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Is Buell Wesley Frazier the Rosetta Stone of the JFK assassination?

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In the ongoing discussion about the JFK assassination, specific known facts about Buell Wesley Frazier have been widely acknowledged:

  1. Frazier moved from Huntsville to Irving, Texas, to live near his sister.
  2. He started working at the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) in September 1963.
  3. Frazier owned a car.
  4. On November 21, 1963, he drove Lee Harvey Oswald to Irving, during which Oswald mentioned needing to pick up curtain rods.
  5. The following day, Frazier drove Oswald to the TSBD and inquired about the contents of a bag Oswald was carrying.
  6. Frazier claims he was in the hallway on the ground floor of the TSBD when JFK was shot.
  7. He asserts that the shots he heard seemed to originate from behind the pergola on the grassy knoll, a detail he noted while in the TSBD hallway.
  8. Frazier allegedly encountered a well-dressed man with a rifle on Elm Street, outside the Depository, shortly after the assassination. This individual is said to have stored the rifle in his car's trunk before leaving the scene.

However, these points, particularly 4 through 8, are based solely on Frazier's account and lack external verification.

Consider the following hypothetical scenarios:

  1. What if Frazier was the one who suggested Oswald visit Irving on November 21, possibly to meet with Marina?  This is done to assure the conspirators that Oswald was at the TSBD on November 22, 1963.
  2. Could it be that Frazier himself brought a bag into the TSBD and not Oswald.  What if Oswald carried his lunch bag inside?
  3. Is it possible that Frazier was the one firing shots from the Depository window?
  4. What if Frazier met a co-conspirator outside the Depository post-assassination, who instructed him to return inside and remain silent?
  5. Since Frazier had a car, he could have been the one visiting the rifle range for shooting practice. Oswald did not own a car, raising questions about how he would have managed such trips.

The relationships and interactions between Frazier, Oswald, Marina Oswald, and Ruth Paine are intricate and often puzzling. Reevaluating Frazier's role could offer new insights into the dynamics of the assassination, suggesting a scenario where he might have been more involved than previously thought.


Edited by Keyvan Shahrdar
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46 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

In the ongoing discussion about the JFK assassination, specific known facts about Buell Wesley Frazier have been widely acknowledged:

  1. Frazier moved from Huntsville to Irving, Texas, to live near his sister.
  2. He started working at the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) in September 1963.
  3. Frazier owned a car.
  4. On November 21, 1963, he drove Lee Harvey Oswald to Irving, during which Oswald mentioned needing to pick up curtain rods.
  5. The following day, Frazier drove Oswald to the TSBD and inquired about the contents of a bag Oswald was carrying.
  6. Frazier claims he was in the hallway on the ground floor of the TSBD when JFK was shot.
  7. He asserts that the shots he heard seemed to originate from behind the pergola on the grassy knoll, a detail he noted while in the TSBD hallway.
  8. Frazier allegedly encountered a well-dressed man with a rifle on Elm Street, outside the Depository, shortly after the assassination. This individual is said to have stored the rifle in his car's trunk before leaving the scene.

However, these points, particularly 4 through 8, are based solely on Frazier's account and lack external verification.

Consider the following hypothetical scenarios:

  1. What if Frazier was the one who suggested Oswald visit Irving on November 21, possibly to meet with Marina?
  2. Could it be that Frazier himself brought a bag into the TSBD and not Oswald.  What if Oswald carried his lunch bag inside?
  3. Is it possible that Frazier was the one firing shots from the Depository window?
  4. What if Frazier met a co-conspirator outside the Depository post-assassination, who instructed him to return inside and remain silent?
  5. Since Frazier had a car, he could have been the one visiting the rifle range for shooting practice. Oswald did not own a car, raising questions about how he would have managed such trips.

The relationships and interactions between Frazier, Oswald, Marina Oswald, and Ruth Paine are intricate and often puzzling. Reevaluating Frazier's role could offer new insights into the dynamics of the assassination, suggesting a scenario where he might have been more involved than previously thought.


"Is it possible that Frazier was the one firing shots from the Depository window?"

Absolutely not.

I would not rule out the possibility that Mr. Frazier gave Mr. Oswald his ride away from Dealey Plaza after the assassination. His story on his post-assassination visit to his stepfather in hospital has been wildly inconsistent.

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Respectfully...I just can't even get close to these speculations about Frazier being more involved than he ever stated.

For so many factual real-life reasons.

Whoever helped Buell Wesley get a car sure picked a doozy.

Junk yard special.

A battery that died so often, Frazier would have to keep his car engine running even after arriving to his destination to prevent coming back to a non-starting car?

I don't know how sputtering, back firing and black smoke exhaust spewing Frazier's rickety old heap truly may have been but this was not the kind of car a seriously involved highest importance plot member would dare to be seen in.

My guess is Oswald himself may have been a little embarrassed waiting for Frazier to get it going or asking for a jump. And then chugging down the highway with finger crossing praying to make it back to Linnie May's place next to Ruth Paine's house.

Frazier's bedding situation was just as poor. Linnie's living room couch. He was one of eight people crammed into her smallish two bedroom one bath home.

Again, even a little plot member cash might have gotten Frazier a sleeping situation better than a total lack of privacy living room couch...no?

Frazier seemed to struggle to just explain himself to the press in a way that didn't sound too unsophisticated.

To me, his lack of sophistication indicated a simple country boy upbringing moral innocence.

Frazier was just too much like this to be a part of such a history changing plot.

I do think Wesley Frazier eventually came to enjoy the publicity surrounding his Lee Harvey Oswald connection. He spoke often to groups and writers and documentarians.

I don't think he made much money doing so, however.  

I kind of wish I could have met and worked with ole Buell at the time Oswald did.

Friendly and thoughtfully respectful as all get out. And generous with what little he had.

Never once asked Lee Oswald for a nickel to help cover his gas costs.

Patiently taught Lee the ropes of book sorting and organizing in their shared duty position at the TXSBD.

Probably the nicest co-worker Lee Oswald ever came across.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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57 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

No, and anyone who believes that has clearly not studied the case.

Don't you find it odd that Frazier took Oswald to Irving on the 21st and brought him back to the TSBD on the 22nd, as if he was tasked to make sure Oswald was at the TSBD?  What if Frazier is lying about Oswald asking him to take him to Irving?  What if Frazier was telling Oswald that he should go to Irving on the 21st?

Since you have studied the case, I assume, what am I missing?

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27 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

Don't you find it odd that Frazier took Oswald to Irving on the 21st and brought him back to the TSBD on the 22nd, as if he was tasked to make sure Oswald was at the TSBD?  What if Frazier is lying about Oswald asking him to take him to Irving?  What if Frazier was telling Oswald that he should go to Irving on the 21st?

Since you have studied the case, I assume, what am I missing?

No, I don't find it odd in the least, particularly because there's no evidence whatsoever that Frazier is lying about the trips on the 21st and 22nd. In what way do you think Frazier would have been furthering the "plot" by "telling Oswald" to go to Irving on the 21st? To somehow Jedi mind-trick him into suddenly deciding to assassinate President Kennedy the next day?

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1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

No, I don't find it odd in the least, particularly because there's no evidence whatsoever that Frazier is lying about the trips on the 21st and 22nd. In what way do you think Frazier would have been furthering the "plot" by "telling Oswald" to go to Irving on the 21st? To somehow Jedi mind-trick him into suddenly deciding to assassinate President Kennedy the next day?

You believe Fraziers, do you believe he saw a gunman putting a rifle in a car and watching the car leave?

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