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Jacob Hornberger on Napolitano

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Thanks judge.



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Just now, Roger Odisio said:


Thanks for this, Jim.  Hornberger's explanation of what happened to the Zapruder film after Zapruder sold it to Life Magazine is as clear and concise as I've seen.  The original film was diverted Saturday to a CIA facility in DC where Dino Brugioni created briefing boards from some of the frames. But then it was sent the CiA's Hawkeye Works facility where the alterations of the film took place.  Then a new crew was brought in on Sunday to create a separate set of briefing boards from the altered film.

I've seen Doug Horne's interview with Dino Brugioni, but Brugioni only knew his part of the story. As I recall he didn't even know a second set of briefing boards had been created the next day using the altered film. A key was when Brugioni was shown the head shot in the altered film.  He said that was nothing like what he saw in the original film on Saturday. There was an explosion of tissue and blood shooting straight up in the air and it lasted for several frames, not just the brief, one frame depiction in the altered film. 

Also welcome was Hornberger's discussion of LBJ's role, not discussed enough I think. 

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But was LIFE the shady magazine we are led to believe? Apparently LIFE was open to spreading conspiracy theories on the assassination. Recently @Larry Hancock stated on the "Lancaster and 8th" thread the following:

Its interesting that very early on LIFE magazine put in a map which explored the question of whether Oswald might actually have been on the way to Ruby's apartment before being diverted...other than that many people may not realize the proximity of all this in Oak Cliff.

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Maybe the best part of the interview was toward the end when Napolitano trots out that old canard:  Will we ever know what happened to JFK?   Hornberger responds in his best Vince Salandria voice (with some exasperation):  we already *know* what happened.   There was a fraudulent film, altered by the CIA and a fraudulent autopsy run by the military, which necessarily equates to criminal culpability by both of them. 

Napolitano is an interesting figure.  A Libertarian, an originalist judge who regularly appeared on Fox and has the ear of Donald Trump,  he has Ray McGovern, a Lefty expert on the CIA (worked there as an analyst for 27 years) and Russia, among other things, as a weekly guest on his podcast.  It illustrates how the old left-right dichotomy is no longer a trusty guide on issues.  You have to listen to disparate voices and decide the truth for yourself. 

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Thanks for that Roger. 

I agree Napolitano is a special case.

First he has Ray M, on then the Colonel and Scott Ritter, and now Jacob H.

Two of four staunch skeptics of the WR.

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