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Douglas Caddys 1975 dinner with E. Howard Hunt

Gerry Down

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22 hours ago, Gerry Down said:

Douglas Caddy, lawyer for E. Howard Hunt, met with Hunt just before Hunt was to go to prison for his part in the Watergate break-in. During this dinner Caddy pressed Hunt on the reason for the Watergate break-in.

After some initial reluctance, Hunt stated “We were after a cuban government intelligence report because the cuban government intelligence report we believed had information about how John Kennedy had been killed. The details of the assassination.”  Caddy pressed for more information but Hunt would not tell anymore and just put his hands up and said “That is it”.

As they left the restaurant, Caddy decided to press one more time on Watergates connection to the Kennedy assassination. Caddy asked “Why was Kennedy assassinated? Why was this information so important?” Hunt replied: “Kennedy was to give our most vital secret to the soviets.” Hunt explained that this secret was “the alien presence”. And with that Hunt shaked Caddys hand and walked away.

Caddy talks about this in the below video (19 to 25 minutes):

Ray Hill, Doug Caddy - Why President Kennedy was Killed Part 2 -6/11/15
LINK: https://youtu.be/AUZuj59rpC8?si=5RhXSxvj80ZlBise

Caddy discusses the cuban government intelligence report some more in the below video (33 to 38 minutes):

Public Affairs Public Access, Ray Hill and Douglas Caddy on the hidden state.
LINK: https://youtu.be/bfiSCk4LH0k?si=ufzK0Jxdh8x7GMNZ

The thought occurred to me that Hunt might have felt he revealed too much information to Caddy at the dinner and may have tried to negate this as they left the restaurant by talking about “the alien presence”. In order words, having revealed too much information Hunt decided to poison the admission he had made to Caddy by adding in erroneous info about aliens etc.

Two things are not clear though:

  1. How would the cuban government know what happened in the JFK assassination in order to write such an intelligence report?
  2. And if the cuban government did write such an intelligence report on the JFK assassination, how did that report end up in the Watergate building?

As I recall, the burglars were told a tall tale about what they were looking for. Nixon was afraid O'Brien had proof of his connections to Howard Hughes, and wanted to know what he had, but they knew that wouldn't inspire these men to risk their careers. So they were told to look for evidence damaging to the Dems--something tying McGovern to Castro, etc. It had to have something to do with Castro. So maybe they were told O'Brien--one of JFK's closest allies--had some dirt proving it was Castro. I would suspect, otherwise, however. If anything, they were told O'Brien had been in communication with Castro, and that Castro had shared with him evidence of anti-Castro involvement. 


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9 hours ago, David Andrews said:

I suspect that Hunt deadpanning "The alien presence" meant, at best, "I can't tell you."  At worst, it meant...something that may be used as a barometer for the temper of his deathbed confession.  Both messages are for an audience larger than the recipients.

OK, so is everybody on this forum in agreement that it is completely absurd to believe the assassination was predicated on President Kennedy getting ready to tell the world that aliens were real?

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15 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Escalante published a book which made strong case for all sorts of nefarious CIA and US activities against Cuba (a mild case compared to what we know now) and in doing so he connected the CIA to JFK's assassination.  Given the book theme it was totally consistent to link the CIA to JFK's murder as well and he did so, as far as I could tell with a lot of material and speculation already found in previously published JFK assassination books.  He also attended a conference with a number of JFK researchers and that helped promote the book as well as Cuba's case against the US.

The book also contained claims that captured Cuban exiles had talked about their knowledge of a conspiracy involving the CIA as well....that has shown  up in several places over the  years as well - totally undocumented and not used as Cuban propaganda at the time, but held privately - to wait for books apparently. 

I went though the Escalante book repeatedly looking for anything unique or anything he could document from actual files or corroborate independently - things that had not been in newspapers and books prior to his own book's publication. I could not find anything significant but if anyone else has I'd like to see it.  


For Fabian.


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On 10/14/2023 at 7:34 PM, Joe Bauer said:

I guess Prouty didn't care that EIR was started and produced by anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying extremist Lyndon LaRouche.

Nah, this was par for the course for Prouty. He also spoke at a Holocaust-denial conference sponsored by the IHR, praised the IHR's Holocaust-denying journal, spoke at a Liberty Lobby convention, appeared on Liberty Lobby's radio show 10 times in four years, recommended that people read the anti-Semitic rag The Spotlight, and praised Carto and Marcellus, etc.

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