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Bill Weaver's revelations about the JFK murder and Gordon McLendon and pals

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In June 2008 a book called 'Triple Double Cross: The Story Behind The Conspiracy To Murder John F. Kennedy; A Tale Of Chaos, Corruption And Cover Up' was published with the author's name listed as Charles W. Weaver.

If you reference it on the Internet it will be identified as a novel, but I have a decoded list of the names in the book and they are all identified as real people.

There is no doubt that Bill Weaver set out to write and publish an expose of the JFK murder, and there is no doubt that Gordon McLendon is identified as being at the heart of the assassination plot involving Lee Harvey Oswald. But this is no novel and the published version of Bill Weaver's manuscript does not reflect what Bill Weaver wrote.

I personally met Bill Weaver who died of an illness before the book was published. It was completed by a ghost writer who made-up a storyline that is absolutely absurd. But years later his widow and daughter sent me copies of Weaver's own manuscripts that varied as he was writing and rewriting them, but they did not match the published book contents.

Weaver worked for McLendon as his National Sales Manager (for all the McLendon stations), while managing KILT, the McLendon station in Houston.

Weaver was sent to Sweden to close down 'Radio Nord' in the Baltic, a pop station on board a ship that McLendon's father told Weaver was a cover for a CIA listening post.

McLendon also had interests in Ireland and tried to get the Irish Republic to give him a licence for a super-power radio station.

This all happened prior to November 22, 1963.

McLendon had created 'Radio Nord' with Clint Murchison and Robert Thompson and they managed the purchase of radio equipment through a firm in New York, and financing via an company in Liechtenstein who handled all banking in Switzerland.

McLendon was known for fantasy recreations of sports programming - before he borrowed the top 40 format for KLIF in Oak Cliff, Dallas.

McLendon's pal from nearby Fort Worth was David Atlee Phillips who used McLendon's style of pseudo 'pirate' radio to overthrow a government in South America on behalf of the CIA, and their knowledge of that kind of fake political broadcasts originated with Sefton Delmer on behalf of Winston Churchill during WWII - before the OSS emerged from the SOE and therefore long before the creation of CIA.

There is an entanglement with 'pirate' radio broadcasting ships in Sweden, Denmark and England that goes back to McLendon.

Who sabotaged Weaver's book I don't know, but it was sabotaged, although there is no doubt that Weaver pointed his finger at McLendon when it came to Oswald and Ruby.

If the murder of JFK came out of the Mafia in New Orleans, then McLendon and Murchison were certainly part of the misdirect towards Oswald.

Inference appears in the notes of Bobby Kennedy's Special Group (Augmented) to Robert Thompson who was part of the McLendon-Murchison trilogy, because the SGA wanted a radio ship. In the end they got the Olga Patricia instead, because it was a larger vessel and it was used for launching high altitude balloons over Cuba, using Galveston as its base. This ship was obtained by the CIA from a USAF pen at Miami and it was assigned to Dr Manuel Artime Buesa's company called 'BAM'.

I have possession of the Olga Patricia's ship's papers that show that a ship's mortgage was held by a bank in Miami where Artime did business.

There is no doubt that the end days of Jack Ruby who did relate to the Mafia, were entwined around activities centering upon McLendon's KLIF in Dallas.

Yet, with all of this information not one word of it has been focused upon by people revisiting the murder of JFK.

However, it was Larry Hancock in 'Secret Warrior' who first published details about BAM and the Olga Patricia, although when he published that book he was unaware of Bill Weaver and his storehouse of knowledge about Gordon McLendon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last I checked, the McLendon file was still not released under the JFK Records Act. 

I doubt the Dictator-Puppet in Chief would release the McLendon file now. 

Larry Hancock (I hope I am not misquoting him) said he thinks there is a relatively benign reason for the non-release of the McLendon file. 

But who knows? 

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Last I checked, the McLendon file was still not released under the JFK Records Act. 

I doubt the Dictator-Puppet in Chief would release the McLendon file now. 

Larry Hancock (I hope I am not misquoting him) said he thinks there is a relatively benign reason for the non-release of the McLendon file. 

But who knows? 

