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Not Sure How To Begin But Thinking Of Starting A New Evidence Research Project.

Joe Bauer

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For decades many people in the JFKA research community have off-and-on discussed and debated an aspect to the case that in my opinion has been inadequately examined as well as downplayed and even ignored.

And that is the possible presence of high-level covert operatives being present in Dealey Plaza during the shooting of JFK.

Whenever this subject is brought up, it has almost always been dismissed with the proposition that every photo in question has been "proven" to not be the nefarious characters some state they may be. Or, "not proven" to be such.

Yet, I can hardly recall who the skeptics used as their primary source of identification analysis.  Some government agency? The FBI?

Were these specific photos truly analyzed using the most advanced methods?

If just "one" of the most well known and debated photos turns out to be one of these covert characters, it could be one of the most compelling bomb shell pieces of evidence to seriously challenge or even change the entire narrative regards the Oswald / Lone Gunman finding of the Warren Commission.

I have stated for years that a new study of the photos by a reputable Facial Recognition technology company ( or several ) would finally put this aspect of the investigation in it's proper place of importance.

Yet, the dynamic of funding is always the subject killer.

How frustrating. 

Off and on for years I have looked and looked at the most well known Dealey Plaza nefarious character photos.

There are 3 or 4 that look to me to be so closely resembling of these characters I believe that they are them.

I just had a thought today that I've never contributed anything important to the JFKA truth mission that made a difference in the realm of moving the truth story any farther than when I first started posting here and elsewhere years ago.

I seriously believe that a new round of facial recognition analysis studies of perhaps 8 photos of suspicious characters is a worthy endeavor in that regards.

And if the final consensus of such studies conclude with a 99.97 accuracy determination either way, well, at least we JFKA truth seekers can feel we did our committed best adequately looking into this particular aspect of the case.

Let us imagine if any of the Facial Recognition Tech companies find even just "one" of the characters a match?

Rip Robertson, William Shelley with Oswald in New Orleans in August of 1963, Joseph Milteer, Gerry Patrick Hemming, maybe even David Morales and E. Howard Hunt?

Could there also be a highest tech study of the three tramp's suited man who many believe may have been General Ed Lansdale?

My two strongest suspicion pics are Rip Robertson and William Shelley in New Orleans.

I am contemplating posting in other venues asking if any outside persons who have always felt a concerned interest in the JFKA truth mission, may be willing to commit the funds it would take to give a definitive scientific analysis effort like this a go. 

I'm getting up there in age. 

This project would certainly be my "last hurrah."

Edited by Joe Bauer
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I doubt it’d have much forensic value, but this was the top result on Google for facial recognition software: 


It’s an open source python package - you can install it for free, run a facial comparison on two images in like 5 lines of code, and get back a true or false. 

Couldn’t hurt to try it out. 

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I don't think it's panacea you might think it is Joe.

I was hoping facial recognition would spare me the endless chore of looking up my passwords for what is now 100 sites. But it''s just used as another layer of identification now, and I'm starting to flunk half the time though my appearance hasn't changed!

I've also bought speech  recognition software twice over the years and I've discarded those as well.But maybe it's better now. If anybody using SRS with good results, please recommend.

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If this facial recognition tech isn't that reliable, why then has our own government and many others spent billions subsidizing it's development and actually using it in some of the most sensitive areas of surveillance security?

Because of that kind of huge funding expenditure and utilization effort I assume the process is more reliable than the average person knows.

These companies are contracted to some of our highest security agencies.

99.97% identification reliability is pretty damn impressive. 


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I think the programs we likely don't have access to would be legit. Especially when used to ID national threats or whatever. Anything produced with public use in mind will probably have limitations that the 'secret' stuff won't. A smaller budget for starters. 

Even if it doesn't prove a 100% definitive match between Shelley and the guy in the pic (also Shelly!) it will add another level of authentication to help bolster the case. 

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12 hours ago, Marcus Fuller said:

I think the programs we likely don't have access to would be legit. Especially when used to ID national threats or whatever. Anything produced with public use in mind will probably have limitations that the 'secret' stuff won't. A smaller budget for starters. 

Even if it doesn't prove a 100% definitive match between Shelley and the guy in the pic (also Shelly!) it will add another level of authentication to help bolster the case. 


I would imagine this to be true MF.

What our highest level government agencies have in this technology is probably not available to the general public. Same with police agencies.

There are also human "gait" identification programs that are so advanced now these too are used by many governments in surveillance.image.png.dbe05e052ecbfe96946e79b6d6658688.png

Imagine a satellite 50 miles high in the sky that can optically zoom down to observe one individual person as if they are 5 feet away and observing their gait, accurately identifying them from this?

It is truly a brave new world we live in.

I wonder if our government ( using the most advanced facial recognition technology they have access to ) did a study and actually identified some of the facial photos  in Dealey Plaza as being the nefarious characters mentioned, would they keep those findings secret?



Edited by Joe Bauer
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