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Why the SGA timetable holds the key to solving the murder mystery

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There are some facts in play which are facts because they are verifiable.

1. The Cuban invasion plan was created by Richard Nixon and tinkered with by JFK. It ended in disaster. That is verifiable.

2. JFK then created the CIA- SGA and put his brother in charge. Everything went according to the new JFK-RFK plan using expat Cubans, until JFK's murder.

3. CIA engaged with Mafia to assassinate Fidel Castro. That sequence is documented.

3. RFK's past vendetta against the Mafia and one man in particular, came back to bite him. That sequence of events is documented.

4. When JFK was murdered the SGA crumbled and soon RFK was out of a job under the Presidency of LBJ. The Cuban expats never recovered.

5. The entire Florida-based CIA operation vanished.

6. Recent revelations hint that not all of the tactical nukes were removed from Cuba and so no one dare start another invasion plan.

7. Who gained? Not the Cuban expats. The answer is the Mafia boss in New Orleans.

That is the clear-cut sequencing of actual and known, and documented events. All the rest is hearsay gossip over a garden fence.

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21 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

You are incorrect on a few points there.   For example, the Cuban/CIA operation did not “vanish”.

Cory, That is not what I wrote: I wrote "The entire Florida-based CIA operation vanished." It was part of my synopsis. I suggest you read the long version and of course, quote me correctly. I know exactly what happened in Florida, and what happened to the Cubans. This is something that I am following via the mv Olga Patricia. Unfortunately you do not appear know what I know, and what Larry Hancock and others know. But you could know if you will read some of my more lengthy explanations on the Board.

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40 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

Cory, That is not what I wrote: I wrote "The entire Florida-based CIA operation vanished." It was part of my synopsis. I suggest you read the long version and of course, quote me correctly. I know exactly what happened in Florida, and what happened to the Cubans. This is something that I am following via the mv Olga Patricia. Unfortunately you do not appear know what I know, and what Larry Hancock and others know. But you could know if you will read some of my more lengthy explanations on the Board.

Well when you personally know and interview many individuals who were at the BOP and later involved in Florida then you can correct me lol.  Your statement clearly indicates the Florida operation stopped.   It did not.   That was my point.  It is regrettable if you meant something else but you were not eloquent enough to prevent multiple interpretations of your statement.   

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41 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

Well when you personally know and interview many individuals who were at the BOP and later involved in Florida then you can correct me lol.  Your statement clearly indicates the Florida operation stopped.   It did not.   That was my point.  It is regrettable if you meant something else but you were not eloquent enough to prevent multiple interpretations of your statement.   

Goodbye Cory, obviously your idea of a discussion is to misquote me and then use a straw man approach to push your own ideological agenda which is far from being a civil or mature approach.

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32 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Paul Helliwell stopped dealing dope?

Since when?

Cliff, your comment requires further explanation by you since I have not even mentioned the name Paul Helliwell.

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1 hour ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

Cliff, your comment requires further explanation by you since I have not even mentioned the name Paul Helliwell.

Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t Paul Helliwell the money man for JMWAVE?

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From Spartacus:


<quote on>

In 1960 Paul Helliwell was transferred to provide business cover for the CIA’s Cuban operations. According to Peter Dale Scott (The Iran Contra Connection) Helliwell worked with E. Howard Hunt, Mitch WerBell and Lucien Conein on developing relationships with drug-dealing Cuban veterans of the Bay of Pigs invasion. It was during this period that Helliwell met Ted Shackley and Thomas Clines. Helliwell later became CIA paymaster for JM/WAVE. In this way, Shackley was able to finance unofficial CIA operations against Cuba. </q>

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2 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

From Spartacus:


<quote on>

In 1960 Paul Helliwell was transferred to provide business cover for the CIA’s Cuban operations. According to Peter Dale Scott (The Iran Contra Connection) Helliwell worked with E. Howard Hunt, Mitch WerBell and Lucien Conein on developing relationships with drug-dealing Cuban veterans of the Bay of Pigs invasion. It was during this period that Helliwell met Ted Shackley and Thomas Clines. Helliwell later became CIA paymaster for JM/WAVE. In this way, Shackley was able to finance unofficial CIA operations against Cuba. </q>

Where was Helliwell getting the money to finance unofficial operations for Shackley? From drug money? CIA operations tended to have their finances well documented, so not sure how Helliwell could have financed unofficial operations to any great degree.

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1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

Where was Helliwell getting the money to finance unofficial operations for Shackley? From drug money? CIA operations tended to have their finances well documented, so not sure how Helliwell could have financed unofficial operations to any great degree.

Drug operations generally are not well documented.

After the JFKA there was more dope than ever to distribute.  I strongly suspect Castro  got aid from Red China in the form of white powder.  I equally suspect, post-JFKA, Castro-Helliwell put anti-Castro Cubans to work moving Castro’s dope — and they stopped trying to whack him.

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Clearly this topic, which is focused upon the SGA, has struck a raw nerve in some who worship the memory of the Kennedys as if they were 'gods'. In the previous post the words "I suspect ...." are used. My intention is to post only that which is known and can be both documented and proven, or to raise questions about information whether it can be proven. But some seem to be rather fanatical in their fury and hence their comments descend to the level of mere belief in a cause of their own making. I am avoiding any further response to such comments, but I will expand upon what is known and provable about the life and death of the SGA with regards to the Kennedys, because I would like to read what others have to say with regards to known and proven documentation about this topic. Post abuse and it will be ignored.

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2 hours ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

Clearly this topic, which is focused upon the SGA, has struck a raw nerve in some who worship the memory of the Kennedys as if they were 'gods'. In the previous post the words "I suspect ...." are used. My intention is to post only that which is known and can be both documented and proven, or to raise questions about information whether it can be proven.

Your statement regarding CIA/Cuban activity in Florida post-JFKA is demonstrably false.

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