We knew nothing about the relationship between the activities of Don Pierson of Eastland, Texas and the murder of JFK, even though we worked with Don Pierson and he gave us his financial and legal files relating to his own activities between 1964 and 1968 relating to his dealings with McLendon and ship broadcasting. Then Gary Murr drew our attention to one connection via Mary Ferrell documents, and then Larry Hancock expanded upon it in his book. We began to yawn and then take a look. This was very late in the day after others had written thousands of pages about the events of November 22, and November 23, 1963.

We followed the hints provided by Murr and Hancock and gradually a huge library of information began to emerge after Bill Weaver's widow and daughter sent us his unpublished manuscripts. Bill Weaver was Gordon McLendon's National Sales Manager; Manager of McLendon's KILT in Houston, Texas and the person assigned by Gordon McLendon's father to go to Sweden and shut down a CIA operation in the Baltic Sea called 'Radio Nord'.

Those clues opened a wealth of information from other sources not in the clutches of the US Government and its agencies.

That is how our own interests began to refocus on the murder of JFK.

I have personally driven over that "X" spot many times. I broadcast over the Dallas Times Herald radio stations (plural), and visited "that" museum. I had no idea then of what I would later come to learn and how a totally different kind of investigation ignored by everyone else, has led me here, to this forum. When I first began posting here I did not know what I now know and a lot of information I had seemed to make no sense and others were not interested in because the connections were not apparent.

Now, even the day I was sitting in my office working on a new project that was chaired by Don Pierson has suddenly regained my attention. That was the day in the 1980s when a stranger walked through the office front door. He was introduced to me. The name of this stranger is Bill Colby, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and he was in our office at Don Pierson's request to discuss Don Pierson's involvement in Haiti.

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13 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

We knew nothing about the relationship between the activities of Don Pierson of Eastland, Texas and the murder of JFK, even though we worked with Don Pierson and he gave us his financial and legal files relating to his own activities between 1964 and 1968 relating to his dealings with McLendon and ship broadcasting. Then Gary Murr drew our attention to one connection via Mary Ferrell documents, and then Larry Hancock expanded upon it in his book. We began to yawn and then take a look. This was very late in the day after others had written thousands of pages about the events of November 22, and November 23, 1963.

We followed the hints provided by Murr and Hancock and gradually a huge library of information began to emerge after Bill Weaver's widow and daughter sent us his unpublished manuscripts. Bill Weaver was Gordon McLendon's National Sales Manager; Manager of McLendon's KILT in Houston, Texas and the person assigned by Gordon McLendon's father to go to Sweden and shut down a CIA operation in the Baltic Sea called 'Radio Nord'.

Those clues opened a wealth of information from other sources not in the clutches of the US Government and its agencies.

That is how our own interests began to refocus on the murder of JFK.

I have personally driven over that "X" spot many times. I broadcast over the Dallas Times Herald radio stations (plural), and visited "that" museum. I had no idea then of what I would later come to learn and how a totally different kind of investigation ignored by everyone else, has led me here, to this forum. When I first began posting here I did not know what I now know and a lot of information I had seemed to make no sense and others were not interested in because the connections were not apparent.

Now, even the day I was sitting in my office working on a new project that was chaired by Don Pierson has suddenly regained my attention. That was the day in the 1980s when a stranger walked through the office front door. He was introduced to me. The name of this stranger is Bill Colby, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and he was in our office at Don Pierson's request to discuss Don Pierson's involvement in Haiti.

Well, OK, but are the McLendon files public record yet? 

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15 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Well, OK, but are the McLendon files public record yet? 

Some files about Gordon McLendon have been available for quite awhile. Which files are you referring to?

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1 hour ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

Some files about Gordon McLendon have been available for quite awhile. Which files are you referring to?

I am not sure. I guess the question is, are there files that pertain to McLendon that are still dark? Or do we know? 

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2 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I am not sure. I guess the question is, are there files that pertain to McLendon that are still dark? Or do we know? 

 I agree that there are probably more files and I also agree that we do not know what we do not know.

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you have mentioned Weaver’s book before and left a review of it on Amazon in 2017. I tried to find a copy but as you noted it was very expensive if available at all. You didn’t mention your copy of his notes in the review, and I’ll presume you got them later. It would be nice if you made them available to researchers. 

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32 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

you have mentioned Weaver’s book before and left a review of it on Amazon in 2017. I tried to find a copy but as you noted it was very expensive if available at all. You didn’t mention your copy of his notes in the review, and I’ll presume you got them later. It would be nice if you made them available to researchers. 

