescent City. Whether they had met in person, we know from the 1963 datebook that Lafitte was at minimum familiar with Shaw to the extent he associated him with OAS Capt. Jean Rene Souetre as well as Gen. Edwin Walker.


I appreciate the heads-up about the datebook, but this thread is about Dr. Ernst Imfeld, and his documented Nazi intelligence connections.


I've examined the datebook to it's logical end, but unfortunately, there are too many hidden variables in it—in the sense that the bulk of the entries are open to multiple, sometimes conflicting, interpretations.


As a documents hound, I can only extrapolate based off of known variables.


That being said, the datebook itself is a very useful tool, but only if you know the entire saga of the individual persons mentioned in it—and we know so little about people like, Dalzell, Wilson-Hudson, & Lafitte.


Lafitte truly was a spook's spook, and even in death, what little that is known about him, I am terrified to speak about him so lightly.


If Jean-Pierre Lafitte was not the devil, he was a very good substitute...



Edited by Robert Montenegro
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