I paid a lot of money for it and then someone else got a copy of it off ebay for next to nothing!

I loaned my copy for review and the person who bought a copy also reviewed it. It appears to be a book with partially real names and partially fake with a discernable timeline in the first half and a totally rubbish second half.

Then I got in touch with his widow and his daughter responded as well.

They responded by telling me that Bill began the book before becoming terminally ill and a ghost writer completed it. A limited number of books were printed and delivered to their Houston home which partially flooded in one of those sudden and torrential floods that strike Houston, and a lot of books were written off as useless.

They sent me a translation list of the fake names to show who they really represented. Some I could fathom. Some events in the first half I could track.

Jones Harris then added his two-cents worth about the Chinese. I tracked him down to his apartment in New York and afterwards dismissed what he had to say. He was listened to because he was one of the first to challenge the official version of the JFK murder.

But it was the first half of the book which ties McLendon's father to the CIA and 'Radio Nord' which is of interest. According to Weaver's own pre-publication manuscripts ("notes"), Radio Nord in the Baltic was a listening station. It appears that this meant a sonar listening station for USSR nuclear submarine movements. The station appeared when Oswald appeared in Helsinki - just above the Baltic, and was there when Oswald found his way to Minsk. He got there from New Orleans to France to England and then by some mysterious route to Helsinki. This was the day after the British General Election and London hotels were already swamped.

Without knowing what McLendon, Murchison and Thompson were involved with - which included the CIA 'Radio Free Europe' which was tied to the Houston Post and the Hobby family, none of Weaver's stuff makes sense. It has to be factored in with Pierson's two-ship stations and a lot of other material which the JFK enthusiasts are mostly unaware of. Gary Murr was the first to stumble across some of it which he shared with Larry Hancock, and then Gary notified a friend of mine to look in this direction.

I am putting our own findings into book form.


Edited by Mervyn Hagger
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2 hours ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

I paid a lot of money for it and then someone else got a copy of it off ebay for next to nothing!

I loaned my copy for review and the person who bought a copy also reviewed it. It appears to be a book with partially real names and partially fake with a discernable timeline in the first half and a totally rubbish second half.

Then I got in touch with his widow and his daughter responded as well.

They responded by telling me that Bill began the book before becoming terminally ill and a ghost writer completed it. A limited number of books were printed and delivered to their Houston home which partially flooded in one of those sudden and torrential floods that strike Houston, and a lot of books were written off as useless.

They sent me a translation list of the fake names to show who they really represented. Some I could fathom. Some events in the first half I could track.

Jones Harris then added his two-cents worth about the Chinese. I tracked him down to his apartment in New York and afterwards dismissed what he had to say. He was listened to because he was one of the first to challenge the official version of the JFK murder.

But it was the first half of the book which ties McLendon's father to the CIA and 'Radio Nord' which is of interest. According to Weaver's own pre-publication manuscripts ("notes"), Radio Nord in the Baltic was a listening station. It appears that this meant a sonar listening station for USSR nuclear submarine movements. The station appeared when Oswald appeared in Helsinki - just above the Baltic, and was there when Oswald found his way to Minsk. He got there from New Orleans to France to England and then by some mysterious route to Helsinki. This was the day after the British General Election and London hotels were already swamped.

Without knowing what McLendon, Murchison and Thompson were involved with - which included the CIA 'Radio Free Europe' which was tied to the Houston Post and the Hobby family, none of Weaver's stuff makes sense. It has to be factored in with Pierson's two-ship stations and a lot of other material which the JFK enthusiasts are mostly unaware of. Gary Murr was the first to stumble across some of it which he shared with Larry Hancock, and then Gary notified a friend of mine to look in this direction.

I am putting our own findings into book form.


 Radio Nord in the Baltic was a listening station.

Can you explain to the lay person whether Kagnew Station, later known as Stonehouse, factors into your scenario?

Have you come across Francis Raven of the NSA? 


Can you describe the interior of the Murchison home on Preston Road? 🙂 

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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10 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

 Radio Nord in the Baltic was a listening station.

Can you explain to the lay person whether Kagnew Station, later known as Stonehouse, factors into your scenario?

Have you come across Francis Raven of the NSA? 


Can you describe the interior of the Murchison home on Preston Road? 🙂 

No, and no.

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